Christopher Hunt
Celestial Joint Viral Holdings
(CH) |
Dave Hooton
Mars Initiative Colonial Culinary
Independence - Directed Epicruean Experiances (MICCI-DEEs) |
Tharsis Republic
Chris Geggus |
Gloop Enhances Global Stability
(GEGS) |
Kevin Wilson
Prime Integral Kinetic Energy
Systems (PIKE)
Andy York |
The EXtraterrestrial Alteration
Syndicate (TEXAS) |
Mining Guild
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing
will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Prodcution |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Christopher Hunt
0 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
Dave Hooton
11 |
Chris Geggus
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Kevin Wilson
1 |
1 |
Andy York
7 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
0 |
spends 5 steel and 3M€ to play Medical Lab, gaining 4M€
adds a tarigrade.
spends 8M€ to claim the Mayor milestone.
spends 10M€ for an Urbanized Area at C4, losing 1 energy
production, but gaining 3M€ production, 1 plant, and 2M€. MICCI-DEEs
gains 1M€ production. CH gains a pet.
spends 1 steel and 6M€ for Rover Construction, then spends 11M€
for a Corporate Stronghold at I5, losing 1 energy production, but
gaining 3M€ production, 7M€ and 2 plants. CH gains a pet, and
MICCI-DEEs and GEGS each gain 1M€ production.
spends 8M€ to claim the Builder milestone.
uses the Virion special ability to add a tardigrade.
spends 23M€ to place a greenery tile at C6, gaining 2 plants and
raising oxygen to 4% and his TR to 25. He then spends 8 plants to
place a greenery tile at C3, increasing oxygen to 5% and his TR to
spends 1 titanium and 8M€ for a Security Fleet, then spends 1
titanium to add a resource to the Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 11M€ to play Cloud Seeding, reducing his M€ production by 1
and MICCI-DEEs heat production by 1, and increasing his plant
production by 2 and gaining 2 plants. He then spends 8 plants to
place a greenery tile at H5, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, increasing oxygen
to 6% and his TR to 22.
TEXAS spends 1 energy production to fire up Equatorial Magnetizers,
increasing his TR to 25.
CH spends 6M€ to play Sulphur Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18, increasing
his TR to 27.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C, increasing his TR
to 23. He then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center,
gaining 1 card.
TEXAS uses Aerial Mappers to add a floater resource to Forced
CH spends 1 titanium and 7M€ for Deuterium Export.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
PIKE adds a floater resource to Local Shading, then adds a resource to
Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 6M€ for Sponsors, increasing his M€ production by 2.
CH adds a floater resource to Deuterium Export.
PIKE passes.
TEXAS passes.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur Eating Bacteria, then spends 7M€ to use
Space Mirrors to increase his energy production by 1.
CH passes.
moves 1 energy to heat and gains 29M€ and 5 steel.
gains 29M€, 1 steel, and 1 energy.
gains 36M€, 2 plants, and 2 heat.
moves 1 energy to heat and gains 29M€ and 1 titanium.
moves 1 energy to heat, gains 25M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 1 energy,
and 3 heat.
World Government raises the temperature of Mars to -14C.
CH keeps 4 cards,
spending 12M€
MICCI-DEEs keeps 1 card,
spending 3M€
GEGS keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€.
PIKE keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€.
TEXAS keeps 3 cards,
spending 9M€.
spends 4M€ for Symbiotic Fungus, then uses Symbiotic Fungus to add
a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
spends 23M€ for a greenery tile at A1, gaining 2 steel and 2M€
and increasing oxygen to 7% and his TR to 28. He then spends 8M€
to claim the Gardener milestone.
GEGS spends 6M€ for Greenhouses, gaining 7 plants. He then spends
8 plants to place a greenery tile at E6, gaining 1 plant, 4M€, and
increasing oxygen to 8%, the temperature to -12C and his TR to 25.
PIKE spends 13M€ Zeppelins, gaining 7M€ production and 7M€. He
then spends 13M€ for Lunar Beam, losing 2M€ production, and gaining 2
energy production, 2 energy, 2 heat production, and 2 heat.
TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to add a floater resource to Forced
Precipitation. He then spends 2 floaters on Forced Precipitation
to raise Venus terraforming to 8% and gaining a card.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria, then uses the Virion
special ability to cash in 3 resources on Sulphur-Eating Bacteria for
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS spends 13M€ for Extreme Cold Fungus.
PIKE spends 1 floater from Local Shading to increase his M€ production
by 1 and gain 1M€. He then spends 1 energy to gain a card from
Development Center.
TEXAS spends 17M€ on Kelp Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 3 plant
production, and 2 plants.
