This page links to all of the games currently being run in S.O.B. or via email.
Policies and Guidelines
The games played by email are intended to move more quickly than the ones I run in the zine. As such, the expectations are that when you are called on for orders, you will provide them as soon as you can. I understand that life comes first, and I don't expect you to drop everything to get the orders in, but courtesy dictates that you do what you can so that you are not holding up your fellow players. In that spirit, I have a couple of requests: If you are going to be unavailable for a time, I would ask that you first let me know of this fact and to indicate when you will return, if you know. Secondly, I would ask that you get up to date on your games before you go if possible. Finally, in order to make sure that a game does not completely grind to a halt, if I have not received communication from a player by two weeks after a call for orders, I will call a standby for that position. Naturally, if I have received communication from a player about a period of unavailability, that period will not be counted against the two weeks.
Games played in the zine will be done in the traditional
manner. If a player fails to provide orders by the deadline, they
will be NMRed and a standby will be called. If they fail to
supply orders twice in a row, the standby will take over the position.
Current Email Games
Mars |
Titan | Age of Renaissance |
Century Spice Road | Dominion | Outpost | Agricola | Lords of Waterdeep |
Mini Bernedoodle |
Pomanauze | Pitsky |
Pomsky | Pomeranian Cockapoo | Polish Lowland Sheepdog | Porkie | Portuguese Sheepdog |
Maremma Sheepdog | |||||||
Current Zine Games
These links will lead to the most recent turn of the
Machiavelli |
Patrijshond |
Game Openings
Games whose name or title are underlined could
possibly be run in the zine. When the game starts, the players
will be given the option of running the game in the zine, on the zine
deadline, or via email.
Kishu Ken. 4000AD: This is a science fiction based expansion game and will be run by Kevin Wilson. Rules can be provided as needed. Have Bill Scharf($), Martin Burgdorf($), will take up to 2 more.
Jackshund: Downfall XIII: This is a Diplomacy variant that takes place in Tolkien's Middle Earth. Have Bill Scharf($), Bob Robles($), Chris Geggus($), Mike Pollard($), Ward Narhi($), Dave Anderson($), will take up to 2 more.
Pomapoo: Puerto Rico: This will include the Buildings expansion. Have Kevin Wilson($), Chris Geggus($), will take up to 2 more.
Puggat: Power Grid: Have 14 different maps, the alternate deck, some promo cards, and the Power Crisis unofficial expansion. Have Kevin Wilson($), Dave Hooton($), Bill Scharf($), will take up to 3 more.
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno: Settlers of Catan: Have the Seafarers and the Knights and Cities expansions. Have Dave Hooton($), Chris Geggus($), Bill Scharf($), Kevin Wilson($), will take up to 2 more.
Portuguese Pointer: Terraforming Mars: Have the Hellas, Elysium, Amazonis Planitia, plus 3 fan-developed maps, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, and Turmoil expansions. Have Chris Geggus($), Kevin Wilson($), Bill Scharf($), Christopher Hunt($), will take up to 1 more.
Puggle: Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition: Have the Discovery and Foundation expansions. Have Kevin Wilson($), Bill Scharf($), Keith Marple($), Christopher Hunt($), will take up to 2 more.
Puginese: Puerto Rico: This is the base game. Have Chris Geggus($), Kevin Wilson($), Chris Hibbert($), will take up to 1 more.
Pyredoodle: Race for the Galaxy: Have The Gathering Storm and Rebel vs. Imperium expansions. Have Kevin Wilson($), Bill Scharf($), Chris Hibbert($), Christopher Hunt($), will take up to 2 more.
Pyrenean Shepherd: Ark Nova: A game about building a zoo. Have Keith Marple($), Chris Geggus, Christopher Hunt($), will take up to 1 more.
Russian Toy: Wingspan: Have the European and Oceana birds expansions. Have Dave Anderson($), Chris Hibbert($), Chris Geggus, Christopher Hunt, will take up to 1 more.
Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog: Citadels: Have the Deluxe version. Have Kevin Wilson($), Chris Geggus, Bill Scharf($), Christopher Hunt, will take up to 5 more.
Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka: History of the World: Have Chris Geggus, Kevin Wilson($), Bill Scharf($), Christopher Hunt, will take up to 3 more.
