
Turns 7 to 14.12

Turn 7

Hooton grows his family and spends 1 wood to build a Rake.

York spends 2 clay to build a Fireplace.

Hunt collects 9 wood from the 3 wood space.

Geggus collects 3 food from the Traveling Players space. Gains 1 vegetable by leaving 1 food behind due to the Storyteller. Hooton gains 1 food due to the Street Musician.

Hooton collects 4 wood from the 2 wood space.

York collects 5 sheep from the sheep space, keeps on 1 his house and cooks the others for 8 food. Hunt receives 1 food via the Slaughterman.

Hunt collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Geggus goes fishing, collecting 4 food.

Geggus becomes first player and spends one stone to build a Hand Mill.

Harvest Phase 2

The Field Phase

Hunt harvests 1 grain.

Feeding the Family

Geggus uses 6 food

Hooton uses 4 food and converts 1 grain into 1 food

York uses 4 food

Hunt uses 4 food


No animal pairs.

Turn 8

Geggus spends 5 wood and 2 reeds to build a room.

Hooton spends 4 clay to build a Cooking Hearth.

York collects 4 clay from the 2 clay space.

Hunt becomes first player and spends 5 wood and 1 reed to play the Wooden Hut Extension, which goes to York.

Geggus pays 1 food to play the Cabinetmaker occupation.

Hooton collects 4 stone from the 1 stone space.

York renovates to a clay hut for 2 clay and 1 reed, and plays the Swan Lake minor improvement.

Hunt grows his family by one and plays the Acreage improvement.

Geggus collects 2 food as a Day Laborer

Hooton collects 2 food from Traveling Players, plus 1 grain due to the Street Musician.

Turn 9

Hunt attempts to grain convert a grain to 3 food using the Corn Profiteer, and Hooton pays him 2 food to buy the grain for himself. Spends 1 food to hire the Market Woman

Geggus spends 3 clay to build a Fireplace

Hooton collects 2 sheep, converting 1 into 2 food via the Cooking Hearth. Hunt gains 1 food from the Slaughterman.

York collects 4 clay from the 1 clay space.

Hunt collects a vegetable, and gains 2 additional grain through the Market Woman.

Geggus collects 6 wood from the 3 wood space.

Hooton spends 5 wood and 2 reeds to add a room.

York uses the Clay Firer to convert 3 clay into 2 stone, then renovates to a stone house using 2 stone and 1 reed and plays the Clay Pit minor improvement.

Hunt remains as first player and plays the Fruit Tree minor improvement.

Geggus collects 1 reed, 1 stone, and 1 food.

Hooton collects 1 boar and cooks the boar and the sheep for 5 food. Hunt receives 1 food via the Slaughterman.

Harvest Phase 3

The Field Phase

Hunt harvests 1 grain.

Feeding the Family

Hunt converts 1 grain to 3 food via the Corn Profiteer and uses 6 food

Geggus cooks 1 vegetable for 2 food, uses the Cabinetmaker to convert 1 wood into 2 food and uses 6 food.

Hooton uses 6 food.

York uses 4 food


No animal pairs.

Turn 10

Hunt remains as first player and spends 1 wood to play the Bookshelf minor improvement.

Geggus spends 1 food to play the Foreman

Hooton grows his family.

York spends 2 food to play the Seasonal Worker occupation.

Hunt collects 6 wood from the 2 wood space.

Geggus upgrades his Fireplace to a Cooking Hearth.

Hooton plows a field, and using the Turnwrest Plow, plows two more fields.

York becomes a Day Laborer, gaining 2 food, and through the Seasonal Worker, a vegetable.

Hunt collects 1 cattle.

Geggus goes to the Traveling Players space and collects 1 food and 1 vegetable (due to the Storyteller). Hooton receives 1 grain due to the Street Musician.

Hooton collects 4 reeds from the reed space.

Turn 11

Hunt plays the Fence Overseer occupation, receiving 3 food due to the Bookshelf and paying 1 food.

Geggus grows his family, taking the food on the space, and builds an Animal Pen, spending 2 wood.

Hooton collects 6 clay from the 2 clay space.

York becomes first player and builds a Clay Path, spending 3 clay.

Hunt spends 8 wood to build 4 stables, then pays the Fence Overseer 4 food to fence them in.

Geggus collects 2 wild boar and cooks one for 3 food. Hunt gains 1 food from the Slaughterman.

Hooton renovates to a clay hut, spending 4 clay and 1 reed, then builds the Stone Oven, spending 3 stone and 1 clay and immediately bakes bread, converting 2 grain into 8 food.

York collects 1 grain, gaining 1 more due to the Corn Scoop and 2 more due to the Grain Cart.

Hunt plows a field.

Geggus goes fishing for 4 food.

Hooton goes to the Traveling Players space, collecting 2 food and 1 grain due to the Conjurer.

Hooton spends 2 food to play the Yeoman Farmer occupation.

Hunt invokes the Corn Profiteer, and Geggus buys the grain for 2 food.

