Rescue Dog

Summer 1455

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Fall 1455 7/12 Tuesday

The Pope goes after an unprepared Florence while Naples and Venice continue to attack the Turks. Milan goes after some neutral territory while France consolidates his position.


Naples borrows 10 ducats for 2 years (15 ducats due Summer 1457) and spends 21 ducats to buy Turkish F Central Mediterranean

The Papacy borrows 8 ducats for 1 year (10 ducats due Summer 1456) and spends 12 ducats to disband autonomous garrison Genoa.

Outstanding Loans

Summer 1456: 11 ducats due from Venice (11 ducats borrowed), 10 ducats due from the Papacy (8 borrowed)

Fall 1456: 21 ducats due from the Turks (14 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1457: 15 ducats due from Naples (10 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Florence holds (Dislodged, retreat Pistoia, Pisa, Urbino, garrison, OTB), A Piombino besieges (autonomous garrison eliminated), F Lucca holds
France A Swiss to Turin, A Provence supports A Swiss to Turin, A Sardinia holds, F Corsica holds
Milan A Montferrat to Savoy, A Pavia to Montferrat, A Cremona to Parma, A Mantua supports A Cremona to Parma
Naples F Central Mediterranean to Ionian Sea, F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Western Mediterranean supports F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea (cut)
Papacy A Genoa holds, A Bologna supports A Arezzo to Florence, A Arezzo to Florence, A Perugia to Sienna, F Ancona to Upper Adriatic, G Ancona holds (u)
Turks A Albania to Herzegovina, F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic, F Tunis to Western Mediterranean, F Central Mediterranean supports F Tunis to Western Mediterranean (nsu)
Venice A Croatia to Ferrara, A Verona supports A Croatia to Ferrara, F Upper Adriatic transports A Croatia to Ferrara, F Herzegovina to Ragusa, F Lower Adriatic to Durazzo


Turks to All: The absence of Austria on the rear does Venice too strong and if we leave him to grow, at the end he becomes unassailable. The Doge has 7 cities and 11 provinces and no-one intend to attack him. My defenses are very few, so when all the Adriatic sea will be in Doge’s hands who will be able to block him????

Venice to Milan and the Pope: I am moving back to Ferrara. Am wanting you to avoid temptation, your Holiness.

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