
Turn 7 to End of Game Statements

Turn 9

The Librarian plays The Bank of Anhk-Morpork, taking a $10 loan, then plays the Mended Drum, building a building in the Scours for $6 and gaining $2. Gains $1 from the Nap Hill building.

TVFSDC plays The Ankh Morpork Sunshine Dragon Sanctuary. TROD pays $1. The Librarian gives a card. TVFSDC then plays Leonard of Quirm, drawing 4 cards.

TROD plays The Opera House, builds a building in Dragon's Landing for $12, and receives $4 for the 4 minions in Isle of Gods. Then receives $2 each for the buildings in The Hippo and Dragon's Landing.

Turn 10

The Librarian plays Queen Molly, places a minion in Seven Sleepers, and requests 2 cards from TROD. Receives $1 from the Nap Hill building.

TVFSDC plays Deep Dwarves, placing a minion in Longwall, then The Duckman, moving a green minion from Isle of Gods to The Scours. The Librarian plays Gaspode to prevent the move.

TROD plays The Thieves Guild, collecting $2 from each player and places a minion in Unreal Estate (Trouble marker placed). Collects $2 each from The Hippo and Dragon's Landing buildings.

Turn 11

The Librarian plays Mr. Pin & Mr. Tulip on Dimwell, removing the yellow minion and the Trouble marker, then gaining $1. Gains a further $1 from the Nap Hill building.

TVFSDC plays The Agony Aunts, eliminating the red minion and Trouble marker in Unreal Estate, collecting $2, and placing a minion and Trouble marker in Nap Hill.

TROD plays Mr. Slant, collecting $2 per minion in Isle of Gods for $8 and builds a building in Dolly Sisters for $6. Also collects $2 each for The Hippo and Dragon's Landing buildings.

Turn 12

The Librarian plays Captain Carrot, placing a minion and a Trouble marker in Longwall, then removing the Trouble marker and taking $1. Receives $1 from the Nap Hill building. Uses The Scours building to discard a card for $2.

TVFSDC plays the Canting Crew, moving a red minion from The Hippo to The Shades (and placing a Trouble marker there), then placing a minion in The Hippo.

TROD reveals that he is Crysoprase and declares victory with $22 in cash and $36 in buildings.

The Players

Player Name

Player Faction/Color

Minion Locations




Christopher Hunt The Librarian/Green The Scours, The Shades, Nap Hill, Isle of Gods (x2), Seven Sleepers, Longwal Nap Hill, The Scours $10 Loan from the Bank of Ankh-Morpork 20
Bill Scharf TVFSDC/Yellow Dolly Sisters, Seven Sleepers, The Shades, Small Gods, Isle of Gods, Unreal Estate, Longwall, Nap Hill, The Hippo $10 Loan from Mr. Bent 32
Andy York TROD/Red Dolly Sisters, The Shades (x2), Seven Sleepers, Isle of Gods, Dragon's Landing The Shades, The Hippo, Dragon's Landing, Dolly Sisters 22

TROD is Texas Republic on Discworld, TVFSDC is The Veiled Fist Society and Dance Club

Board Position

Dolly Sisters: Yellow and Red minions

Unreal Estate: Yellow minion

Dragon's Landing: Red minion

Small Gods: Yellow minion

The Scours: Green minion

The Hippo: Red minion, Red Building

The Shades: Green, Yellow, and Red minions, Red Building

Dimwell: Yellow minion, Trouble

Longwall: Nothing

Isle of Gods: 2 Green, 1 Red, and 1 Yellow minions, Trouble

Seven Sleepers: Yellow and Red minions, Trouble

Nap Hill: Green minion, Green Building

End of Game Statements

Andy York (TROD/Crysoprase): First time playing this one and I'm still trying to figure it out. Fortunately, I had a straight forward victory condition and just kept my eye on it and had a good run of cards that supported the goal.

One thing I definitely was not doing was keeping track of the other players. When I realized I was in reach of my goal, I suddenly wondered if anyone else was close to a win. So, in the future, I need to watch the other players in case I need to play a spoiler role in blocking their potential win.

Chris, thanks for running a challenging game and introducing me to it.

Bill Scharf (TVFSDC/Lord Vetinari): Congrats to Andrew on his victory....he had 4 areas so that's what i defended against (A Lord).....oh well....I was only one area from a win myself (as Ventinari) so , I knew the game wasn't going much longer. Chris, thanks for running it.

Christopher Hunt (The Librarian/Lord deWorde): Congratulations Andrew, well won. Also thanks to Chris for running the game and stopping me playing the cards I did not have

Papillon, Issue 224


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