
Turns 9 through End of Game Statements

Turn 9

Governor Andy selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 3 sugar on Ship 1 for 4VP. Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 2 for 2VP. Chris ships 2 corn on Ship 2 for 2VP. Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Martin ships 2 sugar on Ship 1 for 2VP. Andy ships 1 corn on Ship 2 for 1VP. Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Chris ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Christopher ships 2 corn on Ship 2 for 2VP (Ship 2 sails). Martin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Christopher ships 1 sugar on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails). Martin and Kevin each discard 1 tobacco.

Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Large Warehouse and Tobacco Storage. Chris places a colonist on the Harbour. Christopher places a colonist on the indigo plantation. Martin places a colonist on the Construction Hut. Andy places a colonist on a sugar plantation and moves a colonist from a corn plantation to the Small Sugar Mill. Five colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Chris selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader). Christopher trades sugar for 2 doubloons. Martin trades tobacco for 3 doubloons. No further trading is possible.

Christopher selects the Builder and builds a Coffee Roaster (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 5 doubloons spent). Martin builds a Coffee Roaster (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 4 doubloons spent). Andy builds a Large Warehouse (6 doubloons spent). Kevin builds a Small Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Quarry, 1 doubloon spent). Chris builds a Large Market (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 3 doubloons spent).

Martin selects a Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Turn 10

Governor Kevin selects the Settler, gains 2 doubloons, and gains a tobacco plantation, with a colonist from the Hospice. Chris gains a coffee plantation, with a colonist from the Hospice. Christopher gains a tobacco plantation. Martin uses the Hacienda to gain an indigo plantation then uses the Construction Hut to gain a Quarry. Andy gains an indigo plantation. New plantations: corn, corn, indigo, indigo, indigo, indigo.

Chris selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 coffee. Christopher crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar, and gains 2 doubloons from the Factory. Martin crafts 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 tobacco. Andy crafts 4 sugar. Kevin crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 tobacco. Chris gains a bonus corn.

Christopher selects the Builder and build a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 4 doubloons spent). Martin builds an Indigo Plant (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 1 doubloon spent). Andy can't build. Kevin passes. Chris builds an Office (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 3 doubloons spent).

Martin selects the Captain and ships 2 tobacco on Ship 1 for 3VP. Andy ships 4 sugar on Ship 2 for 4VP. Kevin ships 4 tobacco on Ship 1 for 4VP (Ship 1 sails). Chris ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 2VP. Christopher ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Martin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP. Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails). Christopher ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP. Martin ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP. Chris discards 3 corn and 1 coffee. Christopher discards 1 corn.

Andy selects the Mayor, and places colonists on the Large Warehouse and corn plantation. Kevin places a colonist on the Small Sugar Mill. Chris places a colonist on the Large Market and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Office. Christopher places a colonist on the Coffee Roaster and moves a colonist from an indigo plantation to the Tobacco Storage. Martin places a colonist on the coffee plantation and moves a colonist from the Hacienda to the Coffee Roaster. Twelve colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Turn 11

Governor Chris selects the Trader, gaining 1 doubloon, and trades coffee using the Office for 7 doubloons (4 base, +1 for Trader, +2 for Large Market). No further trading is possible.

Christopher selects a Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Martin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Quarry, both sugar plantations, and the Sugar Mill, then moves a colonist from the Construction Hut to the Sugar Mill. Andy places colonists on the coffee plantation and both indigo plantations. Kevin and Chris each put 2 colonists in San Juan. Christopher places colonists on the Tobacco Storage and a tobacco plantation. Ten colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Kevin selects the Captain and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP. Christopher ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP.

Turn 12

Governor Christopher selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, 2 tobacco, and 1 coffee, and gains 5 doubloons from the Factory. Martin crafts 1 indigo, 3 sugar, 2 tobacco, and 1 coffee. Andy crafts 1 corn and 1 sugar. Kevin crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 tobacco. Chris crafts 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 coffee. Christopher crafts a bonus coffee.

Martin selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader). Andy trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Small Market). Kevin trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market). Chris uses the Office to trade coffee for 6 doubloons (4 base +2 for Large Market).

Andy selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds an Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloons spent). Kevin passes. Chris builds a Fortress (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 8 doubloons spent). Christopher builds a Guild Hall (10 doubloons spent). Martin builds a Residence (3 doubloon discount from Quarries, 7 doubloons spent).

Kevin selects the Settler gains 1 doubloon, and takes a Quarry, along with a colonist from the Hospice. Chris takes a corn plantation, with a colonist from the Hospice. Christopher takes a corn plantation. Martin takes an indigo plantation. Andy takes an indigo plantation. New plantations are: corn, indigo, indigo, sugar, sugar, coffee.

Chris selects the Captain and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 4VP. Christopher ships 1 sugar on Ship 2 for 1VP (Ship 2 sails). Martin ships 2 tobacco on Ship 3 for 2VP. Andy ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails). Christopher ships 2 tobacco on Ship 3 for 2VP. Chris discards 1 indigo. Christopher discards 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee. Martin discards 1 indigo and 2 sugar.

Turn 13

Governor Martin selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Residence, Indigo Plant, and an indigo plantation. Andy places 2 colonists on the Indigo Plant. Kevin places 2 colonists in San Juan. Chris places a colonist on the Fortress and in San Juan. Christopher places colonists on the Guild Hall and a corn plantation. One colonist is placed on the colonist ship. Since the colonist supply is exhausted, this is the final turn.

