Rescue Dog

Spring 1455

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Summer 1455 5/31 Tuesday

Venice continues its war against the Turks while the Turks and Naples stalemate each other. Milan and France consolidate their positions and Florence and the Pope continue on the defensive.


Venice repays 7 ducats to the moneylenders.

Outstanding Loans

Summer 1456: 11 ducats due from Venice (11 ducats borrowed)

Fall 1456: 21 ducats due from the Turks (14 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Sienna supports A Florence, A Piombino besieges, A Florence holds, F Lucca besieges (not a port)
France A Turin supports A Avignon to Provence, A Sardinia holds, A Avignon to Provence, A Swiss supports A Turin, F Corsica holds
Milan A Mantua besieges (autonomous garrison eliminated), A Montferrat besieges (autonomous garrison eliminated), A Cremona supports A Mantua, A Pavia supports A Montferrat
Naples F Western Mediterranean to Tunis, F Palermo supports F Messina to Ionian Sea, F Messina to Ionian Sea
Papacy A Modena to Genoa, A Arezzo supports A Perugia, A Perugia supports A Arezzo, A Bologna supports Milan A Mantua to Ferrara (nso), F Ancona holds (u), G Ancona holds (u)
Turks A Albania holds, F Durazzo to Ionian Sea, F Central Mediterranean supports F Durazzo to Ionian Sea, F Tunis to Western Mediterranean
Venice A Ferrara supports A Padua to Verona, A Padua to Verona, A Carniola to Croatia, F Venice to Upper Adriatic, F Upper Adriatic to Lower Adriatic, F Lower Adriatic to Herzegovina


Pope to Milan: My Milanese friend. It is pleasant in Ferrara at this time of year. I can provide directions.

Venice to Turkey: In response to your question--The Papacy and the Naples player are not interfering with Mare Adriatic. When I control everything from Venice to Durazzo then I will stop attacking you. As you see in my other moves I am just taking over the neutral centers. I take on only power at a time unless provoked or attacked by them. I even repay my debts.

Spring 1455 Famine Losses

Autonomous garrison Ragusa

Summer 1455 Plague

Poor Year – Row Only: Turin (French A eliminated), Sienna (Florence A and autonomous garrison eliminated), Messina (Naples F eliminated), Padua, Ferrara (Venice A eliminated)

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