
Gamestart to Turn 7.6


This game will be played via email, with turns done on an on demand basis. Players will be given their starting occupation and minor improvement cards initially, but will not be automatically provided with them each turn. The cards can be made available on demand. The listing above is the initial player order.

Turn 1

Geggus plays the Constable occupation for free, receiving 4 wood.

Hooton pays one grain to play the Street Musician occupation.

York collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Hunt collects 3 wood from the 3 wood space.

Geggus stays as first player and pays 2 wood for a Moldboard Plow.

Hooton collects 2 clay from the 2 clay space.

York collects 2 wood from the 2 wood space.

Hunt pays 2 wood for a Ladder.

Turn 2

Geggus collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Hooton spends 1 food to play the Conjurer occupation.

York spends 1 food to play the Tutor occupation.

Hunt collects 3 wood from the 3 wood space.

Geggus plows a field, and using the Moldboard Plow, plows a second field.

Hooton becomes first player and plays the Duck Pond minor improvement.

York collects 2 reed from the 1 reed space.

Hunt collects 1 grain.

Turn 3

Hooton goes to the Traveling Players space, collecting 3 food and 1 grain (via the Conjurer).

York pays 1 food to play the Village Elder occupation, gaining 4 wood.

Hunt pays 1 food to play the Corn Profiteer.

Geggus collects 4 wood from the 2 wood space.

Hooton collects 4 clay from the 2 clay space.

York becomes first player, and spends 2 wood to build the Grain Cart

Hunt goes fishing for 3 food.

Geggus collects 1 reed, 1 stone, and 1 food.

Turn 4

York stays as first player and builds the Corn Scoop for 1 wood.

Hunt spends 2 wood to build an Animal Yard.

Geggus spends 1 food to play the Storyteller occupation.

Hooton takes 2 reeds from the reed space.

York takes grain, gaining 4 grain (1 bonus from the Corn Scoop, and 2 bonus from the Grain Cart).

Hunt spends 1 food to play the Slaughterman occupation.

Geggus collects 1 stone, 1 reed, and 1 food.

Hooton collects 6 wood from the 3 wood space.

Harvest Phase 1

The Field Phase

No planted fields.

Feeding the Family

York uses 2 food and converts 2 grain 2 to food

Hunt uses 4 food

Geggus uses 4 food

Hooton uses 4 food


No animal pairs.

Turn 5

York collects 5 clay from the 1 clay space.

Hunt becomes first player and plays the Carp Pond.

Geggus plays a Wood Hut Extension, paying 5 wood and 1 reed and passing the card to Hunt.

Hooton collects 5 wood from the 1 wood space.

York converts 1 grain to 1 food and uses it to pay for the Clay Firer occupation.

Hunt collects 1 grain.

Geggus collects 4 wood from the 2 wood space.

Hooton spends 5 wood and 2 reeds to build a wooden room.

Turn 6

Hunt plows a field.

Geggus grows his family and spends 2 wood and 2 stone to build a Tavern.

Hooton becomes first player and spends 3 wood to build a Turnwrest Plow.

York spends 3 clay and 1 stone for the Clay oven and immediately bakes bread, spending 1 grain and gaining 5 food.

Hunt sows a field with grain.

Geggus collects 6 clay from the 2 clay space.

Hooton collects 2 reeds from the 1 reed space.

York pays 1 food to play the Plowman occupation.

Turn 7

Hooton grows his family and spends 1 wood to build a Rake.

York spends 2 clay to build a Fireplace.

Hunt collects 9 wood from the 3 wood space.

Geggus collects 3 food from the Traveling Players space. Gains 1 vegetable by leaving 1 food behind due to the Storyteller. Hooton gains 1 food due to the Street Musician.

Hooton collects 4 wood from the 2 wood space.

York collects 5 sheep from the sheep space, keeps on 1 his house and cooks the others for 8 food. Hunt receives 1 food via the Slaughterman.




Family Members

Hut Type


Minor Improvements

Major Improvements

Begging Cards

Dave Hooton



 Wood Street Musician, Conjurer, 5 unplayed Duck Pond, Turnwrest Plow, Rake, 4 unplayed 0

Andy York



 Wood Turor, Village Elder, Clay Firer, Plowman, 3 unplayed Grain Cart, Corn Scoop, 5 unplayed Clay Oven, Fireplace 0

Christopher Hunt



 Wood Corn Profiteer, Slaughterman, 5 unplayed Ladder, Animal Yard, Carp Pond, 5 unplayed 0

Chris Geggus



 Wood Constable, Storyteller, 5 unplayed Moldboard Plow, Tavern, 4 unplayed 0













Dave Hooton

6 6 2 1 4

Andy York

3 3 1 12

Christopher Hunt

11 1 (3) 3

Chris Geggus

5 6 3 2 1 3

Airedale S.O.B. 221 Home Addresses
Bergamasco, Issue 222