
Summer 1502

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Miller Number 2012Apw25

Deadline/Fall 1502 5/31 Tuesday

Austria invades Venetian territory while Florence and the Pope stay defensive.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1503: 15 ducats due from Venice (10 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Provence to Savoy, A Montferrat supports A Provence to Savoy, A Carinthia to Carniola, A Slavonia to Croatia, F Palermo supports F Gulf of Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Gulf of Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea to Lower Adriatic
Florence (Robles) A Pisa to Lucca, A Florence supports A Arezzo, A Arezzo supports A Florence, A Sienna holds (u), F Ligurian Sea to Corsica, F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy (Anderson) A Genoa holds, A Naples holds, A Patrimony supports A Perugia, A Perugia supports A Patrimony
Venice (Wilson) A Treviso to Friuli, A Ferrara to Padua, A Bologna to Istria, A Urbino to Ancona, A Ancona to Ragusa, A (EM) Aquila to Bari, F Upper Adriatic transports A Bologna to Istria, F Lower Adriatic transports A Ancona to Ragusa


The concession to Austria fails with 2 votes against and 2 votes for.


The Austrian Emperor to the Pope: There is no Austrian language. There is only a German language. One world one nation

Venice to Austria: Oh, what tangled webs and all that...

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