
Summer 1507

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Miller Number 2012Apw25

Deadlines/Fall 1507 1/2 Tuesday

Despite losses, Florence, the Pope, and Venice continue to slow Austria's advance. But will it be enough?

Spring 1507 Retreats

Austria retreats A Tyrolea to Swiss

The Papacy retreats A Montferrat to Genoa

Summer 1507 Plague

Bad Year – Row and Column: Turin, Sienna (Florence A destroyed), Messina, Padua, Austria (Venice A destroyed), Ferrara, Slavonia, Verona (Venice A destroyed), Genoa (Papal A destroyed), Naples (Papal A destroyed), Ancona


Venice gives the Papacy 7 ducats.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1507: 16 ducats due from Papacy (16 borrowed)

Fall 1508: 26 ducats due from Venice (17 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Carniola holds, A Carinthia to Verona, A Swiss to Tyrolea, A (EP) Milan to Pavia, A Cremona to Milan, A Montferrat to Savoy, F Provence supports F Gulf of Lions, F Gulf of Lions supports F Rome to Tyrrhenian Sea (cut), F Corsica supports F Rome to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Sardinia supports F Rome to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Naples (rebellion liberated), F Rome to Tyrrhenian Sea, G Montferrat convert to A
Florence (Robles) A Modena to Parma, F Ligurian Sea supports F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Pisa to Piombino, F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea, G Pisa converts to F
Papacy (Anderson) A Perugia to Rome, F Central Mediterranean to Gulf of Lions, F Palermo supports Florence F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea
Venice (Wilson) A Hungary to Austria, A Tyrolea to Milan, A (EM) Pavia to Montferrat, F Upper Adriatic to Carniola, F Otranto to Gulf of Naples


Papacy to GM: As the head of the coordinating committee it is always hard to guess what the Hapsburg Emperor may do on any new build turn. My initial attempts in coordination was first to deny him his home provinces and then work our way back to France. We had success in the first and then fate came in and said screw you and wiped out our resistance. At least I will not have to worry about much maintained unit cost next year.

Venice to All: Wow, what a brutal plague season. 6 allied units wiped off the board to 0 for the evil empire. Might be hard now to slow him down.

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