
Turn 12 through End of Game Statements

Turn 12

Governor Dave selects the Trader, gains 2 doubloons, and trades corn for 4 doubloons (0 base, +1 for Trader, +1 for Small Market, +2 for Large Market). No further trading is possible.

Chris selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 coffee on Ship 3 for 3VP. Christopher ships 3 sugar on Ship 1 for 3VP. Kevin ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails). Dave ships 2 corn on Ship 2 for 2VP. Chris ships 1 corn on Ship 2 for 1VP. Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 2 for 1VP, then ships 2 indigo via the Small Wharf for 1VP.

Christopher selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the sugar plantation and Sugar Mill. Dave places a colonist on the tobacco plantation and transfers colonists from both sugar plantations to the Tobacco Storage. Chris places a colonist on the Indigo Plant and moves a colonist from the Fortress to the Indigo Plant. Christopher places a colonist on the coffee plantation. Eight colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Turn 13

Governor Chris selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn, 2 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee. Christopher produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 sugar. Kevin produces 1 indigo, 2 sugar, and 2 tobacco. Dave produces 3 corn and 2 tobacco. Chris produces a bonus coffee.

Christopher selects the Captain and ships 3 sugar on Ship 1 for 5VP. Kevin ships 2 sugar on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails). Dave ships 1 corn on Ship 2 for 1 VP (Ship 2 sails). Chris ships 3 coffee on Ship 3 for 3VP. Christopher ships 2 indigo via the Small Wharf for 1VP. Dave ships 2 corn via the Wharf for 2VP. Dave discards 1 tobacco and Kevin discards 1 indigo.

Kevin selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base, +1 for Trader). Dave uses the Office to trade tobacco for 6 doubloons (3 base, +1 for Small Market, +2 for Large Market). Chris trades sugar for 2 doubloons. Christopher does not trade.

Dave selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and build the City Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 9 doubloons spent). Chris builds a Harbour (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 6 doubloons spent). Christopher passes. Kevin builds a Trading Post (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 3 doubloons spent).

Turn 14

Governor Christopher selects the Settler, gains 2 doubloons, and chooses a Quarry. Kevin chooses the tobacco plantation. Dave chooses a corn plantation. Chris chooses a corn plantation, with a colonist from the Hospice. Christopher chooses a bonus corn. New plantations are: corn, tobacco, tobacco, coffee, coffee. Discarded plantations reshuffled.

Kevin selects the Trader and trades indigo for 2 doubloons (1 base, +1 for Trader). No further trading is possible.

Dave selects the Builder and builds a Church (1 doubloon discount for Trader, 4 doubloons spent). Chris builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount from Quarry, 0 doubloons spent). Christopher passes. Kevin passes.

Chris selects the Captain and ships 2 indigo on Ship 2 for 3VP. Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP. Chris ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP.

Turn 15

Governor Kevin selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base, +1 for Trader). Chris trades sugar for 2 doubloons. No further trading is possible.

Dave selects the Mayor, gains 2 doubloons, and places colonists on the City Hall, indigo plantation, and corn plantation. Chris places colonists on the Harbour and Fortress. Christopher places colonists on the Quarry and a corn plantation. Kevin places colonists on the corn plantation and Guesthouse. Nine colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Chris selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 2 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee. Christopher produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 sugar. Kevin produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, 2 sugar, and 2 tobacco. Dave produces 3 corn and 2 tobacco. Chris produces a bonus coffee.

Christopher selects the Captain and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 4VP. Kevin ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails). Dave ships 3 corn via the Wharf for 3VP. Chris ships 2 indigo on Ship 2 for 3VP. Christopher ships 2 sugar via the Small Wharf for 1VP. Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP. Dave can't ship. Chris ships 2 coffee on Ship 3 for 3VP (Ship 3 sails). Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails). Kevin discards 1 sugar and Dave discards tobacco.

Turn 16

Governor Dave selects the Prospector and gains 4 doubloons.

Chris selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base, +1 for Trader). Christopher can't trade. Kevin moves a colonist from the Guesthouse to the Trading Post and trades tobacco for 3 doubloons. Dave uses the Office to trade tobacco for 6 doubloons (3 base, +1 for Small Market, +2 for Large Market).

Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Customs House (1 doubloon Discount for the Builder, 1 doubloon discount for the Library, 1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 7 doubloons spent). Kevin builds a Factory (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 5 doubloons spent). Dave builds the Residence (10 doubloons spent). Chris builds the Statue (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 8 doubloons spent). Since Chris no longer has empty spaces in his city, this is the last turn.

Kevin selects the Captain and ships 3 tobacco on Ship 3 for 4VP. Chris ships 2 corn on Ship 2 for 3VP. Christopher ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 1VP. Kevin ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 1VP. Chris ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 2VP.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Chris Geggus

Indigo, Coffee, Sugar, Quarry, Coffee, Indigo, Quarry,

Corn, Corn

Hospice, Small Sugar Mill, Coffee Roaster (2), Black Market, Fortress, Large Warehouse, Large Indigo Plant (2), Harbour, Small Indigo Plant, Statue

Christopher Hunt

Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Sugar, Corn, Coffee, Quarry, Corn

Small Indigo Plant, Library, Sugar Mill (3), Small Wharf, Customs House

Kevin Wilson

Corn, Quarry, Indigo, Sugar, Quarry, Tobacco, TobaccoSugar, Tobacco

Small Indigo Plant, Small Warehouse, Small Sugar Mill, Guesthouse, Tobacco Storage (2), Sugar Mill (1), Trading Post, Factory

Dave Hooton

Corn, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Indigo, Corn

Small Market, Large Market, Office, Wharf, Tobacco Storage (2), City Hall, Church, Residence


Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 3 Colonist Ship: 9

Trading House: 

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 5): 3 sugar        Ship 2 (capacity 6): 2 corn         Ship 3 (capacity 7): 3 tobacco

Victory Points: 14


Corn: 8

Indigo: 10

Sugar: 6

Tobacco: 6

Coffee: 9


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Small Indigo Plant (1d, 1vp)

Indigo Plant (x2, 3d, 2vp)

Tobacco Storage (5d, 3vp)

Guild Hall (10d, 4vp)

Small Sugar Mill (x2, 2d, 1vp)

Sugar Mill (4d, 2vp)

Coffee Roaster (x2, 6d, 3vp)

Aqueduct (2d, 1vp)

Lighthouse (7d, 3vp)

Hacienda (2d, 1vp)

University (8d, 3vp)

Forest House (2d, 1vp)

Cloister (10d, 4vp)

Construction Hut (2d, 1vp)

Specialty Factory (8d, 3vp)

Storehouse (3d, 1vp)

Union Hall (9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector, Settler (1d), Trader


Forest (x), Quarry (x3), Corn, Tobacco, Tobacco, Coffee, Coffee

Discard Pile:

Victory Points





VP Chips




















Congratulations to Chris Geggus on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Christopher Hunt: Thanks to Chris H for running the game and to Chris G for winning, Congratulations. I’ve tried number of tomes to get the libraian to work and have yet to succeed, but as apex-librarian I will nor doubt persist.

Dave Hooton: Congratulations to Chris G. (I almost said Greg again) on the win, and thanks to Chris H. for running the game.

After miscounting the number of city spaces left, I took Residence instead of Statue which gave Chris G. 4 points at my expense, but it didn't affect the final positions.

It's tough to do a corn strategy when corn plantations appear only sporadically.

Kevin Wilson: Well, at least you were counting spaces. I was watching the colonist count and not paying that much attention to the city spaces. My error given my limited number of plays. Consider it a lesson learned. But, had I caught it and made a different purchase there at the end likely, as Dave said, it didn’t change the outcome so a lesson learned with no real consequences.

Congrats to Chris G on the win and thank to Chris H for running the game.

Chris Geggus: Yes I was indeed watching the building slots on my island. I was surprised that no-one took the Statue ahead of me as Kevin was certainly not going to play Mayor on his last turn, so the 8 point bonus was a no-brainer. Christopher's early VP lead was not a problem either whilst he had so few buildings on the board. Even a 10 point lead was closed by my buildings. Role selections by everyone seemed to help me in this game. Don't know why, just good fortune.

Thanks to Chris and well played all. Always up for playing this old classic.

Leonberger, Issue 245


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