
Seafarers of Catan

Turn 10 through End of Game Statements

Turn 10

Brendan rolls an 11. Andy receives 1 ore. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls an 8. Chris receives 2 grain and Andy receives 1 grain. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 5. Dave receives 2 grain and 1 ore, Chris receives 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the 10 mountain space at E11, stealing grain from Dave. Chris trades 4 grain for 2 lumber and 2 grain for 1 wool and builds a settlement at H19.

Kevin rolls a 5. Dave receives 2 grain and 1 ore, Chris receives 2 grain, Brendan and Andy each receive 1 grain, and Kevin receives 2 brick. Trades 4 brick for 1 lumber and builds a ship from I17 to I18.

Dave rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber. Dave plays Roadbuilding, building ships from G9 to G8 (discovering ocean) and G8 to H8 (discovering an 8 fields space and gaining a grain). He then moves the ship from G8/H8 to G8/G7, discovering a 9 mountain space and gaining an ore. Trades 3 grain for a wool at the wild port and buys a card. Chris builds a road from F14 to E14.

Turn 11

Brendan rolls a 4. Brendan and Andy each receive 1 wool, Dave receives 4 lumber, Chris receives 1 lumber, and Kevin receives 1 lumber. Brendan trades 2 grain to Kevin for 1 lumber and 1 brick to Dave for 1 lumber, then builds a road from B10 to B9 and a settlement at B9. Andy builds a ship from D17 to D18, discovering ocean. Dave builds a road from C8 to C7, claiming the longest trade route.

Andy rolls a 4. Brendan and Andy each receive 1 wool, Dave receives 4 lumber, Chris receives 1 brick, and Kevin receives 1 lumber. Trades 3 grain for 1 ore and upgrades the settlement at C10 to a city. Chris builds a road from E14 to E13.

Chris rolls a 10. Andy and Kevin each receive 1 lumber. Passes.

Kevin rolls an 8. Chris receives 2 grain and Andy receives 1 grain. Kevin trades 4 grain for 1 lumber, 1 ore to Andy for 1 wool, and 1 lumber to Brendan for 1 wool, then builds ships from I18 to I19 and I19 to I20 and a road from H12 to H13, reclaiming the longest trade route.

Dave rolls a 9. Brendan receives 2 brick, Chris receives 1 brick and 1 grain, Dave receives 2 wool and Kevin receives 1 wool. Dave plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the 10 forest at C11 and steals wool from Kevin, then trades 3 lumber for 1 brick and builds a settlement at G7, a ship from G7 to G6, discovering ocean, then another ship from G6 to H6, discovering an 11 hills space and gaining 1 brick. He then moves the ship from G6/H6 to G6/G5 discovering ocean. Brendan builds a road from B14 to B15.

Turn 12

Brendan rolls an 8. Chris receives 2 grain and Andy receives 1 grain. Brendan passes.

Andy rolls a 3. Chris receives 3 grain, Dave receives 2 wool, Brendan receives 1 wool, and Kevin receives 1 grain. Andy passes.

Chris rolls a 9. Brendan receives 2 brick, Chris receives 1 brick and 1 grain, Dave receives 2 wool and an ore, and Kevin receives 1 wool. Trades 4 grain for 2 wool, 2 grain for 1 lumber, and 2 grain for 1 ore. Builds a settlement at E13, then buys a development card.

Kevin rolls a 4. Brendan and Andy each receive 1 wool, Dave receives 4 lumber, Chris receives 1 lumber, and Kevin receives 1 lumber. Builds a ship from I20 to I21. Dave builds ships from G5 to F5, discovering 10 Pasture and gaining a wool, F5 to F4, gaining Longest Trade Route, F4 to E5, discovering 11 Pasture and gaining 1 wool, and E4 to E3. Andy buys a development card.

With that, Dave has 12VP and thus wins the game. Congratulations!









Development Cards


Brendan Whyte


Andy York Blue


1 Knight, 1 unplayed
Chris Geggus Yellow


2 Knights, 2 unplayed
Kevin Wilson

1 Knight
Dave Hooton


1 Knight
1Longest Trade Route

End of Game Statements

Brendan Whyte: I wasn’t last? Amazing… Well done Dave. Shafting 4 other players so completely is astounding. My excuse is bad dice. 😊

Dave Hooton: Thanks, Brendan, and thanks to Chris for running the game. Building a city at the end of Turn 2 was key to getting ahead and staying ahead. I really didn't need the card I played at the time to be Monopoly - the two free resources card would also have done the job.

Chris Geggus: I feel like I've been steam-rollered. Well played Dave, reckon you probably had it almost from turn 1, as you said. Even more impressive when most of your pop centres were coastal based i.e. only 2 resource sites. Not sure why Kevin sent his ships eastward in competition to me. Surely west before Dave arrived? I can't even complain about the dice which I thought were pretty favourable to me (Dave even more so). Always a good fun game however. Thanks to Chris and to the gang for a most enjoyable game. One observation to make - Monopoly is so much more powerful in a 5 player game, even with the extra build allowance. Very useful indeed so early on.

Kevin Wilson: Going last in the initial set up was tough. All the best spots were taken so I decided to take a risk and look to “monopolize” lumber, taking the spot touching all the forest hexes. I should have gotten a lumber more than 7s (7/36 vs 6/36) but they just didn’t come up. I thought I’d be the go-to guy for roads and ships with lots of wood. Then I topped that off by trying to cut off Chris as local competition. Twice all I needed was one of those lumber to show and I could but both times the rolls went his way. I guess I should have played the one-prospers, all-prosper method instead. Thanks Chris for running the game. Always fun even if things don’t go well. Congrats to Dave on the runaway win. Sorry Chris for targeting you. You were just the closest.

Andy York: Congrats to Dave on a solid win and thanks to Chris for yet another well run game. This one was a bit tough due to the crowded field of players. Dave certainly was able to grab a strong starting position and used it to leap ahead of us and maintained that momentum throughout. Well done!

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