
Seafarers of Catan

Turn 7 to Turn 11.1

Turn 7

Dave: Die roll = 2. Martin receives 2 wool. Dave trades 1 brick to Andy for 2 grain, then builds a settlement at I9. Andy builds a road from F5 to F4. Martin buys a development card.

Kevin: Die roll = 7. Moves the robber to the 8 forest space at E9 and steals lumber from Martin. Builds a ship from H7 to H6.

Martin: Die roll = 8. Dave receives 1 lumber, and Martin receives 1 lumber and 1 brick, and Chris receives 1 brick. Plays a Knight and moves the robber to the 6 pasture space at F6 and steals an ore from Kevin then passes.

Andy: Die roll = 10. Dave receives 1 wool, Kevin receives 1 ore, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 grain. Passes.

Chris: Die roll = 10. Dave receives 1 wool, Kevin receives 1 ore, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 grain. Builds a settlement at C17. Dave builds ships from I10 to I9 and I9 to I8. Kevin upgrades the settlement at F6 to a city. Martin builds a settlement at G14.

Turn 8

Dave: Die roll = 10. Dave receives 1 wool, Kevin receives 2 ore, Martin receives 2 grain, and Chris receives 1 grain. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll = 5. Dave receives 1 brick, Kevin and Andy each receive 2 grain, and Chris receives 1 grain and 1 lumber. Passes.

Martin: Die roll = 7. Andy discards 2 grain, 1 wool, and 1 lumber. Martin moves the robber to the 8 forest space at E9 and steals a brick from Dave and passes.

Andy: Die roll = 8. Dave receives 1 lumber, Chris receives 1 brick, and Martin receives 1 lumber and 1 brick. Passes.

Chris: Die roll = 7. Moves the robber to the 6 pasture space at F6 and steals grain from Kevin. Trades 3 grain for brick and builds roads from D14 to D13 and D13 to D12. Martin builds a road from E13 to E14.

Turn 9

Dave: Die roll = 6. Chris receives 1 grain. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll = 8. Andy receives 1 lumber, Dave receives 2 lumber, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 lumber and 1 brick. Passes.

Martin: Die roll = 8. Andy receives 1 lumber, Dave receives 2 lumber, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 lumber and 1 brick. Martin trades 1 brick to Dave in exchange for 2 lumber. Martin builds roads from E14 to F14 and F14 to F15, gaining the longest trade route. Chris builds a road from D12 to D11 and Dave builds a settlement at I7.

Andy: Die roll = 8. Andy receives 1 lumber, Dave receives 2 lumber, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 lumber and 1 brick. Trades 1 grain and 1 lumber to Chris for 1 brick and builds a settlement at F4. Martin builds a road from F15 to F16.

Chris: Die roll = 8. Andy receives 1 lumber, Dave receives 2 lumber, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 lumber and 1 brick. Trades 3 grain for 1 wool and builds a settlement at D11 and a road from D11 to D10. Martin builds a road from F16 to E16.

Turn 10

Dave: Die roll = 5. Dave receives 1 brick, Kevin receives 2 grain, Andy receives 3 grain, and Chris receives 1 grain, 1 brick, and 1 lumber. Dave trades 1 brick to Andy for 2 grain. Trades 6 lumber for 3 ore at the lumber port and spends 2 grain and 3 ore to upgrade the settlement at E10 to a city. Andy builds a road from G6 to H6. Chris builds a road from D10 to C10.

Kevin: Die roll = 6. Chris receives 1 grain. Trades 1 ore to Chris for 2 lumber then 2 grain for 1 wool and builds a ship from H5 to H5.

Martin: Die roll = 5. Dave receives 1 brick, Kevin receives 2 grain, Andy receives 3 grain, and Chris receives 1 grain, 1 brick, and 1 lumber. Martin trades 1 ore to Chris for 1 brick. Martin then trades 2 grain to Dave for 1 brick. Martin builds a road from E16 to E17.

Andy: Die roll = 5. Dave receives 1 brick, Kevin receives 2 grain, Andy receives 3 grain, and Chris receives 1 grain, 1 brick, and 1 lumber. Trades 6 grain for 2 wool and builds ships from F4 to E4 and E4 to E5. Chris builds a road from C10 to C9.

Chris: Die roll = 8. Andy receives 1 lumber, Dave receives 2 lumber, and Martin and Chris each receive 1 lumber and 1 brick. Chris trades 1 brick to Kevin for 1 grain, then trades 3 grain for 1 ore and spends 2 grain and 3 ore to upgrade the settlement at E15 to a city.

Turn 11

Dave: Die roll = 10. Dave receives 1 wool, Kevin receives 2 ore, Martin receives 2 grain, Andy receives 1 ore, and Chris receives 2 grain. Builds a ship fro I7 to I6.









Development Cards


Dave Hooton


Kevin Wilson

Martin Burgdorf


2 Knights
Andy York



Chris Geggus


1 Knight, 1 unplayed
1Longest Trade Route
Schipperke Map

Schipperke, Issue 252


S.O.B. 253 Home

Shiba Inu

Schipperke, Issue 254