
The Players








Power: Gaia Area
Power: Area 1 Power: Area II Power: Area III
Bill Scharf
Kevin Wilson
Chris Geggus
Martin Burgdorf
Hadsch Hallas

Turn 3

Action Phase

The Lantids spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in L8 to a trading station. The Xenos charge 1 power and the Hadsch Hallas spend 4VP to charge 5 power.

The Itars spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 2 in Navigation.

The Hasdsch Hallas spend 4 power to gain 7 credits.

The Xenos spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 1 in Gaiaforming, gaining a Gaiaformer.

The Lantids spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 3 in Navigation, charging 2 power and gaining 1 Q.I.C.

The Itars spend 1 Q.I.C. to increase their range, 1 ore to terraform J11 1 step, and 1 ore and 2 credits to build a mine there. The Hadsch Hallas spend 1VP to charge 2 power and the Xenos charge 1 power.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 3 in Navigation, charging 3 power and gaining 1 Q.I.C.

The Xenos move 6 power from Area II to the Gaia area to place a Gaiaformer on M11.

The Lantids spend 4 power to gain 2 ore.

The Itars spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in J11 to a trading station. The Lantids and Hadsch Hallas each spend 1VP to charge 2 power and the Xenos charge 1 power.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 5 power to gain 2 terraforming steps which they use on I9 and then spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there. The Xenos charge 1 power.

The Xenos convert 2 power into credits and spend 3 credits and 2 ore to upgrade the mine in G11 to a trading station. The Lantids and Hadsch Hallas each charge 1 power.

The Lantids sell 1 ore for 1 credit then spends 4 ore and 6 credits to upgrade the trading station in L8 to a planetary institute. The Hadsch Hallas spend 4VP to charge 5 power and the Xenos charge 1 power.

The Itars pass, gaining 2VP and take the bonus tile that provides 4VP per planetary institute or academy and charges 4 power.

The Hadsch Hallas discard 2 power from Area II placing satellites at J8 and L5 then forming a federation, gaining 7VP and 6 credits.

The Xenos pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1VP per mine and 1 ore income.

The Lantids pass, taking the bonus tile with the action to extend navigation range by 3 and that charges 2 power.

The Hadsh Hallas spend 8 credits to gain 2 Q.I.C., then spend 3 Q.I.C. to score his federation token again, gaining 7VP an 6 credits.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 6 credits to gain 2 ore then spend 3 ore and 5 credits to upgrade the trading station in J12 to a research lab, taking the tech tile that gives an action to charge 4 power, advancing to level 1 in Gaiaforming and gaining a Gaiaformer. The Itars spend 4VP to charge 5 power and the Lantids spend 1VP to charge 2 power.

The Hadsch Hallas use the tech tile action to charge 4 power.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 3 power to gain 2 power.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 2 power for 2 credits then move 6 power to the Gaia area to move the Gaiaformer to I11.

The Hadsch Hallas pass, gaining 6VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 2 power and 1 ore income.

Turn 4

Income Phase

The Itars gain 3 ore, 3 credits, 4 knowledge, charge 4 power and gains 1 power.

The Xenos gain 4 ore, 3 credits, and 3 knowledge.

The Lantids gain 4 ore, 4 credits, 2 knowledge, and charge 3 power.

The Hadsch Hallas gain 3 ore, 5 credits, 3 knowledge, 3 power, and charge 5 power.

Gaia Phase

The Xenos transform the transdim planet at M11 to a Gaia planet and move 6 power from their Gaia area to Area I.

The Hadsh Hallas transform the transdim planet at I11 to a Gaia planet and move 6 power from their Gaia area to Area I.

Action Phase

The Itars spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 1 in Gaiaforming, gaining 2VP and a Gaiaformer.

The Xenos spend 1 Q.I.C. to increase their navigation range, then spend 3 ore to terraform Q6 by 1 step and 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there.

The Lantids spend 4 power to gain 7 credits.

The Hadsh Hallas spend twelve credits to gain 3 Q.I.C., then spend 3 Q.I.C. to score their federation token again, gaining 7VP an 6 credits.

