
Gamestart to Turn 7

Turn 1

The Librarian plays Harry King, placing a minion in Nap Hill and declining to discard any cards.

TVFSDC plays Drumknott, allowing him to play 2 more cards. He plays Leonard of Quirm, drawing 4 cards, and The Peeled Nuts, which has no effect.

TROD plays Groat, placing a minion in Dragon's Landing.

Turn 2

The Librarian plays Nobby Nobbs, taking $3 from TROD, then plays Hex, drawing 3 cards and buying the building in Nap Hill for $12. Takes $1 from the bank using the Nap Hill ability.

TVFSDC plays Rincewind. A random event is drawn (Riots – there are fewer than 8 trouble tokens in play, so play continues), moves a minion from Scours to Isle of Gods, then plays Mr. Bent, takes the $10 loan, then plays Sargent Angua, removes the trouble marker from the Shades, then plays the Seamstresses Guild, giving a card to The Librarian, taking $2 in return and places a minion in Seven Sleepers.

TROD plays The Ankh Morpork Sunshine Dragon Sanctuary. The Librarian gives him a card and TVFSDC gives him $1. Plays Beggars' Guild on the Librarian. The Librarian plays Wallace Sonky to negate the effects of the Beggars' Guild, and TROD places a minion in Seven Sleepers. Trouble marker is placed in Seven Sleepers.

Turn 3

The Librarian plays The Fools Guild on TVFSDC. TVFSDC gives The Librarian $5. The Librarian places a minion in Seven Sleepers and takes $1 from his Nap Hill building.

TVFSDC plays The Fire Brigade on the Librarian. The Librarian pays $5 to save his building, and TVFSDC plays The Librarian, drawing 4 cards.

TROD plays Foul Ole Ron, moving a green minion from Seven Sleepers to Isle of Gods (trouble marker added to Isle of Gods), Here 'N Now (die roll = 9), gaining $3, then finally The Dyske, building a building in the Shades for $6 and gaining $2 from the two minions in Isle of Gods.

Turn 4

The Librarian plays Mrs. Cake and looks at 3 unused personality cards, then receives $2.

TVFSDC plays Sacharissa Crisplock, gaining $4 for the 4 Trouble markers on the board and placing a minion in Small Gods.

TROD plays Harga's House of Ribs, collects $3, and places a minion in The Hippo.

Turn 5

The Librarian plays Inigo Skimmer in the Scours, gaining $2 and removing the red minion and the Trouble marker. Also uses the Nap Hill building to gain $1.

TVFSDC plays The History Monks, drawing four random cards from the discard pile and placing a minion in Dimwell.

TROD plays Dr. Cruces, removing a green minion and Trouble marker from Dolly Sisters and gaining $3.

Turn 6

The Librarian plays the Pink Pussycat Club, gaining $3, then plays Mr. Gryle removing a yellow minion and Trouble marker from Isle of Gods. Also uses Nap Hill building to gain $1.

TVFSDC plays Mr. Boggis, taking $2 from each player and placing a minion and a Trouble marker in Isle of Gods.

TROD plays Dr. Whiteface on The Librarian. The Librarian pays $5. TROD places a minion in Isle of Gods.

Turn 7

The Librarian plays Gimlet's Dwarf Delicatessen, gaining $3 and placing a minion in Isle of the Gods. Received $1 from the Nap Hill building.

TVFSDC plays Rosie Palm, placing a minion in Unreal Estate and giving a card to TROD. TROD gives $2 to TVFSDC.

TROD plays CMOT Dibbler (dr = 8) and gains $4, uses the Shades building to place trouble in Dimwell, plays The Royal Mint, building a building in The Hippo for $12, then gaining $5. Finally, receives $2 from The Hippo building.

The Players

Player Name

Player Faction/Color

Minion Locations




Christopher Hunt The Librarian/Green The Scours, The Shades, Nap Hill, Isle of Gods (x2) Nap Hill 8
Bill Scharf TVFSDC/Yellow Dolly Sisters, Seven Sleepers, The Shades, Small Gods, Dimwell, Isle of Gods, Unreal Estate $10 Loan from Mr. Bent 31
Andy York TROD/Red Dolly Sisters, The Shades, Seven Sleepers, The Hippo, Isle of Gods The Shades, The Hippo 13

TROD is Texas Republic on Discworld, TVFSDC is The Veiled Fist Society and Dance Club

Board Position

Dolly Sisters: Yellow and Red minions

Unreal Estate: Yellow minion

Dragon's Landing: Red minion

Small Gods: Yellow minion

The Scours: Green minion

The Hippo: Red minion, Red Building

The Shades: Green, Yellow, and Red minions, Red Building

Dimwell: Yellow minion, Trouble

Longwall: Nothing

Isle of Gods: 2 Green, 1 Red, and 1 Yellow minions, Trouble

Seven Sleepers: Yellow and Red minions, Trouble

Nap Hill: Green minion, Green Building


S.O.B. 224 Home


Papillon, Issue 225