
Seafarers of Catan

Gamestart to Turn 9

Initial Placement

Brendan places a settlement at C13 with a road from C13 to C12.

Andy places a settlement at C10 with a road from C10 to D10.

Chris places a settlement at F14 with a road from F14 to F15.

Kevin places a settlement at D11 with a road from D11 to E11.

Dave places a settlement at D9 with a ship from D9 to E9.

Dave places a settlement at F12 with a road from F12 to G11.

Kevin places a settlement at G13 with a road from G13 to G14.

Chris places a settlement at C15 with a road from C15 to C14.

Andy places a settlement at D14 with a road from D14 to D15.

Brendan places a settlement at B11 with a road from B11 to B10.

Turn 1

Brendan rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber and Dave receives 1 ore. Brendan passess.

Andy rolls a 5. Brendan, Andy, Chris, and Dave each receive 1 grain and Kevin receives 1 brick. Andy buys a development card. Chris buys a development card. Kevin builds a road from G14 to G15.

Chris rolls a 7. Chris places the Robber in the 6 Hills space at C9 and steals 1 lumber from Andy, then builds a road from F15 to G15. Dave passes.

Kevin rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick and Kevin and Dave each receive 1 wool. Kevin passes.

Dave rolls a 5. Brendan, Andy, Chris, and Dave each receive 1 grain and Kevin receives 1 brick. Dave buys a development card. Brendan builds a road from B11 to C12.

Turn 2

Brendan rolls a 2. Andy and Chris each receive 1 wool. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls an 8. Chris receives 1 grain. Andy plays a Knight and moves the Robber to the 6 Mountains space at B16 and steals a grain from Chris. Passes.

Chris rolls a 6. Brendan receives 2 lumber, Andy and Dave each receive 1 brick. Chris gives a wool and a brick to Brendan in return for 1 lumber, then passes.

Kevin rolls a 7. Kevin moves the Robber to the 8 field space at E15 and steals a grain from Chris, then passes.

Dave rolls a 6. Brendan receives 2 lumber, Andy and Dave receive 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 ore. Dave trades 1 brick to Brendan for 1 lumber, play Monopoly on grain, trades 6 grain for 2 ore at the wild port, then upgrades the settlement at F12 to a city and builds a ship from E9 to E8, discovering ocean. Brendan builds roads from C13 to B13 and B13 to B14, gaining the Longest Road. Dave moves his ship from E9/E8 to D9/D8.

Turn 3

Brendan rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 3. Chris and Kevin each receive 1 grain. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 4. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 wool and Kevin and Dave each receive 1 lumber. Chris builds a settlement (christened “Kevin Town”) at G15. Kevin builds a road from G14 to H14.

Kevin rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 9 Hill space at B14 and steals ore from Chris, then buys a card. Dave passes on the special build turn.

Dave rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 6 Woods space at B12 and steals wool from Brendan, then moves the ship from D8/D9 to E9/E10 and builds a settlement at E10.

Turn 4

Brendan rolls a 3. Chris receives 2 grain and Kevin receives 1 grain. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls an 8. Chris receives 1 grain. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 6. Andy and Dave receive 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 ore. Chris trades 1 grain to Andy for 1 wool and buys a development card.

Kevin rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Kevin passes.

Dave rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber and Dave receives 3 ore. Dave trades 3 wool for 1 lumber at the wild port and builds a ship from D9 to D8. Kevin builds a settlement at H14. Andy builds a road from D15 to E15.

Turn 5

Brendan rolls a 6. Andy and Dave receive 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 ore. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 6. Andy and Dave receive 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 ore. Plays Roadbuilding, placing ships at G15 to G16 (discovers ocean) and G16 to G17 (discovers ocean).

Kevin rolls a 7. Dave discards 3 brick and 1 wool. Kevin moves the Robber to the 4 pasture space at C13 and steals a wool from Brendan, then passes.

Dave rolls a 3. Chris receives 2 grain and Kevin receives 1 grain. Dave passes.

