Rescue Dog

Winter 1455

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Ultimate Victory

Deadline/Spring 1455 4/19 Tuesday

A pause for building.



Florence Maintains all, builds A Florence 12
France Maintains all, builds A Avignon, A Swiss 15
Milan Maintains all, builds A Cremona, A Pavia 12
Naples Maintains all, builds F Messina 9
Papacy Maintains all, builds A Perugia, A Bologna, G Ancona 18
Turks Maintains F Central Mediterranean, F Durazzo, builds F Tunis, A Albania 12
Venice Maintains all, builds A Padua, F Venice 18


Turks to All (except Venice and his Neapolitan friend): It is very mysterious that the Venetian snake did not attack the free city of Naples (Bari) instead of occupied ones (Ancona and Albania): WHY? Why he prevented my land in south Italy? Does this not be a gunboat game? Please, let you help the turkish fleets against the axis Naples-Venice before they become too strong for all.

Rescue Dog, Issue 210
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Pick of the Litter
Rescue Dog, Issue 212