
Turn 11 to End of Game Statements

Turn 11

Governor Martin selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places a noble on the Sugar Mill and a colonist on a sugar plantation. Dave places a colonist in the Quarry. Christopher places a colonist in San Juan. Kevin places a colonist on the Quarry, moves colonists from the Small Indigo Plant and indigo plantation to the Tobacco Storage, and moves a noble from the Construction Hut to the Construction Office. One noble and 8 colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Dave selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Settler and takes a Quarry along with a colonist from the Hospice. Kevin takes a coffee plantation. Martin uses the Hacienda to gain a tobacco plantation and takes an indigo plantation. Dave draws a sugar plantation with his Hacienda then takes an indigo plantation and a VP from the Chapel. New plantations: corn, indigo, indigo, sugar, coffee.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 tobacco. Martin produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 sugar. Dave produces 2 corn and 1 tobacco. Christopher produces 2 indigo and 2 coffee. Kevin produces a bonus tobacco.

Turn 12

Governor Dave selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base, +1 for Trader, +1 for Small Market). Christopher trades coffee for 4 doubloons. No further trading is possible.

Christopher selects the Builder,gains 1 doubloon, and builds a City Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent). Kevin passes. Martin passes. Martin builds the Residence (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 8 doubloons spent.

Kevin selects the Mayor and places the noble on the Small Warehouse and colonists on the indigo plantation, Small Indigo Plant, and Tobacco Storage. Martin places a colonist on the Sugar Mill and one on a sugar plantation. Dave places colonists on the Residence and a corn plantation. Christopher places colonists on City Hall and in San Juan. One noble and 4 colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Martin selects the Prospector, gaining 1 doubloon.

Turn 13

Governor Christopher selects the Captain, gains 2 doubloons, and ships 2 indigo on Ship 2 for 3VP. Kevin ships 2 tobacco on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails). Martin ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP. Christopher ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP. No further shipping is possible. Martin discards 3 corn and Dave discards 1 corn, gaining 1VP from the Court Supplier.

Kevin selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market). Martin trades sugar for 2 doubloons. Dave trades corn for 1 doubloon (0 base +1 for Small Market).

Martin selects the Mayor and places a noble on the Sugar Mill and colonists on a sugar and tobacco plantations. Dave places a colonist on a corn plantation. Christopher places a colonist in San Juan. Kevin places a colonist on the Construction Hut. Three colonists and one noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Dave selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 4 corn and 1 tobacco. Christopher produces 2 indigo and 2 coffee. Kevin produces 1 indigo and 3 tobacco. Martin produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 4 sugar. Dave produces a bonus tobacco.

Turn 14

Governor Kevin selects the Captain and ships 3 tobacco on Ship 1 for 4VP. Martin ships 1 indigo on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails). Dave ships 2 tobacco on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails). Christopher ships 2 coffee on Ship 3 for 2VP. Martin discards 4 corn. Dave discards 3 corn, gaining 1VP from the Court Supplier. Christopher discards 1 indigo.

Martin selects the Craftsman and produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 sugar. Dave produces 3 corn and 1 tobacco. Christopher produces 2 indigo and 2 coffee. Kevin produces 1 indigo and 3 tobacco. Martin produces a bonus indigo.

Dave selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Wharf (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent). Christopher passes. Kevin builds a Customs House (2 doubloon discount from Construction Office, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 5 doubloons spent). Martin builds a Tobacco Storage (5 doubloons spent).

Christopher selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader). No further trading is possible.

Turn 15

Governor Martin selects the Captain and ships 5 corn on Ship 1 for 6VP (Ship 1 sails). Dave ships 1 tobacco on Ship 2 for 1VP. Christopher ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP. Kevin ships 3 tobacco on Ship 2 for 3VP. Martin discards 1 indigo. Dave discards 3 corn, gaining 1VP for the Court Supplier. Christopher discards 2 indigo.

Dave selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places a noble on the Wharf, a colonist on the Small Indigo Plant, and moves a colonist from a corn plantation to the indigo plantation. Christopher places a colonist in San Juan. Kevin places a colonist on the Customs House. Martin places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage and moves 2 nobles from the Sugar Mill to the Tobacco Storage. Three colonists and 1 noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Christopher selects the Builder and builds a Guild Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent). Kevin passes. Martin can't build. Dave builds a Small Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 1 doubloon spent).

Kevin selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Turn 16

Governor Dave selects the Captain and ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP. No further shipping is possible.

Christopher selects the Settler, gains 4 doubloons, and takes an indigo plantation, along with a colonist from the Hospice. Kevin takes the corn plantation. Dave uses the Hacienda to draw a coffee plantation and gains 1VP from the Chapel. New plantations are: indigo, indigo, sugar, sugar, coffee.

Kevin selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades indigo for 3 doubloons (1 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market). Martin trades sugar for 2 doubloons.

Martin selects the Mayor and places a noble on the Sugar Mill and a colonist on a tobacco plantation. Dave places a colonist on a corn plantation. Christopher places a colonist on the Guild Hall. Kevin places a colonist on a corn plantation. Three colonists and 1 noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Turn 17

Governor Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds the Gardens (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for Quarries, 6 doubloons spent). Kevin builds a Jeweler (3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 5 doubloons spent). Martin builds a Land Office (2 doubloons spent). Dave builds a Land Office (1 doubloon discount from a Quarry, 1 doubloon spent).

Kevin selects the Mayor and places a noble on the Land Office, a colonist on the coffee plantation, and swaps the noble and the colonist between the Construction Office and Customs House. Martin places a colonist on the Land Office. Dave moves a noble from the Wharf to the Land Office and places a colonist on the Wharf. Christopher places a colonist on the Gardens. Three colonists and 1 noble are placed on the colonist ship.

