Rescue Dog

Summer 1458

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Fall 1458 7/11 Tuesday

France turns his attention toward the Pope and gets a hand from Venice against Milan. Florence tries to cope with rebellion and Naples rearranges his forces.

Spring 1458 Retreats

Milan retreats A Milan to garrison

Summer 1458 Plague

Bad Year – Row and Column: Palermo (Naples F eliminated), Genoa (Papal A eliminated), Albania, Pisa, Tunis (Turkish F eliminated), Avignon, Milan (Frence A and Milan G eliminated), Sardinia, Marseilles (Naples F eliminated), Ferrara, Florence (Florence A eliminated), Otranto, Corsica (French F eliminated)


Naples borrows 20 ducats for 2 years (30 ducats due Summer 1450), pays 6 ducats to the moneylenders, and spends 18 ducats to buy French F Tyrrhenian Sea

Venice borrows 8 ducats for 1 year (10 ducats due Summer 1458) and pays 8 ducats to the moneylenders

Outstanding Loans

Fall 1458: 12 ducats due from the Papacy (10 ducats borrowed)

Spring 1459: 14 ducats due from Milan (9 ducats borrowed)

Summer 1460: 30 ducats due from Naples (20 ducats borrowed)


Florence A Lucca to Pisa, A Pistoia supports A Florence (nsu), A Arezzo holds, F Piombino to Ligurian Sea
France A Turin to Montferrat, A Saluzzo to Savoy, A Patrimony to Naples, F Tyrrenhian Sea transports A Patrimony to Naples (nsu)
Milan A Cremona to Bergamo
Naples A Ancona to Aquila, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Corsica, F Central Mediterranean to Tunis, F Gulf of Naples to Tyrrhenian Sea
Papacy A Modena to Mantua, A Bologna to Mantua, A Perugia besieges (no garrison), G Rome holds (u)
Turks A Croatia to Dalmatia
Venice A Verona to Bergamo, A Trent supports A Verona to Bergamo, A Perugia to Urbino, F Upper Adriatic transports A Perugia to Urbino, F Lower Adriatic to Ionian Sea, F Ragusa to Lower Adriatic


France to Naples: I see I must take the battle to your capital city.

France to Venice: You can have Milan. Savoy and Montferrat are enough for me.

Naples to France: I only wanted to get back to Normandy… but the water in Marseilles is deadly.

Naples to Turk: It’s too nice in Tunis!

Naples to Pope: I’m going home, but Ancona is mine.

Naples to Venice: The French are getting uppity. Quickest way for you to get to them is through Milan methinks.

Naples to Milan: I tried, but French cities are filthy; you wouldn’t believe the places they empty their bowels…. A plague upon them!... oops.

Papacy to Florence: I will not attack you.

Venice to Milan: Finally reclaiming my homeland in Bergamo. I cannot read a map. I am besieging a city that is already mine in Ragusa.

Venice to Papacy: If you do not want us in Ferrara?? Fine. We will go around it.

Venice to Naples: Congratulations--The City of Tunis is yours and in the fall. The Turks go poof. My fleet Ionian Sea is going to a world tour of various non port but coastal cities. First stop Rome. So, my men at sea will see what they can see when they get to the Holy See.

Venice to France: Shall we try this again. ?? Or shall I take care of this Milan problem myself.

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