CH spends 12M€ on a Mining Expedition, removing 2 plants from
MICCI-DEEs, gaining 2 steel, increasing oxygen to 9% and his TR to
27. He then adds a Tardigrade.
GEGS spends 12M€ on an Ecological Zone in D6, gaining 2 resources on
the card, 1 plant, and 2M€. He then spends 1 titanium to add a
resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 1 steel and 2M€ for Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy
production and 2 energy, and reducing MICCI-DEEs plant production by
1. He then spends 3 resources from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria to
increase his TR to 24.
TEXAS passes.
CH spends 2 steel and 2M€ for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production,
then spends a resource from Deuterium Export to gain another energy
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.
PIKE passes.
CH spends 4M€ for Power Infrastructure, then uses Power Infrastructure
to convert 1 energy to 1M€.
GEGS passes.
gains 30M€, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.
gains 37M€, 1 plant, and 2 heat.
gains 31M€ and 1 titanium.
moves 4 energy to heat, and gains 32M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 5
energy, and 5 heat.
gains 32M€, 5 steel, and 3 plants.
The World Government
increases Venus
terraforming to 10%.
keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€
GEGS keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€.
PIKE keeps 1 cards,
spending 3M€.
TEXAS keeps 3 cards,
spending 9M€.
CH keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€
MICCI-DEEs spends 2 steel and 16M€ to play Mohole Area at E1, gaining 4
heat production and 4M€.
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain 1 plant, then spends 8 plants to
place a greenery tile at F4, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and increasing the
oxygen to 10% and his TR to 26.
PIKE spends 8M€ to fund the Termalist award, then spends 1 energy to
use the Development Center to gain a card.
TEXAS spends 10M€ for Atalanta Planitia Lab, gaining 2 cards.
CH places a tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs spends 9M€ for Robotic Workforce, duplicating the Mohole
Area benefit to gain 4 heat production.
GEGS spends 10M€ for Noctis Farming, gaining 1M€ production, 2 plants,
and a resource on the Ecological Zone from the plant tag.
PIKE adds resources to Local Shading and Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 13M€ for a Quantum Extractor, gaining 4 energy production,
then spends 1 energy production to increase his TR to 27 with the
Equatorial Magnetizers.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs spends 7M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production, 6
heat, and 3M€, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -10C and
his TR to 29.
GEGS spends 7M€ on a Bribed Committee, increasing his TR to 28.
PIKE spends 10M€ on a Nuclear Zone in G4, gaining 1 plant and 2M€ and
raising the temperature to -6C and his TR to 26. He then spends 8
plants to place a greenery tile at G2, gaining 1 steel and 4M€ and
increasing the oxygen level to 11% and his TR to 27.
TEXAS discards 3 cards for 3M€, then spends 10 steel and 5M€ to play
Strip Mine, reducing his energy production by 2, increasing his steel
production by 2 and his titanium production by 1 and raising the oxygen
level to 13% and his TR to 29.
CH adds a floater resource to Deuterium Export.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 14M€ for Release of Inert Gases, increasing his TR to 29.
TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to add a floater to Forced Precipitation, then
spends 2M€ to add another floater to Forced Precipitation.
CH uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
GEGS spends 1M€ for CEO's Favorite Project, adding a resource to
Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4 and his TR to 30.
TEXAS passes.
CH uses Power Infrastructure to convert 3 energy to 3M€.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 2 steel and 3M€ for a Titanium Mine, gaining 1 titanium
production and 1 titanium.
CH spends 10M€ for Birds, reducing TEXAS' plant production by 2.
He then spends 2 titanium and 17M€ for Imported Nitrogen, increasing
his TR to 28, and gaining 4 plants, 3 microbe resource on
Sulphur-Eating Bacteria, and 2 animal resources on Birds.
PIKE passes.
CH uses his special ability to convert the 5 resources on
Sulphur-Eating Bacteria to 15M€, then spends 6M€ on Small Animals,
reducing MICCI-DEEs plant production by 1.
CH adds a resource to Birds, then spends 8M€ for a Rad-Chem Factory,
reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his TR to 30.
CH adds a resource to Small Animals.
CH passes.
MICCI-DEEs gains 38M€ and 11 heat.
GEGS gains 35M€ and 1 titanium.
PIKE moves 4 energy to heat, and gains
38M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 5 heat.
TEXAS gains
35M€, 7 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
CH gains 33M€, 1 titanium, and 2 energy.
The World Government
increases oxygen
level to 14%.
keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
PIKE keeps 1 card,
spending 3M€.
TEXAS keeps 1 card,
spending 3M€.
