Hound Dog

Turn 8 Nexus

Turn 8 Nexus to Bidding due 3/31, Tuesday


Atreides Bob Robles Bene Gesserit Doug Kent
Fremen Martin Burgdorf Guild Chris Geggus
Harkonnens Kevin Wilson Ixians Jack McHugh

Turn 8


The Fremen, Harkonnens, and Ixians form an alliance.

Spice Blow

6 spice in OH Gap


CHOAM Charity recipients: Bene Gesserit.

There are five cards up for bid. Eligible bidders are: Atreides (3 cards), Bene Gesserit (3 cards), Fremen (3 cards), Guild (0 cards), Harkonnens (7 cards). Discards are reshuffled after the second card.


Atreides: 4 tokens in the tanks, 5 tokens Arrakeen, 11 tokens off-planet

Bene Gesserit: 1 token False Wall East (8), 1 token Pasty Mesa (8), 1 token Arrakeen, 3 tokens Carthag, 2 tokens Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 2 tokens Tuek's Sietch, 1 token Sietch Tabr, 9 tokens off-planet

Fremen: 3 tokens (1 Fedaykin) The Great Flat, 17 tokens (2 Fedaykin), Stilgar, Chani, Otheym, Shadout Mapes, Jamis in the tanks

Guild: 3 tokens Tuek's Sietch, 17 tokens in the tanks

Harkonnens: 12 tokens, Cpt. Nefud in the tanks, 8 tokens off-planet

Ixians: 1 token Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 1 token Carthag, 12 tokens, Bator, Vizier, Levenbrech in the tanks, 6 tokens off-planet

Hound Dog, Issue 201


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Hound Dog, Issue 203