
Summer 1500

Miller Number ???????

Deadline/Fall 1500 6/23 Tuesday

Austria initiates hostilities against Florence while continuing the fight against France. The Pope continues to fight both Venice and France.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1501: 21 ducats due from the Papacy (18 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Tyrolea to Como, A Milan supports A Tyrolea to Como, A Trent besieges (garrison destroyed), A Messina to Otranto, F Ligurian Sea to Piombino, F Tyrrhenian Sea supports F Ligurian Sea to Piombino
Florence (Robles) A Pistoia to Pisa, A Florence to Pistoia, A Arezzo holds, F Piombino holds (Dislodged, retreat Sienna, garrison, OTB)
France (Whyte) A Turin to Swiss, A Pavia to Como, A Otranto holds, F Genoa supports F Modena to Ligurian Sea, F Modena to Ligurian Sea
Papacy (Anderson) A Perugia holds, A Naples to Salerno, F Venice to Upper Adriatic, F Upper Adriatic to Carniola
Venice (Wilson) A Mantua besieges, A Padua to Ferrara, A Treviso holds, A Croatia holds, F Lower Adriatic to Upper Adriatic


Holy See U News: The Pope was asked about the most recent plague hitting his beloved homeland. He only commented: That's life!! That's what people say.

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