Rescue Dog

Summer 1460

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Fall 1460 2/6 Tuesday

Venice retalitates against Naples by launching a major invastion, while still making gains against France. Florence takes a French enclave while the Pope strikes out against both Florence and Naples.

Spring 1460 Retreats

Venice retreats F Tyrrhenian Sea to Central Mediterranean


Naples pays 7 ducats to the moneylenders

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1460: 9 ducats due from the Papacy (6 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1462: 11 ducats due from Naples (7 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Sienna to Patrimony, A Arezzo to Sienna, F Piombino to Pisa, G Florence convert to A
France A Pavia supports A Genoa to Fornova (cut, Dislodged, retreat Como, Turin, Montferrat, garrison, OTB), A Genoa to Fornova, F Marseilles to Gulf of Lions, G Genoa converts to F
Naples A Naples to Capua, F Corsica to Ligurian Sea, F Sardinia to Gulf of Lions, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Rome, F Gulf of Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy A Modena to Lucca, A Spoleto to Ancona, G Rome holds (u)
Venice A Milan supports A Parma to Pavia, A Parma to Pavia, A Mantua holds (u), A Ferrara holds, F Western Mediterranean to Tunis, F Central Mediterranean to Palermo, F Lower Adriatic to Durazzo, F (EP) Upper Adriatic to Lower Adriatic


Florence to All: Ow...

France to Naples: They call me mellow yellow. (Quite rightly)

France to Venice: You can keep your Milan.

Naples to Venice: I’ll be good. See? Nice team work getting you into GoL too. I hope you follow it up with a triumphant landing Anvil/Dragoon style. I’ll look after the south, you deal with the yellow FebRile forces (what did you think Fr stood for?) to the north. Central Med should head to GoL directly too. Then we can work on him with the old one-two.

Naples to Papacy: *3* detached territories now? You’re falling apart my friend. Let me stitch you up…

Naples to Florence: A house upon both your plagues! You didn’t half get socked with the pox. Perugia and all northwards is yours, but Rome and Ancona are mine. I hope you took Patrimony (rather than umbrage)… can’t have the yellowness plaguing our nice hygienic geographical surfaces now, can we?

Venice to Naples: I am hurt. You actually attacked me first. I thought we had a alliance against France. I am going to have to take Tunis, Durazzo,and Bari for that. I am in temporary need of money.

Venice to Florence: A plague upon you.!! Oh wait never mind ...that just happened to you.

Venice to Papacy: I am writing this to you so you do not feel left out.

Venice to France: I do not need to make war against you and Naples. Naples is letting me walk into his centers. After I walk into Bari in the fall, He only has Messina, Palermo and Naples and then he goes Poof. Just like the Papacy has only Perugia and Rome and then he goes Poof. Florence could easily grab these if he wants them. Are you sure you want to fight or do you want to split the spoils of island hopping.?? Your choice.

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