Rafeiro do Alentejo: Terraforming
Mars: Ares Expedition: This
is the Crisis cooperative
expansion. Have Bill Scharf($), Kevin Wilson($), Christopher Hunt. This game is full.
Rottle: 7 Wonders: Have the Wonder Pack, Leaders, Cities, Babel, and Armada expansions as well as the fan-produced Ruins and Sailors expansions. Have Bill Scharf($), Kevin Wilson($), Chris Geggus, Christopher Hunt, will take up to 4 more.
Players with a ($) after their names have paid for the game.
Wish List
A game of
farming and mining very similar to
Agricola. Have Bill Scharf,
will take up to 6 more.
Merchant of Venus: Have Andy York, Bob Robles, Chris Geggus, will take up to 3 more.
2038: Have Bill Scharf, Dave Hooton, will take up to 4 more.
A Game of Thrones: This is the Second Edition and will be GMed by Kevin Wilson. Have Bill Scharf, will take up to 5 more.
Power Grid Factory Manager: Have Andy York, Chris Geggus, will take up to 3 more.
New World: Have Bob Robles, Andy York, will take up to 4 more.
Liftoff: Have the Mars Landing variant I created as an option. Have Andy York, Bill Scharf, will take up to 2 more.
Dune: Have the Tleilaxu, Ixians, and Lansraad variants available, and can potentially play with the Spice Harvest and Duel expansions if playing by email. Have Kevin Wilson, Bill Scharf, Bob Robles, will take up to 4 more.
Machiavelli: Scenario and optional rules by player vote. Have Kevin Wilson, Bob Robles, Dave Anderson, will take up to 5 more.
Kremlin: Will use the cards from the Revolution expansion and the extra cards originally published in The General. Have Kevin Wilson, Bill Scharf, Bob Robles, will take up to 3 more.
Terraforming Mars: Have the Hellas & Elysium plus 3 fan-developed maps, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, and Turmoil expansions. Have Chris Geggus, Bill Scharf, will take up to 3 more.
Suburbia: Have the Suburbia, Inc., 5 Star expansions, and Nightlife expansions as well as the Cons and Essen Spiel additions. Have Dave Hooton, Bill Scharf, will take up to 3 more.
Concordia: Have the Venus expansion. Have Kevin Wilson, Bill Scharf, will take up to 4 more.
Robo Rally: I have the Avalon Hill version. Have Chris Geggus, Bill Scharf, will take up to 6 more.
Puerto Rico: This will include the Nobles expansion. Have Kevin Wilson, will take up to 3 more.
Terraforming Mars: Have the Hellas, Elysium, Amazonis Planitia, plus 3 fan-developed maps, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, and Turmoil expansions. Have Chris Geggus, Kevin Wilson, will take up to 3 more.
Silverton: Have Bill Scharf, will take up to 4 more.
Terraforming Mars: Have the Hellas, Elysium, Amazonis Planitia, plus 3 fan-developed maps, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, and Turmoil expansions. Have Chris Geggus, will take up to 4 more.
Titan: Have Bill Scharf, will take up to 5 more.
Gaia Project: Have Bill Scharf, Kevin Wilson, will take up to 2 more.*
Age of Renaissance: Have Chris Geggus, will take up to 5 more.
Discworld: Ankh Morpork: Have Kevin Wilson, will take up to 3 more.
Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game: Have Chris Geggus, will take up to 3 more.
Terra Mystica: Have Chris Geggus, Kevin Wilson, will take up to 4 more.*
Smallworld: Have the Be Not Afraid, Grand Dames, and Royal Bonus expansions. Have Christopher Hunt, Kevin Wilson, will take up to 3 more.
Goa: Have Chris Geggus, will take up to 3 more.
Century Spice Road: Will take up to 5.
Dominion: Have most of the expansion sets plus some extras. Have Chris Hibbert, Kevin Wilson, will take up to 4 more.
Outpost: This will use the expert rules, and will use the "Nantwich" rules if I have 4 or fewer players. Will take up to 10.
Agricola: This is the first edition, published by Z-Man Games. Will take up to 5.
Lords of Waterdeep: Have the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Will take up to 6.
Games start out on the wish list and move to the game openings when at least half full.
games have no hidden information, so if the players do not object, the
GM can help fill out the game by becoming a player as well.
Completed Email Games