
Epoch I Empire Selection and Sumeria

Egypt, Minoans, and Indus Valley due 2/7, Tuesday

Epoch I Empire Selection

Republic of Texas (York) keeps

RMHS (Wilson) keeps

GEGS (Geggus) gives to The Gardeners

The Gardeners (Hunt) gives to Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus (Anderson) gives to NICE

NICE (Burgdorf) gives to Red

Red (Richardson?) gives to GEGS

Epoch I

RMHS (Wilson) SUMERIANS: Army and Capital Lower Tigris, armies Zagros, Upper Tigris, Levant. Builds Monument Lower Tigris. Points: Dominance in Middle East (4), 1 Capital (2), and 1 Monument (1) for 6 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 0 0
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 4 6
Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 0 0
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 0 0
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 0 0
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 0 0
Geoff Richardson? ? (red) 0 0


Geoff Richardson has NMRed! Will Brad Martin please submit standby orders for Red!


RMHS: Army, Capital, and Monument Lower Tigris, armies Zagros, Upper Tigris, Levant.

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Azawakh, Issue 217


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