
Gamestart through Turn 8


We are playing on the Italy map, all regions in play except the brown area. We are using a random selection from both power plant decks. Power plants will be noted in the following format: XX Fuel I→O (FF), where XX is the power plant number, “Fuel” is the type of fuel it takes, I is the number of inputs, O is the number of cities it powers, and (FF) is the amount of fuel stored on it, if any.

Turn 1


PESTO bids 4 Elektros on power plant 04. All other players pass. Power plant 05 is moved to the current market and power plant 10 is moved to the future market.

Tabula Rasa bids 5 Elektros on power plant 05. GEGS bids 6. TIM, Industria Optima, and Tabula Rasa pass. Power plant 06 is moved to the current market and power plant 44 is added to the future market. Tabula Rasa bids 6 Elektros for power plant 06. TIM bids 7. Industria Optimum passes. Tabula Rasa passes. Power plant 07 is moved to the current market and power plant 27 is added to the future market. Tabula Rasa bids 7 on power plant 07. Industria Optimum bids 8. Tabula Rasa bids 9. Industria Optimum passes. Power plant 08 is moved to the current market and power plant 28 is moved to the future market.

Industria Optimum bids 8 Elektros for power plant 08 and gets it. Power plant 10 is moved to the current market and power plant 13 is added to the future market.

Fuel Purchases

PESTO buys 2 coal for 6 Elektros.

GEGS buys 3 coal for 11 Elektros.

TIM buys 2 trash for 10 Elektros.

Tabla Rasa buys 2 oil for 8 Elektros.

Industria Optimum buys 3 coal for 14 Elektros.

Grid Connections

PESTO connects to Reggio for 10 Elektros (power plant 01 is obsolete and discarded, power plant 13 is moved to the current market and power plant 39 is added to the future market), Parma for 12 Elektros (power plant 02 is obsolte and discarded, power plant 11 is added to the current market), and Modena for 12 Elektros (power plant 03 is obsolte and discarded, power plant 22 is added to the current market).

GEGS connects to Venezia for 10 Elektros, Mestre for 10 Electros, and Padua for 13 Elektros.

TIM connects to Piacenza for 10 Elektros and Brescia for 15 Elektros.

Tabla Rasa connects to Ravenna for 10 Elektros and Rimini for 14 Elektros.

Industria Optimum connects to Bologna for 10 Elektros and Firenze for 18 Elektros.


Power Cities

Industria Optimum powers 2 cities, spending 3 coal and gaining 33 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa powers 2 cities, spending 2 oil and gaining 33 Elektros.

TIM powers 2 cities, spending 1 trash and gaining 33 Elektros.

GEGS powers 2 cities, spending 3 coal and gaining 33 Elektros.

PESTO powers 1 city, spending 1 coal and gaining 22 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 44 goes to the bottom of the deck, power plant 31 is drawn and added to the future market.


Turn 2


GEGS opens the bidding on power plant 13 for 13 Elektros. PESTO passes. Industria Optimum bids 14. Tabula Rasa bids 15. TIM passes. GEGS and Industria Optimum pass. Power plant 16 is added to the current market. GEGS then bids 16 Elektros on power plant 16. PESTO passes. Industria Optimum passes. TIM passes. Power plant 27 is moved into the current market and power plant 33 is added to the future market.

PESTO bids 22 Elektros on power plant 22. Industria Optimum and TIM pass. Power plant 28 is moved to the current market and power plant 42 is added to the future market.

Industria Optimum bids 10 Elektros on power plant 10. TIM passes. Power plant 31 is moved to the current market and power plant 37 is added to the future market.

TIM buys power plant 27 for 27 Elektros and transfers the fuel from power plant 06. Power plant 09 is added to the current market.

Fuel Purchases

TIM passes.

Tabula Rasa buys 4 oil for 14 Elektros.

Industria Optimum buys 3 coal for 12 Elektros.

PESTO passes.

GEGS buys 2 oil for 9 Elektros.

Grid Connections

TIM passes.

Tabula Rasa spends 10 Elektros to connect to San Marino.

Industria Optimum passes.

PESTO passes.

GEGS passes.


