
Dominion - Base (v2), Allies, Plunder

Initial Card Elimination

The Barbarians are vanquished, the Importer is exported, the Festival is closed, the Smithy is shuttered, Enlarge is downsized, and the Pickaxe is lost. 


As the sole Liaison card was discarded, the Fellowship of Scibes is also gone.  Also, there are no remaining cards that provide Loot, so that will also be out of play.  Finally there are no Attack cards in play, so play will be simultaneous until the first Governor is purchased, which is the sole remaining card that can affect other players.  One the first Governor comes into play, I will switch things to sequential.

Round 1

Chris H. reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.
Christopher reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.
Dave reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.
Chris G. reveals 4 Copper and buys a Carpenter.
Kevin reveals 2 Copper and buys a Cage.
Bill reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.

Round 2

Chris H. reveals 4 Copper and buys a Remodel.  Deck is reshuffled.
Christopher reveals 2 Copper and buys a Cage.  Deck is reshuffled.
Dave reveals 4 Copper and buys a Carpenter.  Deck is reshuffled.
Chris G. reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.  Deck is reshuffled.
Kevin reveals 5 Copper and buys a Crew.  Deck is reshuffled.
Bill reveals 4 Copper and buys a Carpenter.  Deck is reshuffled.

Round 3

Chris H. reveals 2 Copper and buys a Cage.
Christopher plays a Cage, setting aside 1 card on it, reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.
Dave reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.
Chris G. plays a Carpenter, gaining a Carpenter, reveals 3 Copper, and buys a Silver.
Kevin reveals 2 Copper and buys a Cage.
Bill reveals 3 Copper and buys a Silver.

Round 4

Chris H. reveals 4 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Gold.  Dcek is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Christopher reveals 2 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Crucible.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Dave plays a Carpenter, gaining a Remodel, reveals 3 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Crew.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Chris G. reveals 3 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Governor. Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Kevin plays a Crew, drawing 2 cards, reshuffling his deck, and drawing a third card, reveals 5 Copper, and buys a Governor.
Bill plays a Carpenter, gaining a Carpenter, reveals 4 Copper, and buys a Crucible.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.

Round 5

Chris H. plays a Remodel, trashing an Estate for a Remodel and plays a Cage, setting aside 2 cards.
Christopher reveals 3 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Governor.
Dave plays a Remodel, trashing an Estate for a Carpenter, reveals 2 Copper, and buys a Cage.
Chris G. plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  All other players gain a Silver.  Chris G. then reveals 2 Copper and buys a Cage.
Kevin plays a Cage, placing 2 cards on it.  Crew is placed on top of his deck.  Deck is reshuffled after 1 draw.
Bill reveals 2 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Gondola.

Round 6

Chris H. reveals 2 Copper and a Gold and buys a Quartermaster.  Deck is reshuffled after 4 draws.
Christopher plays a Crucible, trashing 1 Copper, reveals a Silver, and buys a Cage.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Dave reveals 3 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Quartermaster.
Chris G. plays a Carpenter, gaining a Carpenter, a Carpenter, gaining a Carpenter, then reveals 2 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Gondola.  Deck is reshuffled before first draw.
Kevin plays a Crew, drawing 3 cards, plays a Cage, placing 1 card on it, reveals 4 Copper and a Silver and buys a Gold.  Deck is reshuffled after 4 draws.
Bill plays a Carpenter, gaining a Crucible, and reveals 3 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Governor.

Round 7

Chris H. reveals 4 Copper and 1 Silver and buys a Gold.
Christopher reveals 3 Copper and 2 Silver, spends 1 Copper for a Bury, placing a card from his discards on the bottom of his deck, and buys a Gold.
Dave plays a Carpenter, gaining a Goldola, and a Crew, reshuffling his deck and drawing 3 cards, plays a Remodel, trashing a Copper for a Cage, and reveals 2 Copper and 2 Silver, and buys a Gold.
Chris G. plays a Carpenter, gaining a Remodel, a Cage, placing 1 card on it, and reveals 1 Copper and 1 Silver, buying a Silver.
Kevin plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  All other players gain a Silver.  Kevin reveals 4 Copper and buys a Carpenter.  The Crew is placed on top of his deck.
Bill plays a Crucible, trashing a Carpenter, reveals 2 Copper, and buys a Gold.  Deck is reshuffled before the first draw.

