
The Players







Power: Bowl 1

Power: Bowl II
Power: Bowl III
Martin Burgdorf
Christopher Hunt
Chris Geggus
Kevin Wilson

Faction Selection

Martin selects the Alchemists.

Christopher selects the Auren.

Chris selects the Swarmlings.

Kevin selects the Nomads.

Initial Dwelling Placement

The Alchemists place a dwelling at N7.

The Auren place a dwelling at J3.

The Swarmlings place a dwelling at O5.

The Nomads place dwellings at E4 and H6.

The Swarmlings place a dwelling at F5.

The Auren place a dwelling at I6.

The Alchemists place dwellings at G5.

The Nomads place a dwelling at I2.

Bonus Tile Selection

The Nomads select the “One Shovel/Gain 2 coins” tile.

The Swarmlings select the “4VP per Stronghold or Sactuary/Gain 2 workers” tile.

The Auren select the “Gain 3 power/+1 Shipping” tile.

The Alchemists select the “Gain 1 priest” tile.

Turn 1

Income Phase

The Alchemists gain 3 workers and 1 priest.

The Auren gain 3 workers and 3 power.

The Swarmlings gain 6 workers.

The Nomads gain 4 workers and 2 coins.

Action Phase

The Alchemists spend 3 workers for a shovel to convert H5 to swamp and then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there, gaining 2VP. The Auren and the Nomads each gain 1 power.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in H3, gaining 2VP.

The Swarmlings burn 3 power and spend 3 power to gain a priest.

The Nomads use the shovel from the bonus tile to convert E5 to desert and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there, gaining 2VP. The Swarmlings gain 1 power.

The Alchemists commit their priest to the fire cult, gaining 3 steps and 1 power.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in K7, gaining 2VP.

The Swarmlings commit their priest to the earth cult, gaining 3 steps and 1 power.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at D5 to a trading post. The Swarmlings gain 1 power.

The Alchemists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power and 1 worker as income and gaining 1 coin.

The Auren burn 4 power and spend 4 power to gain 1 shovel, which they use to convert I4 to forest.

The Swarmlings spend 3 workers and 4 coins to upgrade the dwelling in F5 to a trading post. The Alchemists gain 1 power and the Nomads spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in E4 to a trading post. The Swarmlings spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in I5. The Alchemists gain 1 power.

The Swarmlings spend 5 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading post at F5 to a stronghold. The Alchemists gain 1 power and the Nomads spend 3VP to gain 4 power.

The Nomads burn 1 power and spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 6 coins of income and gaining 1 coin.

The Swarmlings use their stronghold action to upgrade the dwelling at O5 to a trading post.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in E4 to a temple, gaining the +1 power/+1 worker boon tile and advancing 2 spaces in the earth cult, gaining 1 power. The Swarmlings spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Swarmlings spend 3 workers to convert N5 into a lake, then spend 2 workers and 3 coins to build a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2VP per dwelling and 2 coins income, and gains 1 coin.

The Swarmlings burn 1 power and spend 3 power to build a bridge from F5 to G7.

The Swarmlings pass, gaining 4VP for the stronghold and taking the bonus tile that provides a 1 shovel action and 2 coins.

Cult Bonuses and Cleanup Phase

The Alchemists gain 4 power.

Turn 2

Income Phase

The Alchemists gain 5 workers and 3 power.

The Auren gain 6 workers and 6 coins.

The Nomads gain 4 workers, 4 coins, 2 power, and 1 priest.

The Swarmlings gain 3 workers, 4 coins, and 6 power.

Action Phase

The Alchemists spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in I5 to a trading post. The Alchemists gain 1 power.

The Nomads commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Swarmlings burn 1 power and spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Alchemists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H5 to a trading post. The Nomads gain 1 power and the Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Auren spend 4 workers and 6 coins to convert the trading post in I5 to a stronghold, gaining the boon tile that allows an action to gain 1 space in any cult and advance 2 spaces in the water cult, gaining 1 power. The Alchemists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Nomads spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading post at E5 to a stronghold. The Swarmlings spend 2VP for 3 power.

The Swarmlings use their bonus action for a shovel to convert M5 to water and then spend 2 workers and 3 coins for a dwelling.

The Alchemists spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in H5 to a temple, collecting the boon that provides 3 coins income and advancing one space in the fire cult, gaining 2 power. The Nomads gain 1 power and the Auren spend 3VP to gain 4 power.

The Auren burn 1 power and spend 4 power for a shovel to convert I4 to forest, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.

The Nomads burn 1 power and spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Swarmlings spend 3 workers and 6 coins to convert the trading post in O5 to a temple, taking the boon that allows a city with 6 points and advancing 2 spaces in the fire cult, gaining 1 power.

The Alchemists spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels to 2 workers, gaining 6VP.

The Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling in I6 to a trading post, founding a town, gaining 14VP and a priest. The Alchemists spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Nomads gain 1 power.

The Nomads use a Sandstorm to convert E6 to desert then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.

The Swarmlings pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4VP per stronghold or sanctuary and 2 workers income, and gaining 1 coin.

The Alchemists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 shovel action and 2 coins income.

The Auren commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 spaces.

The Nomads pass, gaining 3VP for dwellings from their old bonus tile, then select the bonus tile that provides 3 power and +1 shipping, gaining 1 coin.

The Auren use their stronghold action, gaining 2 spaces in the Earth cult and 1 power.

The Auren use their boon action, gaining 1 space in the Earth cult and 2 power.

The Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that gives 1 priest and gaining 1 coin.


BoonsCult Board





S.O.B. 247 Home Pudelpointer

Pointer, Issue 248