Power Cities

GEGS spends 2 oil to power 3 cities for 44 Elektros.

PESTO spends 1 coal to power 3 cities for 44 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 3 coal to power 2 cities for 33 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 3 oil to power 3 cities for 44 Elektros.

TIM spends 1 trash to power 2 cities for 33 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 42 is placed on the bottom of the deck and power plant 46 is added to the future market.

Turn 3


PESTO bids 31 Elektros on power plant 31. GEGS bids 32. Tabula Rasa bids 33. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. PESTO bids 34. GEGS passes. Tabula Rasa bids 35. PESTO bids 36. Tabula Rasa bids 37. PESTO bids 38. Tabula Rasa bids 39. PESTO passes. Power plant 33 is moved to the current market and power plant 50 is added to the future market. PESTO bids 33 Elektros on power plant 33. GEGS passes. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. Power plant 25 is added to the current market.

GEGS bids 25 Elektros on power plant 25. TIM passes. Industria Optimum bids 26. GEGS bids 27. Industria Optimum bids 28. GEGS passes. Power plant 37 is moved to the current market and power plant 38 is added to the future market. GEGS bids 37 Elektros on power plant 37. TIM passes. Power plant 36 is added to the current market.

TIM passes.

Fuel Purchases

Industria Optimum buys 2 coal for 6 Elektros.

TIM buys 2 trash for 7 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa buys 1 uranium for 7 Elektros.

GEGS passes.

PESTO passes.

Grid Connections

Industria Optimum passes.

TIM connects to Bergamo for 13 Elektros, Verona for 14 Elektros, and Vicenza for 13 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa passes.

GEGS passes.

PESTO connects to Ferrara for 14 Elektros.


Power Cities

PESTO powers 4 cities for 54 Elektros.

GEGS powers 3 cities for 44 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium to power 3 cities for 44 Elektros.

TIM spends 2 trash to power 5 cities for 64 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 2 coal to power 2 cities for 33 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 50 is placed on the bottom of the deck and power plant 15 is added to the current market, pushing power plant 36 to the future market.

Turn 4


TIM bids 28 Elektros on power plant 28. PESTO passes. GEGS passes. Tabula Rasa passes. Industria Optimum passes. Power plant 30 is added to the current market.

PESTO passes.

GEGS passes.

Tabula Rasa passes.

Industria Optimum passes.

Fuel Purchases

Industria Optimum buys 2 coal for 4 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa buys 1 uranium for 6 Elektros.

GEGS buys 2 oil for 5 Elektros.

PESTO passes.

TIM buys 2 trash for 6 Elektros.

Grid Connections

Industria Optimum expends to Pisa for 15 Elektros and La Spezia for 15 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa expands to Ancona for 16 Elektros and Perugia for 20 Elektros.

GEGS expends to Udine for 17 Elektros, Bolzano for 22 Elektros, and Trieste for 14 Elektros.

PESTO expands to Milano for 18 Elektros, Torino for 18 Elektros, and Livorno for 20 Elektros. Step 2 begins in the next phase.

TIM expands to Genova for 17 Elektros.


Power Cities

TIM spends 2 trash to power 6 cities for 73 Elektros.

PESTO powers 6 cities for 73 Elektros.

GEGS spends 2 oil to power 6 cities for 73 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium to power 5 cities for 64 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 2 coal to power 4 cities for 54 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Step 2 begins. Power plant 09 is discarded and power plant 24 is added to the current market. Than, power plant 46 is placed on the bottom of the deck and power plant 32 is added to the future market.

Turn 5


PESTO bids 24 Elektros on power plant 24. GEGS passes. TIM passes. Tabula Rasa passes. Industria Optimum passes. PESTO discards power plant 04. Power plant 26 is added to the current market.

GEGS bids 26 Elektros on power plant 26. TIM passes. Tabula Rasa passess. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS discards power plant 05. Power plant 14 is added to the current market.

TIM passes.

Tabula Rasa passes.

Industria Optimum passes.

Fuel Purchases

Industria Optimum buys 2 coal for 2 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa buys 2 uranium for 9 Elektros and 3 oil for 5 Elektros.

TIM buys 1 uranium for 6 Elektros and 2 trash for 6 Elektros.