Round 8

Chris H. reveals plays a Quartermaster, reveals 1 Copper and 1 Gold, buys a Gondola, and plays a Remodel, trashing an Estate for a Crucible.  Deck is reshuffled after 3 draws.
Christopher plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  All other players gain a Silver.  Christopher plays a Crucible, trashing an Estate, reveals 1 Copper and 1 Silver, and buys a Governor.
Dave plays a Carpenter, gaining a Crucible, a Quartermaster, reveals 3 Copper, and buys a Silver.  The Crew is placed on top of his deck.
Chris plays a Carpenter, gaining a Carpenter, reveals 4 Copper, and buys a Remodel.
Kevin reveals a Silver and a Gold and buys a Quartermaster.  Deck is reshuffled after 1 draw.
Bill plays a Crucible, trashing a Silver, reveals 1 Copper and 1 Silver, and buys a Gold.

Round 9

Chris H. uses the Quartermaster to gain a Gondola, plays a Crucible, trashing an Estate, reveals a Silver and a Gold, buys a Bury, placing a card from his discards on the bottom of his deck, and buys a Gold.
Christopher plays a Cage, placing 2 cards in it, reveals 1 Copper and 1 Silver, and buys a Silver.  Deck is reshuffled before the first draw.
Dave uses the Quartermaster to gain a Gondola, plays a Crew, drawing 1 card, reshuffling his deck, and drawing 2 more cards, then plays a Carpenter, trashing a Cage for a Crucible, reveals 2 Copper and 1 Silver, and buys a Journey.  Five cards drawn, gains the Gondola from the Quatermaster to his hand, plays a Gondola, a Crucible, trashing a Carpenter, reveals 2 Copper, and buys a Province.  Crew is placed on top of his deck.
Chris G. plays a Governor, drawing 3 cards.  Each other player draws 1 card.  Chris G. then plays a Carpenter, trashing a Carpenter and gaining a Gold, reveals 2 Copper and 1 Silver, and buys a Gondola.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Kevin reveals 1 Copper, 1 Silver, and 1 Gold and buys a Gold.
Bill plays a Carpenter, trashing a Gondola for a Gold, reveals 3 Copper, and buys a Silver.

Round 10

Chris H. uses the Quartermaster to gain a Crucible, plays a Remodel, trashing a Copper for a Cage, reveals 2 Silver, 1 Gondola, and 1 Gold, buys a Bury, placing a card from his discards on the bottom of his deck, and buys a Province, trashing the Cage and adding the two cards in it to his hand after his draw.
Christopher reveals 3 Silver and 2 Copper and buys a Province.  Both Cages are trashed and the three cards therein are added to his hand after his draw.
Dave uses the Quartermaster to gain a Silver, reveals 1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 1 Copper, and buys a Province.
Chris G. plays a Remodel, trashing a Carpenter for a Gold, plays a Gondola, reveals a Silver and a Gold, and buys another Gold.
Kevin plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  All other players gain a Silver.  Kevin plays a Crew, gaining 3 cards, reveals 1 Copper and 1 Gold, buys a Gondola, plays a Carpenter, trashing a Quartermaster for a Gold.  Deck is reshuffled after 1 draw.
Bill plays a Crucible, trashing an Estate, reveals 1 Copper, 1 Silver, and 1 Gold, and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled after 4 draws.

Round 11

Chris H. takes a Crucible from the Quartermaster, uses it to trash a Silver, reveals 6 Copper, buys a Bury to place a card from his discards at the bottom of his deck, and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled after 2 draws.
Christpher plays a Governor, gaining 1 Gold.  Each other player gains a Silver.  Christopher then reveals 3 Copper, 2 Silver, and 1 Gold and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled before first draw.
Dave uses the Quartermaster to gain a Crucible, reveals 1 Copper, 3 Silver, and a Gondola, buys a Bury, placing a card from his discards on the bottom of his deck, and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled after 1 draw.
Chris G. plays a Governor, drawing 3 cards.  Each other player draws 1 card.  Chris G. then plays a Carpenter, trashing a Carpenter for a Gold, reveals 2 Silver and 1 Gold, and buys a Gold.
Kevin reveals 1 Silver, 2 Gold, and a Gondola, and buys a Province.  The Crew is put on top of his deck, and both Cages are trashed and the 3 cards they contain are added to his hand after his draw.
Bill plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  Each other player gains a Silver.  Bill reveals 3 Copper, 1 Silver, and 1 Gold and buys a Province.