Harvest Phase 4

The Field Phase

Hunt harvests 1 grain.

Feeding the Family

York uses 4 food.

Hunt uses 6 food.

Geggus uses 7 food.

Hooton uses 8 food.


No animal pairs.

Turn 12

York remains as first player and pays 1 wood to play the Spinney minor improvement.

Hunt grows his family without the need for a room.

Geggus collects 2 cattle and cooks them into 8 food with the Cooking Hearth. The Slaughterman earns Hunt 1 food.

Hooton collects 3 sheep and cooks 2 of them into 4 food with the Cooking Hearth. The Slaughterman earns Hunt 1 food.

York pays 1 food to hire the Basin Maker.

Hunt collects 1 wild boar.

Geggus collects 9 wood from the 3 wood space and gives 1 wood to Andy because of the Spinney.

Hooton collects 4 stone from the one stone space.

Hunt plows a field.

Geggus collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Hooton pays 2 food to play the Hide Farmer occupation.

Geggus spends 5 wood and 2 reeds to build a room, and 2 wood to build a stable.

Hooton renovates to a stone house, paying 4 stone and 1 reed, and plays a Quarry.

Turn 13

York remains as starting player and pays 1 wood to build a stable. Stable card is passed to Hooton.

Hunt grows his family without the need of a room.

Geggus collects 8 wood from the 1 wood space.

Hooton goes to the Day Laborer space and collects 2 food and 3 stone due to the Quarry.

York plows a field and sows 1 vegetable and 2 grain.

Hunt plows a field.

Geggus sows 1 vegetable and 1 grain.

Hooton collects 3 stone.

Hunt collects a sheep.

Geggus plays Family Growth.

Hooton spends 5 stone and 2 reeds to build a room.

Hunt collects 1 vegetable and 2 grain due to the Market Woman.

Geggus collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Hooton collects 2 food from the Traveling Players, plus 1 grain due to the Conjurer.

Harvest Phase 5

The Field Phase

York harvests 2 grain and 1 vegetable.

Geggus harvests 1 grain and 1 vegetable.

Feeding the Family

York uses 4 food.

Hunt uses the Corn Profiteer to convert 1 grain into 3 food and uses 9 food.

Geggus uses 9 food.

Hooton cooks 1 sheep for 2 food and uses 8 food. Hunt gains 1 food from the Slaughterman.


No animal pairs.

Turn 14

Using the Foreman, Geggus places 1 food on the Renovation with Fences space.

York collects 2 wild boar, slaughtering one for 2 food. Hunt collects 1 food from the Slaughterman.

Hunt plows a field and sows 2 vegetables and 4 grain (one grain is sown on Acreage)

Geggus collects 6 clay from the 2 clay space.

Hooton collects 2 cattle, cooking 1 for 4 food. Hunt gains 1 food from the Slaughterman.

York grows his family without need of a room.

Hunt plows a field.

Geggus collects 1 sheep.

Hooton bakes bread, baking 2 grain in the stone oven into 8 food and 1 grain in the cooking hearth for 3 food.

Hunt collects 4 reeds.

Geggus renovates to a clay hut, spending 5 clay and 1 reed, collects 1 food, and builds 12 fences.

Hooton spends 2 clay and 2 stone for the Pottery major improvement.

Hunt collects 8 wood from the 2 wood space.




Family Members


Hut Type




Begging Cards

Andy York



2  Stone 3 1 0 0

Christopher Hunt



3  Wood 6 4 4 0

Chris Geggus



5  Clay 2 1 2 0

Dave Hooton



5  Stone 3 0 0 0



Minor Improvements

Major Improvements

Andy York Tutor, Village Elder, Clay Firer, Plowman, Seasonal Worker, Basin Maker, 1 unplayed Grain Cart, Corn Scoop, Swan Lake, Clay Pit, Clay Path, Spinney, 1 unplayed Clay Oven, Fireplace
Christopher Hunt Corn Profiteer, Slaughterman, Market Woman, Fence Overseer, 3 unplayed Ladder, Animal Yard, Carp Pond, Acreage, Fruit Tree, Bookshelf, 1 unplayed
Chris Geggus Constable, Storyteller, Cabinetmaker, Foreman, 3 unplayed Moldboard Plow, Tavern, Hand Mill, Animal Pen, 2 unplayed Cooking Hearth
Dave Hooton Street Musician, Conjurer, Yeoman Farmer, Hide Farmer, 3 unplayed Duck Pond, Turnwrest Plow, Rake, Quarry, 4 unplayed Cooking Hearth, Stone Oven, Pottery













Andy York

2 1 4 (4) 1 (1) 1 1 4

Christopher Hunt

11 1 4 0 (12) 0 (4) 1 1 1 4

Chris Geggus

4 3 1 (2) 1 (1) 1 1 8

Dave Hooton

1 1 1 16

Bergamasco, Issue 221
Airedale S.O.B. 222 Home Boerboel