Martin selects the Craftsman, gains 2 doubloons, and produces 4 corn, 1 sugar, 1 indigo, and 3 tobacco. Dave produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 tobacco and gains 1VP from the Chapel. Christopher produces 3 indigo and 2 coffee. Kevin produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 tobacco, and gains 4 doubloons from the Jeweler. Martin produces a bonus indigo.

Dave selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market). Christopher trades coffee for 4 doubloons.

Turn 18

Governor Kevin selects the Builder and builds a Villa (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from the Construction Office, 3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 2 doubloons spent). Martin passes. Dave builds a Factory (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 5 doubloons spent). Christopher builds a Villa (3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 4 doubloons spent). Since both Dave and Christopher have no more empty spaces in their city, this will be the last turn.

Martin selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 4 corn on Ship 1 for 5VP (Ship 1 sails). Dave ships 4 corn via the Wharf for 4VP. Christopher ships 1 coffee on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails). Kevin ships 1 tobacco on Ship 2 for 1VP. Martin ships 1 tobacco on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails). Dave discards 1 indigo, gaining 1VP from the Court Supplier, Christopher discards 3 indigo, Martin discards 3 indigo and 1 tobacco.

Dave selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and then gains 1VP from the Chapel but does not take a plantation due to lack of space. Christopher selects a coffee plantation. Kevin takes a sugar plantation. Martin cannot take a plantation due to lack of space. New plantations are: corn, indigo, indigo, sugar, tobacco.

Christopher selects the Mayor and places a noble on the Villa and a colonist in San Juan. Kevin moves a noble from the Small Warehouse to the Villa and places a colonist on the Small Warehouse. Martin places a colonist on the Sugar Mill. Dave places a colonist on a sugar plantation and moves a colonist from a corn plantation to the Small Sugar Mill. Three colonists and a noble are placed on the colonist ship.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Christopher Hunt

Indigo, Quarry, Coffee, Quarry, Indigo, Sugar, Coffee, Quarry, Indigo, Coffee

Hospice, Indigo Plant (x3), Coffee Roaster (x2), Fortress, City Hall, Guild Hall, Gardens, Villa

1 indigo
Kevin Wilson

Indigo, Tobacco, Quarry, Tobacco, Tobacco, Quarry, Quarry, Coffee, Corn, Sugar

Small Indigo Plant, Small Market, Construction Hut, Tobacco Storage (x3), Construction Office, Customs House, Jeweler, Villa

1 corn, 2 indigo
Martin Burgdorf

Corn, Indigo, Corn, Corn, Sugar, Corn, Sugar, Sugar, Tobacco, Sugar, Tobacco, Indigo

Hacienda, Small Indigo Plant, Small Warehouse, Sugar Mill (x2, x1), Tobacco Storage (x1, x2), Land Office

10 sugar, 1 tobacco
Dave Hooton

Corn, Corn, Tobacco, Corn, Quarry, Corn, Tobacco, Sugar, Quarry, Sugar, Indigo, Coffee

Small Market, Hacienda, Tobacco Storage (x1), Chapel, Court Supplier, Small Indigo Plant, Residence, Wharf, Small Sugar Mill, Land Office



Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned with colonists, in italics with a Noble. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 0 Colonist Ship: 3

Nobles:  Supply: 5  Colonist Ship: 1

Trading House:  Empty

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 5): Empty        Ship 2 (capacity 6): Empty         Ship 3 (capacity 7): Empty

Victory Points: 73


Corn: 9

Indigo: 7

Sugar: 1

Tobacco: 8

Coffee: 9


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Small Indigo Plant (1d, 1vp)

Indigo Plant (x2, 3d, 2vp)

Small Sugar Mill (x2, 2d, 1vp)

Sugar Mill (x2, 4d, 2vp)

Coffee Roaster (x2, 6d, 3vp)

Hospice (4d, 2vp)

Hunting Lodge (x2, 4d, 2vp)
Factory (7d, 3vp)

Office (x2, 5d, 2vp)

Construction Office (5d, 2vp)
University (x2, 8d, 3vp)

Construction Hut (2d, 1vp)

Large Market (x2, 5d, 2vp)

Jeweler (8d, 3vp)

Chapel (3d, 1vp)

Large Warehouse (x2, 6d, 2vp)

Harbour (x2, 8d, 3vp)

Court Supplier (6d, 2vp)
Wharf (9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector (2d), Settler, Trader


Corn, Indigo, Indigo, Sugar, Tobacco

Discard Pile: Indigo, Coffee, Indigo, Indigo, Sugar

Victory Points





VP Chips

























Congratulations to Christopher on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Dave Hooton: Congratulations, Christopher. Well played! Thanks again, Chris, for running this.

Christopher Hunt: Thanks to Chris for being as ever a great GM. Great game, not just because I won. Got lucky. Just when I got money, I was able to build a large violet, I got FOUR! That's thirty six of my points.

Kevin Wilson: Last, again. :-( But, this time I was in the hunt in buildings just too short on chits. Just didn’t have stuff to ship at the right times.

Thanks to Chris, as always, for running the game. I’m still learning and will keep playing. I have to win one eventually, right?

Thanks to the others for letting me continue to learn.

Martin Burgdorf: Congratulations, Christopher, and thanks, Chris, for running this.

I produced a lot during the craftsman phase, but I could not turn all of my products into victory points. Doubloons were missing as well, and I should have tried to buy at least one really expensive building. But at least I did not finish last...

Lowchen, Issue 251


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