Rescue Dog

Spring 1460

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Summer 1460 1/2 Tuesday

Naples objects to the presence of Venetian fleets in the western seas while Florence makes a move north. France shifts east and the Pope holds in place.



Florence Maintains all, builds G Florence, A Arezzo 18
France Maintains all, builds G Marseilles 18
Naples Maintains F Gulf of Lions, F Corsica, builds A Naples, F Messina, F Palermo 15
Papacy Maintains all, no new builds 9
Venice Maintains A Milan, A Cremona, A Mantua, F Dalmatia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Central Mediterranean, builds F (Elite Professional) Venice, A Padua 30


Naples pays 23 ducats to the moneylenders and then takes out a loan of 7 ducats for 2 years (11 ducats due Spring 1462).

Outstanding Loans

Summer 1460: 7 ducats due from Naples (7 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1460: 9 ducats due from the Papacy (6 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1462: 11 ducats due from Naples (7 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Lucca supports A Florence to Bologna, A Florence to Bologna, A Sienna holds, A Arezzo holds (u), F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea, G Florence holds (u)
France A Pavia to Milan, A Savoy to Genoa, A Genoa convert to G, F (EM) Marseilles to Provence, G Marseilles convert to F
Naples A Naples holds, F Corsica supports F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Gulf of Lions to Sardinia, F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Messina to Gulf of Naples
Papacy A Modena holds, A Spoleto holds, G Rome holds
Venice A Milan supports A Cremona to Parma (cut), A Cremona to Parma, A Mantua supports A Cremona to Parma, A Padua to Ferrara, F (EP) Venice to Upper Adriatic, F Dalmatia to Lower Adriatic, F Central Mediterranean supports Naples F Gulf of Lions holds (nso), F Tyrrhenian Sea supports Naples F Corsica to Ligurian Sea (nso, Dislodged, retreat Gulf of Lions, Ligurian Sea, Patrimony, Rome, Capua, OTB)


France to Naples: Your F GoL is desperately needed in the South!

France to Venice: You cannot make war against N and Fr at the same time!

Naples to Venice: Most sorry; won’t happen again. All yours now.

Naples to France: I’d call you yellow, but you already are.

Naples to Papacy: Your seem to be suffering geographical schisms. Pull yourself together!

Naples to Florence: With you all the way against France.

Naples to GM: Well cover me in pork-fat and roll me in clover! If this ain’t the dagnabbest game, I’m a flying Dutchman.

Venice to France: You told me in fall 1458 that I could have Milan as Genoa and Montferrat was enough for you. Now you say you want me out of Milan and in a very demanding tone. Not very nice.

Venice to Naples: I understand about your hardship. Let me know how much you need and I will contact the Medici family personally on your behalf with ducats in hand, but do not try my patience. It does have a limit. Our EP is here to return Durazzo to us. Do not resist us.

Venice to Papacy: You had your chance for greatness by taking out Florence but you literally walked away from it and you went to Genoa instead. Please explain that one to me in your private villa that I am building for you in Croatia after Florence and Naples decide who gets what part of you. I have Bologna, Naples has Ancona and maybe Rome itself. Florence gets Perugia maybe?? You made Florence default on his money lenders loan.

Venice to Naples: Hey!! I am not blind, just very myopic.

Summer 1460 Plague

Poor Year – Row Only: Salerno, Verona, Dalmatia, Lucca (Florentine A destroyed), Bologna (Florentine A destroyed), Provence (French F destroyed)

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