Norwegian Lundehund


Round 1

Kevin selects the Pillaging Leprechauns, gaining 11 tokens, places 2 in Fa7, 2 in H6, 3 in M6, 2 in Fa6, and 2 in M7 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 4VP.  Redeploys so that there are 3 each in H6, M6, and Fa6 and 2 in Fa7, and places pots of gold in H6, M6, and Fa6.

Christopher pays 1VP to select the Alchemist Dwarves, gaining 7 tokens, places 2 in Fa4, 2 in Sw4, and 3 in Fo3 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated).  Gains 6VP.

Andy pays 3VP to select the Spirit Priestesses, gaining 9 tokens, places 3 in Fa2 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in Fa3, 3 in M1, and 1 in H3 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 3VP and places spare token in Fa3.

Bill pays 1 VP to select the Catapult Giants, gaining 1VP and 10 tokens, places 3 tokens and the catapult in M7, 2 tokens in M8, 1 token in H5 (catapult used, 1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 tokens in Fa5 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 1 token in Fo7, and 1 token in H7.  Gains 6VP.

Round 2

Kevin's Pillaging Leprechauns collects 3 pots of gold, collects all tokens except 1 in M6, places 3 in Fo5 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 3 in M5, 3 in M4, and 1 in H4 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 5VP, places spare token in M6, moves a token from Fo5 to M6, and places pots of gold in M4, M5, and M6.

Christopher's Alchemist Dwarves collect all tokens except 1 in Sw4, and place 6 tokens in M1 (1 Priestess token eliminated, 2 returned).  Gains 6VP.  Move 3 tokens from M1 to Sw4.

Andy's Spirit Priestesses collect all spare tokens, place 3 in H1 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in Fo4, and 1 in M3 (reinforcement roll = 0, fails).  Gains 4VP.  Redeploys spare token to Fa3.

Bill's Catapult Giants collect all spare tokens, place 1 token in Fa7, 2 tokens in Sw7 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), and 2 in Fo6 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated).  Gains 8VP.  Catapult is moved to Fa5.

Round 3

Kevin's Pillaging Leprechauns collect 3 pots of gold and all tokens except for 1 each in M4, M5, and M6, places 2 tokens in Fa6, 2 in H6, 2 in H4, and 2 in M3 (reinforcement die roll = 2, success).  Gains 6VP.  Places pots of gold in M3, M4, M5, and M6 and moves 1 token each from Fa6 to M4, H6 to M5, and H4 to M6.

Christopher's Alchemist Dwarves leave 1 token each in M1 and Sw4, place 3 in H2 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), and 2 in Fa2 (reinforcement die roll = 2, success, 1 Priestess token eliminated).  Gains 9VP.  Move 1 token each from H2 into M1 and Sw4.

Andy's Spirit Priestesses go into decline, creating a tower of 3 tokens in Fo4.  Gains 3VP.

Bill's Catapult Giants go into decline.  Gains 8VP.

Round 4

Kevin's Pillaging Leprechauns collect 4 pots of gold and all tokens except for 1 each in M3, M4, M5, and M6, places 2 tokens in H3, 2 in Fa3, and 2 in H1.  Gains 7VP.  Places pots of gold in M3, M4, M5, and M6 and moves 1 token each from H3 to M4, Fa3 to M5, and H1 to M3.

Christopher's Alchemist Dwarves go into decline.  Gains 7VP.

Andy spends 2VP to select the Bivouacking Pygmies, gaining 11 tokens, places 3 in H1 (1 Leprechaun token eliminated), 3 in Sw3 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in H4, 2 in Fo5, and 1 in Fa6 (reinforcement die roll = 1, success).  Gains 8VP and places an Encampment in each area and moves a token from H1 to Fa6.

Bill spends 2VP to take the Seafaring Humans, gaining 10 tokens and placing 3 in Fa2 (1 Dwarf token eliminated), 3 in Fa3 (1 Leprechaun token eliminated), 2 in W1, and 2 in the northern sea, gaining 14VP.

