
Fall 1500

Miller Number ???????

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1501 8/4 Tuesday

The general free-for-all continues. Austria attempts to help the Pope while helping himself to Capua. Venice buys back his fleet from the Pope and takes Ancona in the bargain. France and Austria trade cities while Florence maneuvers to reclaim Piombino.

Summer 1500 Retreats

Florence retreats F Piombino to garrison


Venice borrows 15 ducats for 1 year (18 ducats due Fall 1501) and buys Papal F Venice for 18 ducats.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1501: 21 ducats due from the Papacy (18 borrowed), 18 ducats due from Venice (15 borrowed)


Austria (Burgdorf) A Como supports A Milan to Pavia, A Milan to Pavia, A Trent to Bergamo, A Messina supports Papal A Salerno to Otranto (nso), F Tyrrhenian Sea to Capua, F Piombino supports Papal A Perugia to Sienna (nso)
Florence (Robles) A Pisa to Sienna, A Pistoia to Pisa, A Arezzo holds (u), G Piombino holds (u)
France (Whyte) A Swiss to Tyrolea, A Pavia to Milan (Dislodged, retreat Turin, Montferrat, Fornova, Parma, garrison, OTB), A Otranto to Bari, F Genoa to Ligurian Sea, F Ligurian Sea to Gulf of Lions
Papacy (Anderson) A Perugia to Urbino, A Salerno to Bari, F Venice to Upper Adriatic (nsu), F Carniola supports F Venice to Upper Adriatic (cut, nsu)
Venice (Wilson) A Ferrara to Padua, A Treviso to Padua, A Croatia to Carniola, A Mantua besieges (garrison destroyed), F Lower Adriatic to Ancona, F Venice to Upper Adriatic


France - All: France calls on all friendly Italian peoples to eradicate the purple plague that is creeping south over your fair land. Non è l'Italia diventerà il colore di strangolamento!

Spring 1501 Famine

Bad Year – Row and Column: Ferrara, Rome, Pavia, Arezzo, Saluzzo, Genoa, Ancona, Sienna, Como, Capua, Carniola

Spring 1500 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Austria Hungary, Austria, Carinthia, Trent, Milan, Como, Swiss, Marseilles, Sardinia, Palermo, Messina, Capua, Pavia, Piombino, Bergamo 12
Florence Pisa, Pistoia, Sienna, Florence, Arezzo 3
France Avignon, Provence, Saluzzo, Turin, Montferrat, Tyrolea, Genoa, Modena, Lucca, Bari, Otranto 9
Papacy Bologna, Urbino, Spoleto, Perugia, Parimony, Rome, Naples, Salerno, Carniola 7
Venice Mantua, Verona, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Friuli, Istria, Dalmatia, Croatia, Ancona 8


France Ligurian Sea, Gulf of Lions 2
Papacy Venice 1
Venice Upper Adriatic 1


Austria Hungary, Austria, Trent, Milan (3), Swiss, Marseilles, Sardinia, Palermo, Messina, Pavia 11
Florence Pisa, Piombino, Sienna, Florence (3), Arezzo 5
France Avignon, Saluzzo, Turin, Montferrat, Tyrolea, Genoa (3), Lucca, Bari 6
Papacy Bologna, Perugia, Rome (2), Naples (2), Carniola, Venice (3) 7
Venice Mantua, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Dalmatia, Croatia, Ancona 5


Variable income die roll was 6.







Austria 4 12 0 11 27
Florence 10 3 0 5 18
France 6 9 2 6 23
Papacy 6 7 1 7 21
Venice 10 8 1 5 24

Game Summary




Austria 7 9 10
Florence 3 5 4
France 7 4 8
Papacy 4 6 6
Venice 4 5 7

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