
End of Game Statements

Dave Hood (French) My only endgame comment is that Andy York clearly sucks. He just doesn't know how to play New World or he would not have come up $3 short.

Seriously, it was a fun game as always. I thought Andy's strategy of going West Coast and then coming inland worked pretty well. I got lucky that I was able to seize that double-resource area on the East Coast and fill it up with settlers. Gold can be a good theory in this game, but if you can find a good spot for settlers and leave them there when resource areas begin to increase in value that can really help a lot.

That much having been said, with so much simultaneous movement, New World can be quite chaotic in the later turns. So you can give yourself a chance to win, but there is certainly some chance involved there at the end as well. Good game to all.

Andy York (English) Argh - so close, but congrats to Dave on a well deserved victory. Chris, as always, thanks for running this game and letting us enjoy ourselves.

Newfoundland, Issue 199
Pick of the Litter S.O.B. 200 Home Dalmatian