
Turn 10

End of Game Statements due 11/11 Tuesday


Dutch buy 6 soldiers ($60) and 1 ship ($12) and maintain 4 ships ($16) for $88.

Spanish maintains 2 ships ($8) for $8.

Swedes buy 4 soldiers ($40) and maintain 4 ships ($16) for $56.

Portuguese buy 7 soldiers ($70) and 1 ship ($12) and maintain 6 ships ($24) for $106.

French buys 6 soldiers ($60), and maintains 5 ships ($20) for $80.

English buy 4 soldiers ($40), buys 2 ships ($24), and maintains 3 ships ($12) for $78.

Outbound Naval Movement

Dutch Move to O. Dice: 1, 1, 2. Loses 1 ship containing 1 soldier and 1 colonist, plus 2 soldiers and 1 colonist. Drops off 2 colonists. Move to R. Dice: 1, 6. No losses.

Spanish Move to L. Dice: 2, 3, 5, 6. No losses.

Swedes Move to X. Dice: 3, 3, 4, 6, 6. No losses.

Portuguese Move to Y. Dice: 2, 3, 5, 6, 6. No losses.

French Move to H. Dice: 1, 2, 6. Loses 1 soldier.

English Move to D. Dice: 4, 4, 6. No losses. Drops off 2 soldiers and 2 colonists. Move to N. Dice: 4, 6. No losses


English mine 1 gold in N. Swedes loot 2 gold in T and mine 1 gold in X.



Land Movement

Dutch moves gold from O to anchorage point, 4 soldiers and 2 colonists from R to T, 5 colonists from Q to T, 2 colonists from anchorage point to O, 4 soldiers from fleet to R.

Spanish moves 3 soldiers from F to G, 1 soldier and 1 colonist from I to F, 2 soldiers and 1 colonnist from L to I, and 3 colonists from fleet to L.

Swedes move 3 gold from X to fleet, 2 gold from T to X, 3 colonists and 3 soldiers from X to U, 1 soldier and 6 colonists from T to Q, and 4 colonists and 4 soldiers from fleet to X.

Portuguese move 1 soldier from Y to W, 7 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to Y.

French move 2 soldiers from K to G, 6 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to H.

English move 1 gold from N to fleet, 2 colonists from D to C, 2 colonists and 2 soldiers from anchorage point to D, and 2 soldiers and 2 colonists from fleet to N.


Spanish attack the French in G. Spanish lose 1 soldier, French lose 2 soldiers. English attack the Portuguese in N. Portuguese retreat to P.

Native Combat

Swedes: 1 soldier and 2 natives killed in U.

Native Uprisings

Climate is a 3. No uprisings.


Climate is a 6. No losses.

Political Control

English gain political control of C. French lose political control of G. Dutch gain political control of O and T and lose political control of Q. Swedes gain political control of Q and U and lose political control of T. Portuguese gain political control of P.

Homebound Naval Movement

Dutch: Move to O. Dice: 1, 4. No losses, picks up gold. Dice: 1, 3, 4. No losses.

Spanish: Dice: 2, 2, 4, 6. No losses.

Swedes: Dice: 1, 1, 2, 4, 6. No losses.

Portuguese: Dice: 2, 3, 3, 3, 3. No losses.

French: Dice: 3, 5, 6. No losses.

English: Dice: 4, 4, 5, 6. No losses.


English: Political Control: $160, resources: $45.

Dutch: Political Control: $160, gold: $40, resources: $51.

French: Political Control: $120, resources: $153.

Portuguese: Political Control: $120, resources: $48.

Spanish: Political Control: $160, resources: $114.

Swedes: Political Control: $160, gold: $120, resources: $60.


This being turn 10, it is the last turn of the game and victory is determined by total money. So, congratulations to Dave Hood, who pulled out a real squeaker, beating Andy York by a mere $3.





Available Soldiers



English Martin Burgdorf $753 0 5 4
Dutch Dave Partridge $566 7 5 4
French Dave Hood $1115 3 5 4
Portuguese Bob Robles $414 0 7 4
Spanish Andy York $1112 9 2 3
Swedes Non-player $1023 6 4 4

Newfoundland, Issue 198
Pick of the Litter S.O.B. 199 Home Dalmatian
Newfoundland, Issue 200