CH keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€.
keeps1 card, spending 3M€.
GEGS spends 14M€ to fund the Landlord award, then spends 4M€ for an
Industrial Center at B5, gaining 2 plants.
PIKE spends 7M€ for Venus Magnetizers, then spends 1M€ for Fueled
Generators, reducing M€ production by 1 and gaining 1 energy production
and 1 energy.
TEXAS spends 17M€ on Io Sulphur Research, gaining 3 cards.
CH adds a Tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs spends 27M€ for a Big Asteroid, raising the temperature to
0C, increasing his TR to 31, and gaining 4 titanium, 3M€ and 3
heat. He then uses 8 heat to raise the temperature to 2C,
increasing his TR to 32.
GEGS spends 9M€ for Fish, reducing TEXAS' plant production by 1 and
gaining a resource on Ecological Zone. He then adds a resource to
PIKE spends 1 energy production to use Venus Magnetizers to raise Venus
terraforming to 12% and his TR to 31. He then spends 2 titanium
and 20M€ for Orbital Reflectors, gaining 2 heat production, 2 heat, and
raising Venus terraforming to 16% and his TR to 34.
TEXAS spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to increase Venus
terraforming to 18% and his TR to 30, then uses Areal Mappers to place
a floater on Forced Precipitation.
CH uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs discards 2 cards for 2M€, then spends 20M€ to fund the
Banker award.
GEGS discards 2 cards for 2M€.
PIKE spends 1 floater from Local Shading to increase M€ production by 1
and gain 1M€, then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center to
gain a card.
TEXAS spends 1 energy production to use the Equatorial Magnetizer to
increase his TR to 31.
CH adds a Bird.
MICCI-DEEs spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 4C and his TR to
GEGS spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE adds a resource to Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 8M€ for a Mass Converter, gaining 6 energy production.
CH adds a Small Animal.
MICCI-DEEs spends 4 titanium to play Satellites, increasing his M€
production by 3.
GEGS spends 12M€ for Toll Station, increasing his M€ production by 5.
PIKE discards 2 cards for 2M€.
TEXAS spends 1 titanium, 8M€, and a 4M€ discount for Dawn City,
increasing his titanium production by 1 and reducing his energy
production by 1. CH gains a Pet, GEGS gains 1M€ production from
Immigrant City, and PIKE gains 2M€ from Rover Construction.
CH uses Power Infrastructure to convert 2 energy to 2M€.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.
PIKE sells a card for 1M€.
TEXAS sells a card for 1M€, then spends 5 steel and 1M€ for Omnicourt,
increasing his TR to 33.
CH adds a floater to Deuterium Export.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding one card and
drawing 3. All other players draw a card.
TEXAS passes.
CH uses the Virion special ability to use Deuterium Export to consume
one floater to increasing his energy production by 1.
PIKE spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 6C and his TR to 35.
spends 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel, then spends 7M€
to use Space Mirrors to increase energy production by 1.
spends 10M€ and 5 steel for Magnetic Field Generatators, losing 4
energy production and gaining 2 plant production and increasing his
TR to 33, then adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
gains 40M€ and 1 titanium.
moves 5 energy to heat, gains 43M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants,
5 energy, and 7 heat.
moves 1 energy to heat, gains 39M€, 7 steel, 2 titanium, and 5
gains 36M€, 1 titanium, and 2 plants.
gains 45M€ and 11 heat.
The World Government
increases Venus
terraforming to 20%.
PIKE keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
TEXAS keeps 2 cards,
spending 6M€.
CH keeps 3 cards,
spending 9M€.
MICCI-DEEs keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
spends 1 titanium and 28M€ for Nitrogen Rich Asteroid, increasing
his plant production by 1, gaining 1 plant, increasing the
temperature to 8C, and increasing his TR to 38. Mars is now
completely terraformed, so this will be the last generation.
TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to place a floater on Forced Precipitation,
then spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to increase Venus
terraforming to 22% and his TR to 34.
CH spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at G8, gaining 1 card.
MICCI-DEEs spends 13M€ for a Tropical Resort, losing 2 heat production
and gaining 3M€ production.
GEGS spends 9M€ for Viral Enhancers, gaining 1 plant, and then spends 1
titanium to add a resource to the Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 2 steel and 12M€ for a Commercial District at B4, losing 1
energy production, gaining 1 plant, 4M€ production, and 4M€, then uses
Venus Magnetizer to reduce his energy production by 1 and raise Venus
terraforming to 22% and his TR to 39.
TEXAS uses the Equatorial Magnetizer to reduce his energy production by
1 and raise his TR to 35.
CH adds a Tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs discards a card for 1M€.