
Turn 8 through End of Game Statements

Turn 8


GEGS bids 40 Elektros on power plant 40. PESTO passes. Tabula Rasa bids 41. TIM bids 42. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 43. Tabula Rasa bids 44. TIM bids 45. GEGS bids 46. Tabula Rasa passes. TIM bids 47. GEGS bids 48. TIM bids 49. GEGS passes. TIM discards power plant 28 and power plant 44 is added to the market. GEGS bids 36 Elektros on power plant 36. PESTO bids 37. Tabula Rasa bids 38. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 39. PESTO bids 40. Tabula Rasa bids 41. GEGS bids 42. PESTO bids 43. Tabula Rasa bids 44. GEGS bids 45. PESTO bids 46. Tabula Rasa bids 47. GEGS bids 48. PESTO passes. Tabula Rasa bids 49. GEGS bids 50. Tabula Rasa bids 51. GEGS passes. Tabula Rasa discards power plant 14. Power plant 46 is added to the market. GEGS bids 46 Elektros on power plant 46. PESTO bids 56. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 58. PESTO bids 60. GEGS bids 62. PESTO bids 64. GEGS bids 66. PESTO bids 68. GEGS bids 69. PESTO passes. GEGS discards power plant 37. Power plant 38 is added to the market.

PESTO bids 38 Elektros on power plant 38. Industria Optimum passes. PESTO transfers 1 uranium from power plant 24 to power plant 38 and discards power plant 38. Power plant 42 is added to the market.

Industria Optimum pays 39 Elektros for power plant 39, discarding power plant 15. Power plant 50 is added to the market and the power plant deck is exhausted.

Fuel Purchases

Industria Optimum buys 1 uranium for 6 Elektros and 5 coal for 22 Elektros.

TIM buys 1 trash for 1 Elektro and 1 oil for 1 Elektro.

Tabula Rasa buys 4 oil for 9 Elektros and 1 uranium for 7 Elektros.

PESTO passes.

GEGS buys 3 coal for 17 Elektros and 5 oil for 23 Elektros.

Grid Connections

Industria Optimum connects to Padua for 27 Elektros, Mestre for 23 Elektros, and Venizia for 20 Elektros.

TIM connects to Pisa for 25 Elektros and Livorno for 20 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa connects to Reggio for 22 Elektros and Parma for 22 Elektros.

PESTO connects to La Speza for 20 Elektros, Udine for 22 Elektros, Trieste for 19 Elektros, and Vicenza for 23 Elektros. As a player has now connected to 17 cities, this will be the last turn of the game.

GEGS connects to Milano for 19 Elektros.


Power Cities

GEGS spends 3 coal and 5 oil to power 15 cities for 134 Elektros.

PESTO spends 1 uranium, 1 coal, and 2 oil to power 15 cities for 134 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium and 4 oil to power 15 cities for 134 Elektros.

TIM spends 1 trash, 1 oil, and 1 uranium to power 14 cities for 129 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 5 coal and 1 uranium to power 15 cities for 134 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 23 is discarded.




Player Name

Company Name


Power Plants



Dave Hooton
PESTO Orange

29 Hybrid 3→5, 33 Eco X→4, 38 Nuclear 1→6

3 Bill Scharf
Tabula Rasa

21 Hybrid 2→4, 31 Nuclear 1→5, 36 Hybrid 2→6

1 Chris Geggus

20 Coal 3→5, 26 Oil 2→5, 46 Hybrid 3→7

Andy York TIM

27 Trash 1→4, 32 Eco X→4, 40 Oil 1→6

14 210
Kevin Wilson
Industria Optimum

25 Coal 2→5, 30 Coal 1→4, 39 Nuclear 1→6


GEGS is Gas, Electricity Geothermal and Solar. TIM is Texas Infrastructure Management. PESTO is Power & Energy Storage & Transfer Organization.

Power Plant Market

34 Coal 3→6

35 Oil 1→5

42 Trash 2→7

44 Eco X→5

50 Fusion X→6
















1 1 1
Trash 3
3 3


3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3


There was a 4-way tie for the most cities powered at 15. The first tiebreaker is the most money, so congratulations to Dave Hooton on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Dave Hooton (PESTO): That was a really tense game, guys. It all came down to the last big auction, where I had to bid enough to keep GEGS from affording to build to 16 cities while not so much as to loose to Tabula Rosa on the tie-breaker.

As always, thanks to Chris H. for efficiently running the game.

Andy York (TIM): As usual, plotting for the next turn and not paying attention to this vis a bus endgame conditions. Thanks to Chris for running his usual superlatively managed games and congrats to Dave for expertly managing his win.

Chris Geggus (GEGS): Cracking play by Dave if I might say so. In my very naive way of playing as a newbie really to the intracacies of this game, I just worked on the very simple first to 17 rule and thought I had a good shout for the next turn. But Dave demonstarted a tactical awareness that I hadn't even thought about. They say you learn from the best and I still need a lot of learning.

Thanks to Chris for running and look forward to the next one. Although I really do need some dice rolling in the game to improve my chances!

Bill Scharf (Tabula Rasa): I agree, this was a very close game. I ran the entire game on the edge...a stronger power plant, a bit more income, paying less for the plants would have all helped me for a win. Fuel was never terribly expensive or unavailable...and the portion of the board I was on was a bit pricier, but also less subject to the expansion choices of those moving before me so I suppose it all evened out. Clearly with our final scores everyone did quite one was pushed into a corner or had a disastrous turn. Great game, congrats to David on his well deserved win and thanks to Chris for running it.

Kevin Wilson (Industria Optimum): Well, once again I’ve subjected several of you to the potential of rookie mistakes as I played my first game of Power Grid just now. Initially I focused on the mechanics and not the strategy but the mechanics were straightforward enough that I was able to think a bit on strategy later. But an early mistake got me behind and I never really felt I could catch up. In the very first turn I forgot that connection was reverse order! I ended up last and kind of got stuck in the more expensive growth area. That feel for not being able to catch up almost lead me to pass on a new plant in what turned out to be our last turn in hopes that no one would go to 17 and I could have the network to compete and get the resources next time. But I couldn’t find a means to have enough production even the next time or gt to 16 connected and powered cities that time so decided I’d go for 15 and see if I had one more turn to try. I really thought someone would get to 16 powered cities but hoped may not a 17th connection to let us go one more time.

A great learning experience. I understand better now some the strategy about blocking (or at least increasing the cost) of connections to others and buying and stockpiling extra resources to drive up costs to others at times. I just didn’t learn than fast enough to try to take advantage of it enough to help. Loads of fun though and probably a hoot face-to-face. Let’s play again.

Thanks to Chris as usual for offering and running the game in his usual crisp and clean manner. Thank you to the rest of you for not crushing me too badly as a rookie. Hopefully next time I’ll be more in the hunt all along that rushing to do so at the end.

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