
Puerto Rico with Buildings Expansion

Round 1

Governor Kevin selects the Builder and builds a Construction Hut (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon spent).  Andy builds a Hacienda (2 doubloons spent).  Chris builds a Small Market (1 doubloon spent).  Christopher passes.

Andy selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Hacienda and indigo plantation.  Chris and Christopher each place a colonist on their corn plantations.  Kevin places a colonist on the Construction Hut.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Chris selects the Settler and takes a quarry.  Christopher takes a corn plantation.  Kevin takes a corn plantation.  Andy uses the Hacienda to draw an indigo plantation and takes a coffee plantation.  New plantations are:  indigo, indigo, sugar, tobacco, tobacco.

Christopher selects the Craftsman and produces 1 corn.  Chris produces 1 corn.  Christopher produces a bonus corn.

Round 2

Governor Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Chris selects the Mayor and places colonists on the quarry and Small Market.  Christopher places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Kevin places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Andy places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Christopher selects the Builder and builds a Hospice (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 3 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).  Andy builds an Indigo Plant (3 doubloons spent).  Chris builds a Black Market (1 doubloon discount from quarry, 1 doubloon spent).

Kevin selects the Craftsman and produces 1 corn.  Chris produces 1 corn.  Christopher produces 2 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Round 3

Governor Chris selects the Captain, gaining 2 doubloons, and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Christopher ships 3 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP (Ship 1 sails).  Kevin discards 1 corn.

Christopher selects the Trader, gaining 2 doubloons, and trades corn for 1 doubloon (0 base +1 for Trader).

Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the indigo plantation and Small Indigo Plant.  Andy places a colonist on the Indigo Plant and moves a colonist from the Hacienda to the Indigo Plant.  Chris places a colonist on the Black Market.  Christopher places a coloninst on the Hospice.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes an indigo plantation.  Chris takes a tobacco plantation.  Christopher takes a tobacco plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin uses the Construction Hut to take a quarry.  New plantations are:  corn, corn, indigo, sugar, tobacco.

Round 4

Governor Christopher selects the Builder, gaining 1 doubloon, and builds a Large Market (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 4 doubloons spent).  Kevin passes.  Andy passes.  Chris builds a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount from quarry, 1 doubloon discount by discarding 1VP with the Black Market, 3 doubloons spent).

Kevin selects the Captain and ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP.

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Chris selects the Mayor and places colonists on the tobacco plantation and Tobacco Storage.  Christopher places a colonist on the Large Market.  Kevin places a colonist on the quarry.  Andy places a colonist on the Hacienda.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 5

Governor Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 2 doubloons, and produces 1 corn and 1 indigo.  Andy produces 2 indigo.  Chris produces 1 corn and 1 tobacco.  Christopher produces 2 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Andy selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades indigo for 2 doubloons (1 base +1 for Trader).  Chris trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).

Chris selects the Builder and builds an Office (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 3 doubloons spent).  Christopher passes.  Kevin builds a Storehouse (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 2 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Coffee Roaster (6 doubloons spent).

Christopher selects the Captain and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails).  Andy ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP.

Round 6

Governor Andy selects the Mayor, gaining 1 doubloon, then places colonists on the coffee plantation and Coffee Roaster.  Chris places a colonist on the Office.  Christopher places a colonist in San Juan.  Kevin places a colonist on the Storehouse.  Four colonists placed on the colonist ship.

Chris selects the Settler, gaining 2 doubloons, and takes a tobacco plantation.  Christopher takes a corn plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  Andy draws a tobacco plantation with the Hacienda, then takes a corn plantation.  New plantations:  corn, corn, sugar, sugar, sugar.

Christopher selects the Prospector, gaining 2 doubloons.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, producing 1 corn and 1 indigo.  Andy produces 2 indigo and 1 coffee.  Chris produces 1 corn and 1 tobacco.  Christopher produces 3 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Round 7

Governor Chris selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and uses the Office to trade tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 3 corn on Ship 1 for 4VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails).  Andy ships 2 indigo on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Kevin ships 1 indigo on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Andy ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Chris discards 1 corn.

Kevin selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 2 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.  Chris builds a City Hall (1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 9 doubloons spent).  Christopher passes.

Andy selects the Mayor and places colonists on an indigo plantation and the Indigo Plant.  Chris places a colonist on the tobacco plantation.  Christopher places a colonist in San Juan.  Kevin places a colonist on the sugar plantation and moves a colonist from the Storehouse to the Sugar Mill.  Six colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 8

Governor Christopher selects the Settler, gaining 1 doubloon, and takes a quarry with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  Andy uses the Hacienda to draw a sugar plantation and takes a corn plantation.  Chris takes a corn plantation.  New plantations:  indigo, sugar, sugar, coffee, coffee.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar.  Andy produces 3 indigo and 1 coffee.  Chris produces 1 corn and 1 tobacco.  Christopher produces 3 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Andy selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Chris trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).  Christopher trades corn for 2 doubloons (0 base +2 for Large Market).  Kevin trades sugar for 2 doubloons.