Turn 6

Brendan rolls a 5. Dave receives 2 grain, Brendan, Andy, and Chris each receive 1 grain and Kevin receives 2 brick. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Andy trades 4 brick for 1 lumber, then passes.

Chris rolls a 9. Brendan and Chris each receive 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Chris moves a ship from G16/G17 to G16/H16 and discovers ocean. Chris trades 1 brick to Dave for 1 wool, then trades 2 grain for 1 ore at the grain port and builds a city at F14. Dave builds a city at D9.

Kevin rolls a 4. Dave receives 3 lumber, and Kevin receives 1 lumber. Kevin trades 4 wool for 1 lumber then builds ships from H14 to H15 and H15 to H16. Dave builds ships from D8 to D7 (discovers ocean) and D7 to D6 (discovers a 3 Pasture area, gaining 1 wool).

Dave rolls a 6. Brendan receives 2 lumber, Dave receives 2 brick, Andy receives 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 ore. Dave trades 1 wool to Brendan for 2 brick, then trades 3 brick to the wild port for 1 grain, moves a ship from D6/B7 to D8/C8 and builds a settlement at C8. Andy builds a settlement at E15. Brendan builds a settlement at B14 and a road from B11 to B10.

Turn 7

Brendan rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber and Dave receives 3 ore. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 4. Dave receives 3 lumber, and Kevin receives 1 lumber. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 5. Dave and Chris each receive 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Chris trades a brick to Andy for 1 grain, then trades 2 grain at the grain port for 1 lumber and builds a ship from H16 to H17, discovering a 9 Fields space and gaining 1 grain. Kevin builds a road from G13 to G12. Dave upgrades the settlement at C8 to a city. Andy builds a road from D15 to D16.

Kevin rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 6 Hill space at C9 and steals a brick from Dave. Kevin passes.

Dave rolls a 2. Andy and Chris each receive 1 wool. Builds a ship from E10 to F10 and moves the ship from D7/D8 to F10/F9, discovering a 5 Mountain space and gaining 1 ore. Chris buys a development card.

Turn 8

Brendan rolls a 5. Dave and Chris each receive 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls an 8. Chris receives 2 grain and Andy receives 1 grain. Passes.

Chris rolls an 8. Chris receives 2 grain and Andy receives 1 grain. Plays a Knight and moves the Robber to the 4 forest area at D10, stealing a grain from Dave. Trades 2 grain each for 1 lumber and 2 wool, then builds a ship from H17 to H18 (discovers ocean). Kevin builds a road from G12 to H12.

Kevin rolls a 2. Andy and Chris each receive 1 wool. Kevin trades 4 brick for 1 wool and passes.

Dave rolls a 5. Dave and Chris each receive 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Trades an ore and a lumber to Chris for a wool and a brick then builds a settlement at F9. Chris builds a ship from H18 to H19, gaining the longest trade route.

Turn 9

Brendan rolls an 11. Andy receives 1 ore. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber and Dave receives 3 ore. Trades 3 train for 1 brick at the wild port and builds a settlement at D16. Kevin moves the ship from H15/H16 to H15/I15 then builds a ship from I15 to I16. Dave upgrades the settlement at E10 to a city.

Chris rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber and Dave receives 4 ore. Chris trades 2 grain for 1 wool at the grain port and buys a development card. Andy builds a ship from D16 to D17, discovering ocean.

Kevin rolls a 5. Dave receives 2 grain and 1 ore, Chris receives 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Plays a Knight card and moves the Robber to the 6 hills space at C9, stealing ore from Dave. Trades 4 brick for 1 wool and builds a ship from I16 to I17, gaining the longest trade route.

Dave rolls a 9. Brendan receives 2 brick, Chris receives 1 brick, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Trades 3 ore for 1 wood at the wild port and builds a ship from F9 to G9, discovering ocean, then buys a development card.









Development Cards


Brendan Whyte


Andy York Blue

1 Knight
Chris Geggus Yellow


1 Knight, 2 unplayed
Kevin Wilson

1 Knight
Dave Hooton

1 unplayed
1Longest Trade Route
Mudi Map


S.O.B. 246 Home


Mudi, Issue 247