
Summer 1501

Deadline/Fall 1501 12/8 Tuesday

Venice continues his assualt against the Pope while Austria and France continue their war. Florence reorganizes his troops.

Spring 1501 Retreats

Papacy retreats A Bologna to Modena


France borrows 15 ducats for 2 years (23 ducats due Summer 1503) and spends 15 ducats to disband Austrian A Milan

The Pope pays 10 ducats to the moneylenders. Borrows 11 ducats for 2 years (17 ducats due Spring 1503) and pays off the balance of his first loan.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1501: 18 ducats due from Venice (15 borrowed)

Spring 1503: 17 ducats due from the Papacy (11 borrowed)

Summer 1503: 23 ducats due from France (15 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Swiss to Avignon, A Austria to Tyrolea, A Milan supports A Austria to Tyrolea (nsu), A Turin to Savoy, A Montferrat to Genoa, F Tyrrhenian Sea supports Papal A to Sienna (nso), F Palermo supports F Tyrhennian Sea
Florence (Robles) A Pisa to Florence, A Florence to Arezzo, A Piombino to Sienna, G Piombino convert to F
France (Whyte) A Tyrolea to Milan, A Messina holds, F Sardinia supports F Corsica to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Corsica to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy (Anderson) A Naples holds, A Modena to Genoa, A Perugia to Rome, A Urbino to Bologna (Dislodged, retreat Spoleto, Perugia, OTB)
Venice (Wilson) A Croatia to Urbino, A Friuli to Carniola, A Bologna supports A Croatia to Urbino, F Upper Adriatic transports A Croatia to Urbino, F Ancona supports A Croatia to Urbino

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