Round 5

Kevin's Pillaging Leprechauns collect 4 pots of gold and go into decline, gaining 5VP.

Christopher spends 1VP to take the Behemoth Trolls, gaining 3VP and 9 tokens, places 2 in Fa1 (Troll's Lair placed), 3 in Sw1 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated, Troll's Lair placed, Behemoth stacks gain a strength of 1), 3 tokens and both Behemoth stacks in Fo4 (3 Priestess tokens eliminated, Troll's Lair placed), and 1 in M3 (reinforcement die roll = 1, fails).  Gains 8VP.  Extra token placed in Fa1.

Andy's Bivouacking Pygmies collect all spare tokens, place 3 in Sw7 (1 Giant token eliminated), 2 in H6, and 1 in Fa7 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 6VP and places all toekns in excess of 1 per area to Sw3.

Bill's Seafaring Humans collect all spare tokens, place 3 in Sw4 (1 Dwarf token eliminated), 2 in Fa4, and 1 in H5 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 16VP and places the spare token in Fa4.

Round 6

Kevin takes the Imperial Gypsies, gaining 6VP and 10 tokens, places 2 tokens in Sw2, 3 in H2 (1 Dwarf token eliminated), 3 in Fa2 (1 Human token eliiminated), and 2 in Fo2.  Gains 10VP and moves 1 token from Fa2 to Fo3.

Christopher's Behemoth Trolls collect all spare tokens, places 3 plus a Behemoth in H4 (1 Pygmy token eliminated, Encampment removed, Troll's Lair placed, Pygmies roll 1 reinforcement) and 2 plus a Behemoth in Sw5 (1 Lost Tribe token eliminated, Troll's Lair placed, Behemoth stacks become strength 2).  Gains 7VP and moves 1 token and 1 Behemoth from H4 to Sw1 and 1 token from H4 to Sw5.

Andy's Bivouacking Pygmies collect all spare tokens, place 3 in Fa7 (1 Giant token eliminated), and 2 to Fo6 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 7VP and moves 2 tokens from Fa7 to Sw3, along with the 2 tokens that failed to take Fo6, and places an Encampment in Sw7.

Bill's Seafaring Humans collects all spare tokens plus 1 from Fa3, place 3 in Fa5 (1 Giant token eliminated), and 2 in H5.  Gain 13VP and move 2 tokens from Fa5 to Sw4 and 1 from H5 to Fa4.

Round 7

Kevin's Imperial Gypsies collect 1 token from Fa2, 3 from H2 (1VP token placed), 2 from Sw2 (1VP token placed), and 2 from Fo2, place 2 in Fa3, 2 in Fo3, 3 in M2, and 1 in Fo1 (reinforcement die roll = 3, success), 1 Lost Tribe token eliminated).  Gains 16VP and moves 1 token from M2 to Fa2.

Christopher's Behemouth Trolls collect all spare tokens, place 2 and a Behemoth stack in Fo5 (1 Pygmy token lost, Encampment removed, Pygmies roll 0 reinforcements, Troll's Lair placed), and 2 and a Behemoth stack in Sw7 (1 Pygmy Token lost, Encampment removed, Pygmies roll 2 reinforcements, Troll's Lair placed, Behemoth stacks become strength 3).  Gains 9VP, moves 1 token from Fo5 to Sw5, 1 token from Sw7 to Sw1, and a Behmoth stack from Fo5 to Sw1.

Andy's Bivouacking Pygmies collect all spare tokens, place 4 in Fa3 (1 Gypsy token eliminated, 1 returned), and 2 in H2.  Gains 7VP and moves 3 tokens from Fa3 to Sw3 and 1 from H2 to Sw3, and places Encampments in Fa3 and Fa7.

Bill's Seafaring Humans collect 3 tokens from Sw4 and 2 tokens for Fa4, places 3 in H7 (1 Giant token eliminated), and 2 in the southern sea.  Gains 11VP and moves 1 token from the southern sea to Fa5 and 2 from H7 to Fa5.

