Rescue Dog

Spring 1454

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Spring 1454 10/27 Tuesday

The Pope moves against Florence and Naples and the Turks bump against each other in the Central Mediterranean. France and Venice start the grab for neutral territory and Milan positions himself for a push westward.


Florence A Florence holds, A Arezzo to Sienna, F Pisa to Lucca
France A Avignon supports A Swiss to Turin, A Swiss to Turin, F Marseilles to Gulf of Lions
Milan A Milan to Pavia, A Pavia to Fornova, A Cremona to Parma
Naples A Bari to Aquila, A Messina to Otranto, F Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Palermo to Central Mediterranean
Papacy A Bologna to Modena, A Perugia to Arezzo, A Rome to Patrimony, F Ancona to Urbino
Turks A Albania to Ragusa, F Durazzo to Lower Adriatic, F Tunis to Central Mediterranean
Venice A Padua to Ferrara, A Treviso to Friuli, F Dalmatia to Upper Adriatic, G Venice converts to F

Summer 1454 Plague

Poor Year – Row Only: Arezzo (Papal A destroyed), Fornova (Milan A destroyed), Otranto (Naples A destroyed), Aquila (Naples A destroyed), Spoleto

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