Hound Dog

Turn 7 Battle through Turn 8 Nexus

Turn 8 Nexus due 2/17, Tuesday


Atreides Bob Robles Bene Gesserit Doug Kent
Fremen Martin Burgdorf Guild Chris Geggus
Harkonnens Kevin Wilson Ixians Jack McHugh

Turn 7


The Harkonnens have played Residual Poison on the Guild, asking for 4 spice per turn. The Guild has refused to pay, and so Staban Tuek was sent to the tanks, and the Harkonnens gain 5 spice.


Habbanya Ridge Sietch



Attack Ellaca Drug Ellaca Drug
Defense Shield Shield
Leader Levenbrech (1) Master Bewt (3)
Dial 4 3
Spice 4 3
Total 4 3

The Ixians win. Master Bewt, Levenbrech, 4 Ixian tokens and 3 Guild tokens go to the Tanks. The Ixians gains 4 spice. The Guild must discard Ellaca Drug and Sheild.

Shield Wall



Attack Slip-tip Maula Pistol
Defense None Snooper
Leader Jamis (2) Esmar Tuek (3)
Dial 2 1
Spice 1 1
Total 2 1

The Fremen win. All tokens and leaders go to the tanks, the Fremen gain 5 spice, and the Guild must discard the Maula Pistol and Snooper.

Spice Collection

Atriedes collect 5 spice (2 Arrakeen, 3 Wind Pass North)

Fremen collect 6 spice (The Great Flat)

Ixians collect 12 spice (2 Carthag, 10 technology sales)

Turn 8

Storm Movement

The storm moves 4 sectors to Sector 8. 1 Guild token in Red Chasm goes to the tanks.

Spice Blow

6 spice in OH Gap

Worm in Wind Pass North. 3 Atreides tokens go to the tanks and a Nexus occurs.


Atreides: 4 tokens in the tanks, 5 tokens Arrakeen, 11 tokens off-planet

Bene Gesserit: 1 token False Wall East (8), 1 token Pasty Mesa (8), 1 token Arrakeen, 3 tokens Carthag, 2 tokens Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 2 tokens Tuek's Sietch, 1 token Sietch Tabr, 9 tokens off-planet

Fremen: 3 tokens (1 Fedaykin) The Great Flat, 17 tokens (2 Fedaykin), Stilgar, Chani, Otheym, Shadout Mapes, Jamis in the tanks

Guild: 3 tokens Tuek's Sietch, 17 tokens in the tanks

Harkonnens: 12 tokens, Cpt. Nefud in the tanks, 8 tokens off-planet

Ixians: 1 token Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 1 token Carthag, 12 tokens, Bator, Vizier, Levenbrech in the tanks, 6 tokens off-planet

Hound Dog, Issue 200


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