Andy selects the Craftsman and produces 1 corn, 2 indigo, and 4 sugar. Kevin produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 3 tobacco. Chris produces 3 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 coffee. Christopher produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 1 coffee, and receives 3 doubloons from the Factory. Martin produces 2 indigo, 3 sugar, and 1 coffee. Andy produces a bonus sugar.

Kevin selects the Builder and builds a Custom House (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 7 doubloons spent). Chris builds a Factory (2 doubloon discount from Quarries, 5 doubloons spent). Christopher builds an Indigo Plant (3 doubloons spent). Martin builds a Large Market (2 doubloon discount for Quarries, 3 doubloons spent). Andy builds a Small Warehouse (3 doubloons spent).

Chris selects the Captain and ships 3 corn on Ship 1 for 5VP. Christopher ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP. Martin ships 4 sugar on Ship 2 for 4VP. Andy ships 3 sugar on Ship 2 for 3VP (Ship 2 sails). Kevin ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails) then ships 2 tobacco on Ship 3 for 2VP (Ship 3 sails). Chris discards 1 indigo and 2 coffee. Christopher discards 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 1 coffee. Martin discards 2 indigo. Kevin discards 1 sugar.

Christopher selects the Trader, trading coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader). Martin can't trade. Andy trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Small Market). Kevin trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market). Chris uses the Office to trade coffee for 6 doubloons (4 base +2 for Large Market).

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Chris Geggus

Indigo, TobaccoCoffee, Quarry, Quarry, Corn, Corn, Coffee, Corn

Hospice, Small Indigo Plant, Coffee Roaster (x2), Harbour, Large Market, Office, Fortress, Factory


Christopher Hunt

Indigo, Corn, Sugar, Tobacco, Corn, Indigo, Coffee, Tobacco, Corn

Small Indigo Plant, Small Sugar Mill, Factory, Coffee Roaster (x1), Tobacco Storage (x2), Guild Hall, Indigo Plant


Martin Burgdorf

Indigo, Quarry, Sugar, Tobacco, Tobacco, Coffee, Quarry, Sugar, Sugar, Indigo, Quarry, Indigo

Small Indigo Plant, Small Sugar Mill, Hacienda, Tobacco Storage (x2), Construction Hut, Sugar Mill (x2), Coffee Roater (x1), Indigo Plant (x1), Residence, Large Market

1 coffee
Andy York

Corn, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Coffee, Indigo, Indigo, Indigo

Small Market, Sugar Mill (x3), Office, Small Sugar Mill, Large Warehouse, Indigo Plant (x2), Small Warehouse

1 corn, 2 indigo, 1 sugar
Kevin Wilson
Corn, Corn, Quarry, Tobacco, Indigo, Tobacco, Sugar, Tobacco, Quarry
Small Market, Hospice, Tobacco Storage (x3), Small Indigo Plant, Large Warehouse, Small Sugar Mill, Custom House
3 corn, 2 indigo

Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 0 Colonist Ship: 1

Trading House: 

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 6): Empty        Ship 2 (capacity 7): Empty         Ship 3 (capacity 8): Empty

Victory Points: 28


Corn: 6

Indigo: 7

Sugar: 10

Tobacco: 9

Coffee: 8


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Sugar Mill (4d, 2vp)

Hacienda (2d, 1vp)

University (x2, 8d, 3vp)

Construction Hut (2d, 1vp)

Harbour (8d, 3vp)

City Hall (10d, 4vp)

Small Warehouse (3d, 1vp)

Wharf (x2, 9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector (1d), Settler, Trader, Prospector (1d)


Quarry, Corn, Indigo, Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Coffee

Discard Pile: 

Victory Points






























We have a 3-way tie for first. The tie breaker is the player with the most doubloons and goods (1 doubloon = 1 good). Chris has 7, Christopher has 6, and Martin has 2. Congratulations to Chris on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I rather think I won this by default. If Kevin had played Captain last turn he would have gained points on all of us (not enough to win), but would also have denied me my 5 points for shipping my corn. I would probably still have had to build, so Kevin would have got his 4 points from that anyway. Then Christopher gifted me the win - you only had to play Prospector to win on cash. I had already said to Chris that Christopher was about to win, albeit that I had him 1 point ahead of me.

It was hard work to come back in ths one, but enjoyed it immensely as ever, so thanks to Chris and all my fellow players. Nice to see such a small divergence on VP chits, suggesting that no-one played an obvious shipping or building strategy.

Kevin Wilson: I’m still learning this game but getting the hang of it now. Chris was right, I should have shipped this last turn rather than built. I made an error thinking my Hospice got me a colonist for the Common House and when Chris H pointed out my error I didn’t go back and re-think. It wouldn’t have made much difference, if any, where I ended up but Chris G is right, it may have helped him out. I seem to always come up just a doubloon short when needed for building and needed that build last turn not this. Oh well, still fun and definitely learning what to look for in coming turns to plan better. It may take another game or two before I’m a real threat but I’ll keep colonizing, trading, shipping and building as long as Chris H will host.

Thanks to Chris for running the game. Thanks to the rest of you for putting up with my errors and for playing along.

Andy York: Still don't have a good handle on playing this game, I usually end up on the wrong end of the VP totals. Congrats to Chris G. on a fine, though very tight, win. And, as usually, thanks to Chris H. for a well run game.

Pudelpointer, Issue 248


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