GEGS buys 2 oil for 5 Elektros.

PESTO buys 1 uranium for 7 Elektros.

Grid Connections

Industria Optimum connects to Livorno for 15 Elektros, Ferrara for 18 Elektros, and Ravenna for 19 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa connects to Piscara for 19 Elektros and Foggia for 20 Elektros.

TIM connects to Modena for 23 Elektros.

GEGS passes.

PESTO expends to Pisa for 15 Elektros and Bergamo for 18 Elektros.


Power Cities

PESTO spends 1 uranium to power 9 cities for 98 Elektros.

GEGS spends 2 oil to power 6 cities for 73 Elektros.

TIM spends 1 trash and 1 uranium to power 7 cities for 82 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium and 1 oil to power 7 cities for 82 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 2 coal to power 6 cities for 73 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 39 is placed on the bottom of the deck. Power plant 12 is added to the current market, pushing power plant 30 to the future market.

Turn 6


PESTO passes.

Tabula Rasa bids 14 Elektros on power plant 14. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS passes. Tabula Rasa transfers 1 oil from power plant 07 to 13, discards the other along with power plant 07. Power plant 21 is added to the current market.

TIM passes.

Industria Optimum bids 15 Elektros on power plant 15. GEGS passes. Industria Optimum dicards power plant 08. Power plant 29 is added to the current market.

GEGS passes.

Fuel Purchases

GEGS buys 4 oil for 9 Elektros.

Industria Optimum buys 4 coal for 5 Elektros.

TIM buys 2 uranium for 11 Elektros and 1 trash for 2 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa buys 3 coal for 7 Elektros and 1 uranium for 7 Elektros.

PESTO buys 1 uranium for 8 Elektros.

Grid Connections

GEGS connects to Vicenza for 18 Elektros, Verona for 18 Elektros, Parma for 21 Elektros, Reggio for 17 Elektros, and Piacenza for 19 Elektros. Power plant 11 is discarded and power plant 34 is added to the future market, pushing power plant 30 into the current market.

Industrua Optimum connects to Rimini for 19 Elektros, San Marino for 15 Elektros, and Genova for 20 Elektros.

TIM expands to Bologna for 18 Elektros, Firenze for 23 Elektros, and Roma for 30 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa expends to Salerno for 20 Elektros, Napoli for 13 Elektros, and Bari for 18 Elektros.

PESTO passes.


Power Cities

PESTO spends 1 uranium to power 9 cities for 98 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium, 3 coal, and 1 oil to power 10 cities for 105 Elektros.

TIM spends 2 trash and 1 uranium to power 10 cities for 105 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 4 coal to power 9 cities for 98 Elektros.

GEGS spends 4 oil to power 11 cities for 112 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 38 is placed on the bottom of the deck. Power plant 40 is added to the future market.

Turn 7


GEGS bids 29 Elektros on power plant 29. Tabula Rasa bids 30. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. PESTO bids 31. GEGS bids 32. Tabula Rasa passes. PESTO bids 33. GEGS bids 34. PESTO bids 35. GEGS bids 36. PESTO bids 37. GEGS bids 38. PESTO bids 39. GEGS passes. PESTO discards power plant 22. Power plant 20 is added to the current market. GEGS bids 20 Elektros on power plant 20. Tabula Rasa bids 21. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 22. Tabula Rasa bids 23. GEGS bids 25. Tabula Rasa bids 26. GEGS bids 28. Tabula Rasa bids 29. GEGS bids 30. Tabula Rasa passes. GEGS discards power plant 16. Power plant 35 is added to the future market, pushing power plant 32 to the current market.

Tabula Rasa bids 21 Elektros on power plant 21. TIM passes. Industria Optimum passes. Tabula Rasa transfers 1 oil from power plant 13 to 21 and discards power plant 13. Power plant 23 added to the current market.

TIM bids 32 Elektros on power plant 32. Industria Optimum bids 33. TIM bids 34. Industria Optimum bids 35. TIM bids 36. Industria Optimum passes. TIM discards power plant 06. Power plant 19 is added to the current market.

