
The Players






Terraform Rating

Christopher Hunt
Celestial Joint Viral Holdings (CH) Virion
Dave Hooton
Mars Initiative Colonial Culinary Independence - Directed Epicruean Experiances (MICCI-DEEs) Tharsis Republic
Chris Geggus Gloop Enhances Global Stability (GEGS) Phoblog
Kevin Wilson
Prime Integral Kinetic Energy Systems (PIKE)
Andy York The EXtraterrestrial Alteration Syndicate (TEXAS) Mining Guild

Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Christopher Hunt
0 0
1 2 2 8
0 0
Dave Hooton
11 11
Chris Geggus
0 0 1
0 0 0
Kevin Wilson
1 1 2
Andy York
7 9
2 2 0
5 0 3

Generation 5

Action Phase

TEXAS spends 5 steel and 3M€ to play Medical Lab, gaining 4M€ production.

CH adds a tarigrade.

MICCI-DEEs spends 8M€ to claim the Mayor milestone.

GEGS spends 10M€ for an Urbanized Area at C4, losing 1 energy production, but gaining 3M€ production, 1 plant, and 2M€. MICCI-DEEs gains 1M€ production. CH gains a pet.

PIKE spends 1 steel and 6M€ for Rover Construction, then spends 11M€ for a Corporate Stronghold at I5, losing 1 energy production, but gaining 3M€ production, 7M€ and 2 plants. CH gains a pet, and MICCI-DEEs and GEGS each gain 1M€ production.

TEXAS spends 8M€ to claim the Builder milestone.

CH uses the Virion special ability to add a tardigrade.

MICCI-DEEs spends 23M€ to place a greenery tile at C6, gaining 2 plants and raising oxygen to 4% and his TR to 25. He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at C3, increasing oxygen to 5% and his TR to 26.

GEGS spends 1 titanium and 8M€ for a Security Fleet, then spends 1 titanium to add a resource to the Security Fleet.

PIKE spends 11M€ to play Cloud Seeding, reducing his M€ production by 1 and MICCI-DEEs heat production by 1, and increasing his plant production by 2 and gaining 2 plants.  He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at H5, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, increasing oxygen to 6% and his TR to 22.
TEXAS spends 1 energy production to fire up Equatorial Magnetizers, increasing his TR to 25.
CH spends 6M€ to play Sulphur Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18, increasing his TR to 27.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C, increasing his TR to 23.  He then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center, gaining 1 card.
TEXAS uses Aerial Mappers to add a floater resource to Forced Precipitation.
CH spends 1 titanium and 7M€ for Deuterium Export.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
PIKE adds a floater resource to Local Shading, then adds a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 6M€ for Sponsors, increasing his M€ production by 2.
CH adds a floater resource to Deuterium Export.
PIKE passes.
TEXAS passes.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur Eating Bacteria, then spends 7M€ to use Space Mirrors to increase his energy production by 1.
CH passes.

Production Phase

TEXAS moves 1 energy to heat and gains 29M€ and 5 steel.

CH gains 29M€, 1 steel, and 1 energy.

MICCI-DEEs gains 36M€, 2 plants, and 2 heat.

GEGS moves 1 energy to heat and gains 29M€ and 1 titanium.

PIKE moves 1 energy to heat, gains 25M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 1 energy, and 3 heat.

Solar Phase

The World Government raises the temperature of Mars to -14C.

Generation 6

Research Phase

CH keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€

MICCI-DEEs keeps 1 card, spending 3M€

GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

PIKE keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

TEXAS keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

CH spends 4M€ for Symbiotic Fungus, then uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.

MICCI-DEEs spends 23M€ for a greenery tile at A1, gaining 2 steel and 2M€ and increasing oxygen to 7% and his TR to 28. He then spends 8M€ to claim the Gardener milestone.

GEGS spends 6M€ for Greenhouses, gaining 7 plants.  He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at E6, gaining 1 plant, 4M€, and increasing oxygen to 8%, the temperature to -12C and his TR to 25.
PIKE spends 13M€ Zeppelins, gaining 7M€ production and 7M€.  He then spends 13M€ for Lunar Beam, losing 2M€ production, and gaining 2 energy production, 2 energy, 2 heat production, and 2 heat.
TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to add a floater resource to Forced Precipitation.  He then spends 2 floaters on Forced Precipitation to raise Venus terraforming to 8% and gaining a card.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria, then uses the Virion special ability to cash in 3 resources on Sulphur-Eating Bacteria for 9M€.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS spends 13M€ for Extreme Cold Fungus.
PIKE spends 1 floater from Local Shading to increase his M€ production by 1 and gain 1M€.  He then spends 1 energy to gain a card from Development Center.
TEXAS spends 17M€ on Kelp Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 3 plant production, and 2 plants.
CH spends 12M€ on a Mining Expedition, removing 2 plants from MICCI-DEEs, gaining 2 steel, increasing oxygen to 9% and his TR to 27.  He then adds a Tardigrade.
GEGS spends 12M€ on an Ecological Zone in D6, gaining 2 resources on the card, 1 plant, and 2M€.  He then spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 1 steel and 2M€ for Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy production and 2 energy, and reducing MICCI-DEEs plant production by 1.  He then spends 3 resources from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria to increase his TR to 24.
TEXAS passes.
CH spends 2 steel and 2M€ for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production, then spends a resource from Deuterium Export to gain another energy production.
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.
PIKE passes.
CH spends 4M€ for Power Infrastructure, then uses Power Infrastructure to convert 1 energy to 1M€.
GEGS passes.

