
Turn 4

Turn 5 due 9/4 Tuesday


English maintain 4 ships ($16) and buy 4 soldiers ($40) for $56.

Portuguese maintain 5 ships ($20) and buy 5 soldiers ($50) for $70.

Swedes maintain 4 ships ($16) and buy 2 ships ($24) and 7 soldiers ($70) for $110.

Dutch maintain 4 ships ($16) and buy 4 soldiers ($40) for $56.

Spanish maintain 4 ships ($16) and buy 4soldiers ($40) for $56.

French maintain 5 ships ($20) and buy 4 soldiers ($40) for $60.


Swedes mine 1 gold in O. Spanish mine 1 gold in U (mine depletes).


French discover a mine in R.

Outbound Naval Movement

English Move to K. Dice: 2, 5, 6. No losses.

Portuguese Move to N. Dice: 3, 3, 4, 5. No losses.

Swedes Move to N. Dice: 2, 3, 3, 6. No losses.

Dutch Move to H. Dice: 2, 2, 5. No losses.

Spanish Move to U. Dice: 2, 5, 5, 6. No losses.

French Move to R. Dice: 1, 3, 4, 4. Lose 1 ship containing nothing.

Land Movement

English move 1 colonist from K to J, and 4 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to K.

Portuguese move 2 colonists and 2 soldiers from N to P, 2 soldiers from N to M (it is a climate 2 area with 1 native), 4 colonists and 5 soldiers from fleet to N.

Swedes move 1 gold from O to anchorage point, 2 colonists from Q to O, 1 colonist from Q to N, 7 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to N.

Dutch move 4 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to H (it is a climate 3 area with 2 natives).

Spanish move 1 gold from U to fleet, 4 soldiers and 5 colonists from U to T, and 4 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to U.

French move 4 soldiers and 1 colonist from R to Q and 4 soldiers and 4 colonists from fleet to R. One colonist mines.

Native Combat

English: 1 soldier and 3 natives killed in K. 1 soldier loots. Spanish: 1 native and 2 soldiers killed in T.


The Swedes attack the Portuguese in N. Swedes lose 3 soldiers, Portuguese lose 4.

Native Uprisings

Climate is a 4. Uprising in C (3 colonists lost)


Climate is a 2.

Dutch lose 2 soldiers in C, 1 colonist in D, and 1 colonist and 1 soldier in H, English lose 2 colonists in J and 1 soldier and 1 colonist in K, Portuguese lose 2 soldiers in M and 1 colonist in N, Swedes lose 1 colonist and 1 soldier each in O and N, French lose 1 soldier each in Q and R, and Spanish lose 1 colonist and 1 soldier in T and 1 colonist in U.

Political Control

Dutch lose political control of D. Portuguese lose political control of N. Swedes gain political control of N. French gain political control of R. Spanish gain political control of T.

Homebound Naval Movement

English: Dice: 2, 3, 3. No losses.

Portuguese: Dice: 1, 2, 5, 6. Loses 2 ships.

Swedes: Move to O: 5, 6. No losses, picks up gols. Dice: 1, 4, 6. Loses 1 ship including 1 gold.

Dutch: Dice: 3, 3, 5. No losses.

Spanish: Dice: 2, 3, 5, 6. No losses.

French: Dice: 2, 3, 5, 6. No losses.


Dutch: Political Control: $20, resources: $6.

English: Political Control: $20, resources: $4.

French: Political Control: $60, resources: $20.

Portuguese: Political Control: $40, resources: $19.

Spanish: Political Control: $60, gold: $40, resources: $8.

Swedes: Political Control: $60, resources: $8.

Turn 5 Initiative

Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Swedes

Spanish attitude is (dr = 11 + 1 = 12) Balancing.

Swedes attitude is (dr = 7 + 1 = 8) Exploration.





Available Soldiers



Dutch Martin Burgdorf $47 12 4 4
English Bob Robles $30 14 4 4
French Andy York $80 9 4 4
Portuguese David Hood $68 9 3 4
Spanish Non-player 1 $112 14 4 4
Swedes Non-player 2 $68 12 5 4

Brittany, Issue 233
Eurasier S.O.B. 234 Home Chinook

Brittany, Issue 235