Round 8

Kevin's Imperial Gypsies collect 1 token from Fa2, 1 from Fo3, and 2 from M2 (1VP token placed), place 2 in Sw4, 2 in Fa4, and 1 in Sw2 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 13VP and redeploys a token to Fo2.

Christopher's Behemoth Trolls go into decline.  Dwarves are removed.  Gains 7VP.

Andy's Bivouacking Pygmies collect all spare tokens, place 3 in Fa2 (1 Gypsy token eliminated), and 1 in Fo1 (reinforcement die roll = 3, success, 1 Gypsy token eliminated).  Gains 9VP.

Bill's Seafaring Humans collect 2 tokens each from Fa5 and H7, place them in Fa4 (1 Gypsy token eliminated, 1 returned).  Gains 12VP, moves 2 tokens from Fa5 to Fa4.

Round 9

Kevin's Imperial Gypsies collect 1 token from Fo3, 1 from off board, and 2 from Fo2 (1VP token placed), and place all of them in H5 (1 Human token eliminated).  Gains 9VP and moves 2 tokens from H5 to Sw4.

Christopher takes the Historian Ratmen, gaining 13 tokens and 4VP, places 2 in Sw2, 3 in H3 (1 Pygmy token eliminated, Pygmies roll 2 reinforcements), 5 in Fa2 (1 Pygmy token eliminated, 2 returned, Pygmies roll 0 reinforcements), and 3 in Fo1 (1 Pygmy token eliminated, Pygmies roll 1 reinforcement).  Gains 11VP.

Andy's Bivouacking Pygmies collect all spare tokens plus 1 token from H6, place 5 tokens in M7 (1 Giant token eliminated) and 1 token in Fo7 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails).  Gains 6VP and places the spare token in M7.

Bill's Seafaring Humans collect 2 tokens from Fa5 and place them in Fo3 (reinforcement die roll = 3, success, 1 Gypsy token eliminated).  Gains 11VP.


Congratulations to Bill on his close victory!

End of Game Statements

Andy York:  Well, a dismal end for me. Christopher's elimination of my mountain Ivory Tower effort in Round 2 put me in a bad state that I wasn't able to dig myself out of...

Congrats to Bill on a well fought win, and thanks to Chris H for running the game.

Christopher Hunt:  Congratulations to Bill on his win and to Chris for running the game.   I was so careful of tte long term points that the spirit priestesses would score I took them out and afterwards was always behind.  The dilemma do you do what is necessary to win or what is necessary to stop someone else winning.  The other problem was that I was not able to find victory point scoring races. 

Bill Scharf:  Thanks for running the game, always enjoyable. Some abilities are made for attacking, like berserk, Amazons, skeletons, dragon master, commando; others are strongly defensive, like diplomat, trolls, halflings or heroic. Still others give you more victory points for your efforts, like wealthy, humans, wizards and swamp. What I do each game has more to do with the races I can get my hands on than any preconceived plan.

Kevin Wilson:  Ugh, I hate losses this close. You always second guess where could I have found another VP or 2 or denied the winner 1 or 2. Oh well. I rode those Pillaging Leprechauns as long as I could. Rather than take them into decline earlier I still wonder if I should have ridden them one more round.

Congrats to Bill on a nice win. Thanks the others for another fun one. Thanks especially to Chris for running the game.

Has anyone tried other versions? I have had in the past Small World Underground and Small World of Warcraft but never played either (hence why I no longer own them). Underground looked like fun, especially with the option for higher player counts and Tunnels to connect the boards.


Current Race
Race in Decline Remaining Tokens
Kevin Wilson
Imperial Gypsies
Leprechauns 5
Christopher Hunt 80
Historian Ratmen
Andy York 39
Bivouacking Pygmies

Bill Scharf 102
Seafaring Humans

Race Selection

Kevin Wilson

Kevin Wilson

Christopher Hunt

Christopher Hunt

Andy York

Andy York

Bill Scharf

Bill Scharf