Chris selects the Mayor and places 2 colonists on the Tobacco Storage and 1 on the corn plantation.  Christopher places 2 colonists in San Juan.  Kevin places a colonist on the Storehouse.  Andy places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 9

Governor Kevin selects the Trader and trades indigo for 2 doubloons (1 base +1 for Trader).  Chris trades corn for 1 doubloon (0 base +1 for Small Market).

Andy selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Chris selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Large Warehouse (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 4 doubloons spent).  Christopher builds a Guesthouse (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 3 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds an Aqueduct (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP.  Andy ships 2 indigo on Ship 3 for 2VP (Ship 3 sails).  Chris ships 1 corn on Ship 1 for 1VP (Ship 1 sails).

Round 10

Governor Andy selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, draws an indigo plantation with the Hacienda, and takes a coffee plantation.  Chris takes a sugar plantation.  Christopher takes a coffee plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin takes a sugar plantation.  New plantations are: indigo, indigo, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco.

Chris selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Large Warehouse and sugar plantation.  Christopher places a colonist on the Guesthouse and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Guesthouse.  Kevin places a colonist on the Aqueduct.  Andy places a colonist on the Coffee Roaster and moves a colonist from a corn plantation to a coffee plantation.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Christopher selects the Prospector, gaining 1 doubloon.

Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 sugar.  Andy produces 3 indigo and 2 coffee.  Chris produces 2 corn and 2 tobacco.  Christopher produces 3 corn.  Kevin produces a bonus corn.

Round 11

Governor Chris selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 tobacco on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Christopher ships 3 corn on Ship 3 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Andy ships 2 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Chris ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP (Ship 3 sails).  Andy discards 3 indigo.

Christopher selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, builds a Coffee Roaster (1 doubloon discount from the Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 4 doubloons spent), and moves a colonist from the Guest House to it.  Kevin builds a Trading Post (1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 4 doubloons spent).  Andy builds a Residence (10 doubloons spent).  Chris builds a Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 3 doubloons spent).

Kevin selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader).

Andy selects the Mayor, places colonists on both corn plantations, and moves a colonist from the Hacienda to the Residence.  Chris places a colonist on the Sugar Mill.  Christopher places a colonist on the Guesthouse and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Cofee Roaster.  Kevin places a colonist on the Trading Post.  Six colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 12

Governor Christopher selects the Settler, gaining 1 doubloon, and takes a quarry with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin uses the Construction Hut to take a quarry.  Andy takes a tobacco plantation.  Chris takes a tobacco plantation.  New plantations:  indigo, sugar, sugar, coffee, coffee.

Kevin selects the Mayor, places 2 colonists on the Sugar Mill, 1 on a sugar plantation, and moves a colonist from the indigo plantation to the sugar plantation and one from the Small Indigo Plant to the quarry.  Andy places colonists on both tobacco plantations.  Chris places a colonist on a tobacco plantation.  Christopher places a colonist in San Juan.  Five colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Trader.  Kevin uses the Trading Post to trade indigo for 1 doubloon.

Chris selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 1 sugar, and 3 tobacco.  Christopher produces 3 corn and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces 1 corn and 4 sugar.  Andy produces 2 corn, 3 indigo, and 2 coffee.  Chris produces a bonus sugar.

Round 13

Governor Kevin selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Wharf (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloon discount for quarries, 6 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.  Chris builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  Christopher passes.

York selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 4 indigo on Ship 3 for 5VP.  Chris ships 3 tobacco on Ship 1 for 3VP (Ship 1 sails).  Christopher ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 1VP.  Andy ships 2 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP (Ship 2 sails).  Christopher discards 2 corn, Kevin discards 1 corn, and Andy discards 1 corn.

Chris selects the Prospector, gaining 3 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Settler and takes a Quarry with a colonist from the Hospice.  Kevin uses the Construction Hut to take a quarry.  Andy takes a sugar plantation.  Chris takes an indigo plantation.  New plantations:  corn, corn, indigo, tobacco, tobacco.

Round 14

Governor Andy selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on 2 sugar plantations and an indigo plantation.  Chris places a colonist on the City Hall.  Christopher places a colonist in San Juan.  Kevin places a colonist on the Wharf.  Five colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Chris selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and uses the Office to trade sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Kevin uses the Trading Post to trade sugar for 2 doubloons.