The Itars spend Q.I.C. to make D11 habitable then 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there. The Lantids charge 1 power.

The Xenos convert 2 ore into 2 credits and spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in J9 to a tranding station. The Lantids and the Hadsch Hallas each spend 2VP to charge 3 power and the Itars spend 1VP to charge 2 power.

The Lantids discard 2 power placing satellites at L9 and M9 and forming a federation, taking the tile that provides 8VP and 2 knowledge.

The Hadsch Hallas use the action on their tech tile to charge 4 power.

The Itars move 6 power to the Gaia area and place their Gaiaformer on G13.

The Xenos convert 2 knowledge into credits then spend 2 credits and 1 ore to place a mine in M11, reclaiming the Gaiaformer. The Lantids spend 2VP to charge 2 power.

The Lantids spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 4 in Navigation, gaining 2VP.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine in I11, reclaiming the Gaiaformer.

The Itars convert 1 power to 1 credit then spend 2 ore and 3 credits to convert the mine in D12 to a trading station.

The Xenos pass, gaining 5VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 2 credits and 1 Q.I.C. income.

The Lantids spend 1 Q.I.C. to make N12 habitable, then spends 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there. The Xenos charge 1 power.

The Hadssh Hallas spend 4 credits for 1 knowledge, then spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 1 in Artificial Intelligence, gaining 1 Q.I.C and 2VP.

The Itars pass, gaining 4VP and taking the bonus tile that gives 2VP per trading station and 1 ore income.

The Lantids spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine on L13. The Xenos charge 1 power.

The Hadsch Hallas convert 1 power to credit and spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in I11 to a trading station. The Xenos spend 3VP to charge 4 power and the Itars spend 1VP to charge 2 power.

The Lantids spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine at P5, gaining 2 knowledge. The Xenos spend 2VP to charge 3 power.

The Hadsch Hallas pass, taking the bonus tile that provies 3VP per research lab and 1 knowledge income.

The Lantids convert 1 Q.I.C. to an ore, then spend 2 ore and 3 credits to convert the mine at N12 to a trading station. The Xenos charge 1 power.

The Lantids pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2 power and 1 ore income.

Turn 5

Income Phase

The Xenos gain 5 ore, 9 credits, 3 knowledge, and 1 Q.I.C.

The Itars gain 4 ore, 7 credits, 4 knowledge, and 1 power.

The Hadsch Hallas gain 3 ore, 8 credits, 4 knowledge, charge 5 power, and gain 1 power.

The Lantids gain 7 ore, 7 credits, 2 knowledge, 2 power, and charge 4 power.

Gaia Phase

The Itars transform the transdim planet at G13 to a Gaia planet and move 6 power from their Gaia area to Area I.

Action Phase

The Xenos spend 4 power to gain 2 ore.

The Itars spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 3 in Navigation, gaining 1 Q.I.C. and charging 3 power.

The Hasch Hallas spend 8 credits to gain 2 Q.I.C. then spend 3 Q.I.C. to re-score his federation token, gaining 7VP and 6 credits.

The Lantids spend 4 power to gains 7 credits.

The Xenos spend 2 ore and 3 credits to upgrade the mine in P5 to a trading station. The Lantids charge 1 power.

The Itars spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine at G13, reclaiming their Gaiaformer and gaining 2VP. The Hadsch Hallas, Lantids, and Xenos each spend 1VP to charge 2 power.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 3 power to terraform I14 one step, then spend 1 ore and 2 credits to place a mine there, gaining 2VP. The Itars spend 2VP to charge 3 power.

The Lantids spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 5 in Navigation, flipping their federation token to its gray side and plceing the Lost Planet token in E12.

The Xenos spend 4 ore and 6 credits to upgrade the trading station in P6 to a planetary institute. The Lantids charge 1 power.

The Itars discard 2 power for satellites in H13 and I12 and form a federation, taking the 7VP and 6 credit marker.

The Hadsch Hallas spend 4 knowledge to advance to level 2 in Terraforming, gaining 2 ore.


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Hadsch Hallas

Pumi, Issue 251

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