Round 12

Chris H. uses the Quartermaster to gain a Remodel, plays a Crucible, trashing a Copper, reveals 2 Copper and 2 Gold, and buys a Province.
Christopher plays a Governor, gaining a Gold.  All other players gain a Silver.  Christopher then plays a Crucible, trashes a Gold, reveals a Silver, and buys a Province.
Dave uses the Quartermaster to gain a Gondola, plays a Crew, drawing 3 cards, uses a Crucible to trash Silver, reveals 1 Copper, 2 Silver, and a Gondola, and buys a Province.
Chris G. reveals 3 Copper and a Gondola and buys a Duchy.  The Cage is trashed and the card it contains is added to his hand after his draw.
Kevin plays a Crew, drawing 3 cards, reveals 1 Copper, 1 Silver, and 1 Gold, and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled after 4 draws.
Bill reveals 1 Copper, 2 Silver, and a Gondola and buys a Duchy.

Round 13

Chris H. takes the Remodel from the Quartermastere, plays Remodel, trashing a Silver for a Duchy, plays a Crucible, trashing a Remodel, reveals 2 Silver, and buys a Province.
Christopher reveals 1 Copper and 2 Silver and buys a Duchy.
Dave takes a Crucible from the Quartermaster, plays it to trash a Carpenter, reveals 2 Copper, and buys a Province.  The Crew is placed on top of his deck before his draw. 
Chris G. plays a Remodel, trashing a Copper for an Estate, reveals a Silver and 2 Gold and buys a Province.  Deck is reshuffled after 4 draws.
Kevin plays a Carpenter, trashing a Gold and gaining a Province, reveals 2 Copper, and buys an Estate.  The Crew is returned to the top of his deck.

Victory Points

As the last Province has been acquired, this ends the game.

Chris H.
Dave Chris G. Kevin
Estates (x1)
Duchies (x3)
Provinces (x6)
Congratulation to Dave Hooton on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Christopher Hunt:  Thanks to Chris for working out how I could do what I wanted.   It seemed a short game. Little time to build the engine.   Enjoyable the same for that.  Made an initially bad choice. will not buy a cage again.

Dave Hooton:  Thanks for running the game, Chris.

It was a tight game, and I managed to barely lead the pack only by stealing a march on Chris Hibbert on Turn 9 by using the Journey event. I was able to get by with only one Gold, since the most valuable cards this time around were Quartermaster (in conjunction with Gondolas) and Crucibles to cannibalize my hand to finance Provinces.

Bill Scharf:  Congratulations to Dave on his win, and thanks to Chris for running it.

Chris Geggus:  Well, I bought 7 golds and managed to buy 1 Province. No idea what happened. Well done Dave and thanks Chris. Probably won’t bother with Dominion in future.

Kevin Wilson:  Congrats to Dave and thanks to all, especially Chris, will I still try to learn this one.

Chris Hibbert:  Congratulations to David, and thanks to Chris for running the game.

It's hard to beat someone who can buy Provinces 5 turns in a row! David's engine kicked in one turn before mine, but I wasn't going to be able to keep up with him. My next hand wouldn't have gotten me another Province, so I wasn't able to keep up with the pace.

I also found the Quartermaster to be very powerful. I would have done better with at least one Carpenter. The Cages weren't a problem for me, but I was convinced early on that using more than one at a time would be playing into a trap.

Dave's use of the Journey was incisive. I never found a good time to use it, but I did use Bury a bunch.  Congrats again.


Cards in Hand
Duration Cards In Play
Chris Hibbert
Quartermaster (Gondola)
Christopher Hunt

Dave Hooton
Quartermaster (Silver, Gondola)
Chris Geggus

Kevin Wilson

Bill Scharf
The number in parenthesis after a Cage is the number of cards on it.  A card name in parenthesis after the Quartermaster is available to be placed in the player's hand at the start of the next turn for that player.


Remaining in Supply
Silver Mine
In the Trash:  Estate, Estate, Copper, Copper, Carpenter, Estate, Estate, Silver, Cage, Carpenter, Carpenter, Gondola, Copper, Cage, Cage, Cage, Carpenter, Quartermaster, Estate, Silver, Carpenter, Cage, Cage, Copper, Gold, Cage, Silver, Remodel, Carpenter, Copper

Labrastaff Supply