Christopher selects the Builder and builds a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 3 doubloon discount for quarries, 1 doubloon spent) and moves a colonist from the Guesthouse to the Tobacco Storage.  Kevin passes.  Andy builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).  Chris builds a Statue (1 doubloon discount for a Quarry, 9 doubloons spent).

Kevin selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn, and 4 sugar.  Andy produces 2 corn, 3 indigo, and 2 coffee.  Chris produces 2 corn, 1 sugar, and 3 tobacco.  Christopher produces 1 corn, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Kevin produces a bonus sugar.

Round 15

Governor Chris selects the Builder and builds an Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 1 doubloon spent).  Christopher builds a Sugar Mill (2 doubloon discount from quarries, 2 doubloons spent).  Kevin builds a Lighthouse (2 doubloon discount from quarries, 5 doubloons spent).  Andy passes.

Christopher selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Kevin ships 2 sugar on Ship 2 for 6VP (Ship 2 sails).  Andy ships 3 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP (Ship 1 sails).  Kevin ships 2 sugar via the Wharf for 2VP.  Andy ships 3 indigo on Ship 3 for 3VP (Ship 3 sails).  Christopher discards 1 tobacco, Andy discards 1 coffee, and Chris discards 1 sugar.

Kevin selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Lighthouse, Small Indigo Plant, and indigo plantation.  Andy places a colonist on the Small Indigo Plant.  Chris places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Christopher places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage, moves a colonist from San Juan to the Tobacco Storage, and moves 3 colonists from San Juan to the Sugar Mill.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Andy selects the Trader and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Chris trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Kevin Wilson Mayor
Indigo, Corn, Quarry, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, Quarry, Quarry
Construction Hut, Small Indigo Plant, Storehouse, Sugar Mill (3), Aqueduct, Trading Post, Wharf, Lighthouse

1 corn
Andy York Trader
Indigo, Indigo, Coffee, Indigo, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Corn, Indigo, Coffee, Tobacco, Sugar
Hacienda, Indigo Plant (3), Coffee Roaster (2), Residence, Small Indigo Plant


Chris Geggus
Corn, Quarry, Tobacco, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Tobacco, Indigo
Small Market, Black Market, Tobacco Storage (3), Office, City Hall, Large Warehouse, Sugar Mill (1), Small Indigo Plant, Statue, Indigo Plant

4 corn, 1 sugar, 2 tobacco
Christopher Hunt Captain
Corn, Corn, Tobacco, Corn, Quarry, Coffee, Quarry, Quarry
Hospice, Large Market, Guesthouse (1), Coffee Roaster (2), Tobacco Storage (3), Sugar Mill (3)

1 coffee

Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: Colonist Ship: 3

Trading House:  Coffee Tobacco

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 5): Empty      Ship 2 (capacity 6): Empty      Ship 3 (capacity 7): Empty

Victory Points:  28


Corn: 5

Indigo: 11

Sugar: 10

Tobacco: 6

Coffee: 7


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Small Indigo Plant (1d, 1vp)

Indigo Plant (3d, 2vp)

Tobacco Storage (5d, 3vp)

Guild Hall (10d, 4vp)

Small Sugar Mill (x4, 2d, 1vp)

Coffee Roaster (6d, 3vp)

Factory (7d, 3vp)
Fortress (10d, 4vp)

Custom House (10d, 4vp)

University (8d, 3vp)

Forest House (2d, 1vp)

Church (5d, 2vp)

Library (8d, 3vp)

Cloister (10d, 4vp)

Harbor (8d, 3vp)

Specialty Factory (8d, 3vp)

Small Wharf (6d, 2vp)

Small Warehouse (3d, 1vp)

Union Hall (9d, 3vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Prospector (1d), Settler (1d), Trader


Quarries, Forests(x?), Indigo, Sugar, Coffee, Coffee

Discard Pile:  Sugar, Coffee, Indigo, Sugar, Indigo, Sugar, Sugar, Indigo, Indigo, Indigo, Tobacco

Victory Points

Kevin Wilson

Andy York

Chris Geggus Christopher Hunt





VP Chits












Congratulations to Chris Geggus on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Andy York:  Decent game for me, but Chris G was thatch better - great win! Chris H, thanks for top-notch skill in herding us in the game.

Chris Geggus:  I don't normally go down the building route, but was forced into it here with all you guys shipping non-stop. I was counting the points and realised I should win with a last turn finish, even if I was giving up another turn of shipping. But still very close. Thanks all and Chris H.

Christopher Hunt:  Thank s to Chris for running the game.   Confgtats to Chris on winning.   No plan, changed strategies, no win.

Kevin Wilson:  This may be the first game ended by filling the city. I admit I wasn’t paying attention. It seems it’s always VP or colonists that trigger the end. I didn’t see it coming so quick.

Congrats to Chris on another nice win. Still fun despite always coming up short.

Thanks to the others for playing and to Chris for running the game.