CH passes.

Production Phase

CH gains 30M€, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.

MICCI-DEEs gains 37M€, 1 plant, and 2 heat.

GEGS gains 31M€ and 1 titanium.

PIKE moves 4 energy to heat, and gains 32M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 5 heat.

TEXAS gains 32M€, 5 steel, and 3 plants.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases Venus terraforming to 10%.

Generation 7

Research Phase

MICCI-DEEs keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€

GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

PIKE keeps 1 cards, spending 3M€.

TEXAS keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

CH keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€

Action Phase

MICCI-DEEs spends 2 steel and 16M€ to play Mohole Area at E1, gaining 4 heat production and 4M€.
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain 1 plant, then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at F4, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and increasing the oxygen to 10% and his TR to 26.
PIKE spends 8M€ to fund the Termalist award, then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center to gain a card.
TEXAS spends 10M€ for Atalanta Planitia Lab, gaining 2 cards.
CH places a tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs spends 9M€ for Robotic Workforce, duplicating the Mohole Area benefit to gain 4 heat production.
GEGS spends 10M€ for Noctis Farming, gaining 1M€ production, 2 plants, and a resource on the Ecological Zone from the plant tag.
PIKE adds resources to Local Shading and Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 13M€ for a Quantum Extractor, gaining 4 energy production, then spends 1 energy production to increase his TR to 27 with the Equatorial Magnetizers.
CH adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs spends 7M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production, 6 heat, and 3M€, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -10C and his TR to 29.
GEGS spends 7M€ on a Bribed Committee, increasing his TR to 28.
PIKE spends 10M€ on a Nuclear Zone in G4, gaining 1 plant and 2M€ and raising the temperature to -6C and his TR to 26.  He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at G2, gaining 1 steel and 4M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 11% and his TR to 27.
TEXAS discards 3 cards for 3M€, then spends 10 steel and 5M€ to play Strip Mine, reducing his energy production by 2, increasing his steel production by 2 and his titanium production by 1 and raising the oxygen level to 13% and his TR to 29.
CH adds a floater resource to Deuterium Export.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 14M€ for Release of Inert Gases, increasing his TR to 29.
TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to add a floater to Forced Precipitation, then spends 2M€ to add another floater to Forced Precipitation.
CH uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
GEGS spends 1M€ for CEO's Favorite Project, adding a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4 and his TR to 30.
TEXAS passes.
CH uses Power Infrastructure to convert 3 energy to 3M€.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 2 steel and 3M€ for a Titanium Mine, gaining 1 titanium production and 1 titanium.
CH spends 10M€ for Birds, reducing TEXAS' plant production by 2.  He then spends 2 titanium and 17M€ for Imported Nitrogen, increasing his TR to 28, and gaining 4 plants, 3 microbe resource on Sulphur-Eating Bacteria, and 2 animal resources on Birds.
PIKE passes.
CH uses his special ability to convert the 5 resources on Sulphur-Eating Bacteria to 15M€, then spends 6M€ on Small Animals, reducing MICCI-DEEs plant production by 1.
CH adds a resource to Birds, then spends 8M€ for a Rad-Chem Factory, reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his TR to 30.
CH adds a resource to Small Animals.
CH passes.

Production Phase

MICCI-DEEs gains 38M€ and 11 heat.

GEGS gains 35M€ and 1 titanium.

PIKE moves 4 energy to heat, and gains 38M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 5 heat.

TEXAS gains 35M€, 7 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.

CH gains 33M€, 1 titanium, and 2 energy.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases oxygen level to 14%.

Generation 8

Research Phase

GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

PIKE keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

TEXAS keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

CH keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

MICCI-DEEs keeps1 card, spending 3M€.