Industria Optimum bids 30 Elektros on power plant 30 and discards power plant 10. The Step 3 card is drawn. Step 3 begins. The Step 3 card and power plant 12 are discarded and the markets are combined.

Fuel Purchases

PESTO buys 3 coal for 3 Elektros, 3 oil for 5 Elektros, and 2 uranium for 13 Elektros.

Industria Optimum buys 5 coal for 12 Elektros.

TIM buys 1 trash for 2 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa buys 3 coal for 11 Elektros and 1 oil for 2 Elektros.

GEGS buys 3 coal for 14 Elektros and 2 oil for 6 Elektros.

Grid Connections

PESTO connects to Brescia for 18 Elektros, Padua for 22 Elektros, Mestre for 18 Elektros, and Venezia for 15 Elektros.

Industria Optimum connects to Ancona for 21 Elektros and Piscara for 24 Elektros.

TIM connects to Napoli for 29 Elektros and Foggia for 27 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa connects to Brindisi for 17 Elektros, Bologna for 24 Elektros, and Modena for 23 Elektros.

GEGS connects to Ravenna for 32 Elektros, Rimini for 24 Elektros, and San Marino for 20 Elektros.


Power Cities

GEGS spends 3 coal and 2 oil to power 14 cities for 129 Elektros.

Tabula Rasa spends 1 uranium, 3 coal, and 2 oil to power 13 cities for 124 Elektros.

TIM spends 1 trash and 1 uranium to power 12 cities for 118 Elektros.

Industria Optimum spends 5 coal to power 12 cities for 118 Elektros.

PESTO spends 1 uranium, 1 oil, and 2 coal to power 13 cities for 124 Elektros.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 19 is discarded. Power plant 39 is added to the market.

Turn 8


GEGS bids 40 Elektros on power plant 40. PESTO passes. Tabula Rasa bids 41. TIM bids 42. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 43. Tabula Rasa bids 44. TIM bids 45. GEGS bids 46. Tabula Rasa passes. TIM bids 47. GEGS bids 48. TIM bids 49. GEGS passes. TIM discards power plant 28 and power plant 44 is added to the market. GEGS bids 36 Elektros on power plant 36. PESTO bids 37. Tabula Rasa bids 38. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 39. PESTO bids 40. Tabula Rasa bids 41. GEGS bids 42. PESTO bids 43. Tabula Rasa bids 44. GEGS bids 45. PESTO bids 46. Tabula Rasa bids 47. GEGS bids 48. PESTO passes. Tabula Rasa bids 49. GEGS bids 50. Tabula Rasa bids 51. GEGS passes. Tabula Rasa discards power plant 14. Power plant 46 is added to the market. GEGS bids 46 Elektros on power plant 46. PESTO bids 56. Industria Optimum passes. GEGS bids 58. PESTO bids 60. GEGS bids 62. PESTO bids 64. GEGS bids 66. PESTO bids 68. GEGS bids 69. PESTO passes. GEGS discards power plant 37. Power plant 38 is added to the market.

PESTO bids 38 Elektros on power plant 38.



Player Name

Company Name


Power Plants



Dave Hooton
PESTO Orange

24 Nuclear 1→4 (1), 29 Hybrid 3→5 (2o, 1c), 33 Eco X→4

3 Bill Scharf
Tabula Rasa

21 Hybrid 2→4, 31 Nuclear 1→5, 36 Hybrid 2→6

1 Chris Geggus

20 Coal 3→5, 26 Oil 2→5, 46 Hybrid 3→7

Andy York TIM

27 Trash 1→4, 32 Eco X→4, 40 Oil 1→6

12 128
Kevin Wilson
Industria Optimum

15 Coal 2→3, 25 Coal 2→5, 30 Coal 1→4


GEGS is Gas, Electricity Geothermal and Solar. TIM is Texas Infrastructure Management. PESTO is Power & Energy Storage & Transfer Organization.

Power Plant Market

23 Nuclear 1→3

34 Coal 3→6

35 Oil 1→5

38 Nuclear 1→6

39 Nuclear 1→6

44 Eco X→5
















1 1 1
Trash 3
3 3

Oil 1
3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 3

Schapendoes Map


S.O.B. 252 Home


Schapendoes, Issue 253