Gamestart to Turn 7
Turn 1
The Librarian plays Harry King, placing a minion in Nap Hill and declining to discard any cards.
TVFSDC plays Drumknott, allowing him to play 2 more cards. He plays Leonard of Quirm, drawing 4 cards, and The Peeled Nuts, which has no effect.
TROD plays Groat, placing a minion in Dragon's Landing.
Turn 2
The Librarian plays Nobby Nobbs, taking $3 from TROD, then plays Hex, drawing 3 cards and buying the building in Nap Hill for $12. Takes $1 from the bank using the Nap Hill ability.
TVFSDC plays Rincewind. A random event is drawn (Riots there are fewer than 8 trouble tokens in play, so play continues), moves a minion from Scours to Isle of Gods, then plays Mr. Bent, takes the $10 loan, then plays Sargent Angua, removes the trouble marker from the Shades, then plays the Seamstresses Guild, giving a card to The Librarian, taking $2 in return and places a minion in Seven Sleepers.
TROD plays The Ankh Morpork Sunshine Dragon Sanctuary. The Librarian gives him a card and TVFSDC gives him $1. Plays Beggars' Guild on the Librarian. The Librarian plays Wallace Sonky to negate the effects of the Beggars' Guild, and TROD places a minion in Seven Sleepers. Trouble marker is placed in Seven Sleepers.
Turn 3
The Librarian plays The Fools Guild on TVFSDC. TVFSDC gives The Librarian $5. The Librarian places a minion in Seven Sleepers and takes $1 from his Nap Hill building.
TVFSDC plays The Fire Brigade on the Librarian. The Librarian pays $5 to save his building, and TVFSDC plays The Librarian, drawing 4 cards.
TROD plays Foul Ole Ron, moving a green minion from Seven Sleepers to Isle of Gods (trouble marker added to Isle of Gods), Here 'N Now (die roll = 9), gaining $3, then finally The Dyske, building a building in the Shades for $6 and gaining $2 from the two minions in Isle of Gods.
Turn 4
The Librarian plays Mrs. Cake and looks at 3 unused personality cards, then receives $2.
TVFSDC plays Sacharissa Crisplock, gaining $4 for the 4 Trouble markers on the board and placing a minion in Small Gods.
TROD plays Harga's House of Ribs, collects $3, and places a minion in The Hippo.
Turn 5
The Librarian plays Inigo Skimmer in the Scours, gaining $2 and removing the red minion and the Trouble marker. Also uses the Nap Hill building to gain $1.
TVFSDC plays The History Monks, drawing four random cards from the discard pile and placing a minion in Dimwell.
TROD plays Dr. Cruces, removing a green minion and Trouble marker from Dolly Sisters and gaining $3.
Turn 6
The Librarian plays the Pink Pussycat Club, gaining $3, then plays Mr. Gryle removing a yellow minion and Trouble marker from Isle of Gods. Also uses Nap Hill building to gain $1.
TVFSDC plays Mr. Boggis, taking $2 from each player and placing a minion and a Trouble marker in Isle of Gods.
TROD plays Dr. Whiteface on The Librarian. The Librarian pays $5. TROD places a minion in Isle of Gods.
Turn 7
The Librarian plays Gimlet's Dwarf Delicatessen, gaining $3 and placing a minion in Isle of the Gods. Received $1 from the Nap Hill building.
TVFSDC plays Rosie Palm, placing a minion in Unreal Estate and giving a card to TROD. TROD gives $2 to TVFSDC.
TROD plays CMOT Dibbler (dr = 8) and gains $4, uses the Shades building to place trouble in Dimwell, plays The Royal Mint, building a building in The Hippo for $12, then gaining $5. Finally, receives $2 from The Hippo building.
The Players
Player Name |
Player Faction/Color |
Minion Locations |
Buildings |
Misc |
Money |
Christopher Hunt | The Librarian/Green | The Scours, The Shades, Nap Hill, Isle of Gods (x2) | Nap Hill | 8 | |
Bill Scharf | TVFSDC/Yellow | Dolly Sisters, Seven Sleepers, The Shades, Small Gods, Dimwell, Isle of Gods, Unreal Estate | $10 Loan from Mr. Bent | 31 | |
Andy York | TROD/Red | Dolly Sisters, The Shades, Seven Sleepers, The Hippo, Isle of Gods | The Shades, The Hippo | 13 |
TROD is Texas Republic on Discworld, TVFSDC is The Veiled Fist Society and Dance Club
Board Position
Dolly Sisters: Yellow and Red minions
Unreal Estate: Yellow minion
Dragon's Landing: Red minion
Small Gods: Yellow minion
The Scours: Green minion
The Hippo: Red minion, Red Building
The Shades: Green, Yellow, and Red minions, Red Building
Dimwell: Yellow minion, Trouble
Longwall: Nothing
Isle of Gods: 2 Green, 1 Red, and 1 Yellow minions, Trouble
Seven Sleepers: Yellow and Red minions, Trouble
Nap Hill: Green minion, Green Building