Action Phase

GEGS spends 14M€ to fund the Landlord award, then spends 4M€ for an Industrial Center at B5, gaining 2 plants.
PIKE spends 7M€ for Venus Magnetizers, then spends 1M€ for Fueled Generators, reducing M€ production by 1 and gaining 1 energy production and 1 energy.
TEXAS spends 17M€ on Io Sulphur Research, gaining 3 cards.
CH adds a Tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs spends 27M€ for a Big Asteroid, raising the temperature to 0C, increasing his TR to 31, and gaining 4 titanium, 3M€ and 3 heat.  He then uses 8 heat to raise the temperature to 2C, increasing his TR to 32.
GEGS spends 9M€ for Fish, reducing TEXAS' plant production by 1 and gaining a resource on Ecological Zone.  He then adds a resource to Fish.
PIKE spends 1 energy production to use Venus Magnetizers to raise Venus terraforming to 12% and his TR to 31.  He then spends 2 titanium and 20M€ for Orbital Reflectors, gaining 2 heat production, 2 heat, and raising Venus terraforming to 16% and his TR to 34.
TEXAS spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to increase Venus terraforming to 18% and his TR to 30, then uses Areal Mappers to place a floater on Forced Precipitation.
CH uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.
MICCI-DEEs discards 2 cards for 2M€, then spends 20M€ to fund the Banker award.
GEGS discards 2 cards for 2M€.
PIKE spends 1 floater from Local Shading to increase M€ production by 1 and gain 1M€, then spends 1 energy to use the Development Center to gain a card.
TEXAS spends 1 energy production to use the Equatorial Magnetizer to increase his TR to 31.
CH adds a Bird.
MICCI-DEEs spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 4C and his TR to 33.
GEGS spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Security Fleet.
PIKE adds a resource to Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria.
TEXAS spends 8M€ for a Mass Converter, gaining 6 energy production.
CH adds a Small Animal.
MICCI-DEEs spends 4 titanium to play Satellites, increasing his M€ production by 3.
GEGS spends 12M€ for Toll Station, increasing his M€ production by 5.
PIKE discards 2 cards for 2M€.
TEXAS spends 1 titanium, 8M€, and a 4M€ discount for Dawn City, increasing his titanium production by 1 and reducing his energy production by 1.  CH gains a Pet, GEGS gains 1M€ production from Immigrant City, and PIKE gains 2M€ from Rover Construction.
CH uses Power Infrastructure to convert 2 energy to 2M€.
MICCI-DEEs passes.
GEGS uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.
PIKE sells a card for 1M€.
TEXAS sells a card for 1M€, then spends 5 steel and 1M€ for Omnicourt, increasing his TR to 33.
CH adds a floater to Deuterium Export.
GEGS passes.
PIKE spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding one card and drawing 3.  All other players draw a card.
TEXAS passes.
CH uses the Virion special ability to use Deuterium Export to consume one floater to increasing his energy production by 1.
PIKE spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 6C and his TR to 35.

CH spends 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel, then spends 7M€ to use Space Mirrors to increase energy production by 1.

PIKE passes.

CH spends 10M€ and 5 steel for Magnetic Field Generatators, losing 4 energy production and gaining 2 plant production and increasing his TR to 33, then adds a resource to Sulphur-Eating Bacteria.

CH passes.

Production Phase

GEGS gains 40M€ and 1 titanium.

PIKE moves 5 energy to heat, gains 43M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 5 energy, and 7 heat.

TEXAS moves 1 energy to heat, gains 39M€, 7 steel, 2 titanium, and 5 energy.

CH gains 36M€, 1 titanium, and 2 plants.

MICCI-DEEs gains 45M€ and 11 heat.

Solar Phase

The World Government increases Venus terraforming to 20%.

Generation 9

Research Phase

PIKE keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

TEXAS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

CH keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

MICCI-DEEs keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

GEGS keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

PIKE spends 1 titanium and 28M€ for Nitrogen Rich Asteroid, increasing his plant production by 1, gaining 1 plant, increasing the temperature to 8C, and increasing his TR to 38. Mars is now completely terraformed, so this will be the last generation.

TEXAS uses Areal Mappers to place a floater on Forced Precipitation, then spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to increase Venus terraforming to 22% and his TR to 34.
CH spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at G8, gaining 1 card.
MICCI-DEEs spends 13M€ for a Tropical Resort, losing 2 heat production and gaining 3M€ production.
GEGS spends 9M€ for Viral Enhancers, gaining 1 plant, and then spends 1 titanium to add a resource to the Security Fleet.
PIKE spends 2 steel and 12M€ for a Commercial District at B4, losing 1 energy production, gaining 1 plant, 4M€ production, and 4M€, then uses Venus Magnetizer to reduce his energy production by 1 and raise Venus terraforming to 22% and his TR to 39.
TEXAS uses the Equatorial Magnetizer to reduce his energy production by 1 and raise his TR to 35.
CH adds a Tardigrade.
MICCI-DEEs discards a card for 1M€.


Venus board

CH Player Board

MICCI-DEEs Player Board

GEGS Player Board

PIKE Player Board

TEXAS Player Board

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