
Diskworld: Ankh Morpork

Round 1

The Blue Meanies play Nobby Nobbs on TTG, taking $3 from them, and The Fools' Guild on PIKES, who pays him $5 to avoid it.  The Blue Meanies place a minion in Dragon's Landing.

TTG plays The Librarian, drawing 4 cards.

Angry Cabbages play The Beggars' Guild on The Blue Meanies, placing a minion in Unreal Estate.  The Blue Meanies give 2 cards to the Angry Cabbages.

PIKES plays Dr. Whiteface on The Blue Meanies, who does pays $5 to avoid it.  PIKES places a minion in Dimwell.

Round 2

The Blue Meanies play Zorgo the Retro-Phrenologist, exhanging their personality card with one chosen randomly from those not in play, then spends $12 to build in Dragon's Landing.

TTG plays Mr. Bent, taking out a $10 loan, Drumknott, Harry King, discarding 2 cards for $4 and placing a minion in The Hippo, and Mrs. Cake, looking at 2 out of play Personality cards, gaining $2, and spending $12 for a building in The Hippo.

Angry Cabbages play The Ankh Morpork Sunshine Dragon Sanctuary.  The Blue Meanies give a card.  TTG pays $1.  PIKES pays $1.  The Angry Cabbages then play CMOT Dibbler, rolling an 8 and gaining $4, then play the Seamstress' Guild, giving a card to PIKES, taking $2 in return, and placing a minion and Trouble in Dimwell.

PIKES plays Sergent Angua, removing the Trouble from Dimwell, then plays the Mended Drum, spending $6 for a building in Dimwell and gaining $2.

Round 3

The Blue Meanies collect $2 from Dragon's Landing and play The Thieves' Guild, taking $2 from each other player and placing a minion and Trouble in Unreal Estate.

TTG collects $2 from The Hippo and plays History Monks, drawing 4 cards from the discards and placing a minion in Nap Hill.

Angry Cabbages plays Mr. Boggis, taking $2 from The Blue Meanies and TTG and $1 from PIKES and placing a minion in Longwall.

PIKES plays Rincewind, drawing Flood in Dolly Sisters and The Shades.  PIKES and The Blue Meanies move minions from The Shades to Dimwell and Dolly Sisters to Nap Hill.  TTG moves a minion from Dolly Sisters to Dragon's Landing and a minion from The Shades to Dimwell.  Angry Cabbages move a minion from Dolly Sisters to Unreal Estate and The Shades to The Scours.  Trouble removed from Dolly Sisters and The Shades and placed in Dimwell, Nap Hill, and Unreal Estate.  PIKES moves a minion from Dimwell to Longwall, removed the Trouble marker from Dimwell and places on in Longwall, plays Gimlet's Dwarf Delicatessen, gaining $3 and placing a minion in Isle of Gods, then spends $3 to use Dimwell to place a minion in The Shades.

Round 4

The Blue Meanies collect $2 from Dragon's Landing and play Queen Molly, placing a minion and Trouble in The Shades and taking 2 cards from the Angry Cabbages.

TTG plays Leonard of Qurim, drawing 4 cards.

Angry Cabbages play Groat, placing a minion in Dolly Sisters.

PIKES plays Foul Ole Ron, moving a blue minion from The Shades to The Scours, removing a Trouble marker from The Shades, and Inigo Skimmer, removing a red minion and Trouble from Longwall, and gaining $2.  Angry Cabbages play Fresh Start Club, bringing their minion back in Seven Sleepers.

Round 5

The Blue Meanies collect $2 from Dragon's Landing and play Modo, discarding a card and placing a minion and Trouble in Seven Sleepers.

TTG collects $2 from The Hippo, plays Pink Pussycat Club, gaining $3, plays The Fire Brigade on The Blue Meanies, who pays $5.  TTG then plays The Ankh Morpork Sunshine Dragon Sanctuary.  Angry Cabbages give him a card.  PIKES gives a card.  The Blue Meanies give $1.  TTG plays Drumknott, Harga's House of Ribs, gaining $3 and placing a minion in Small Gods, and The Dysk, spending $18 for a building in Small Gods and gaining $1.

Angry Cabbages play The Duckman, moving a green minion from Isle of Gods to Longwall and placing Trouble in Longwall.

PIKES plays The Smoking Gnu, placing a minion in Nap Hill, The Senior Wrangler, who triggers an Explosion in Dragon's Landing, removing the building from that area, and placing a minion in Nap Hill, and Sacharissa Crisplock, gaining $6 and placing a minion in Dimwell.

Round 6

The Blue Meanies plays Hex, drawing 3 cards.

TTG collects $2 from The Hippo and play The Agony Aunts, removing a red minion and Trouble from Seven Sleepers, gaining $2, and placing a minion in Isle of Gods.

Angry Cabbages play Here'n'Now, rolling an 8 and taking $3 from Someone, then play The Watch, spending $6 for a house in Dolly Sisters and removing Trouble from Unreal Estate.

PIKES reveals that they are Lord de Worde and they control 4 areas, winning the game!

End of Game Statements

Kevin Wilson (PIKES; Lord de Worde):  As usual, a wacky, wild ride of fun and mayhem. Nice to see a Lord take it rather than Vimes, Vetinari or the Dragon King who seem to win the most. I got lucky with some card combos and events to help hold others from getting there first. My main concern was all the trouble markers getting the Dragon King in the mix. But, it was hard to tell if he was in the game or not.

It was fun. Thanks to all for the play and to Chris for running such a potentially chaotic game.

Bill Scharf (Angry Cabbages; Commander Vimes):  Congrats to Kevin in his win and to Chris for running it! I stopped him from winning last round but I didn’t get the replacement cards last round to do it again this round. Always a fun game!

Andy York (TTG; Lord Vetinari):  Great job in achieving a quick win, Kevin - impressive! Chris, thanks for running this madcap game.

Christopher Hunt (The Blue Meanies; Lord Selachii, then Dragon, King of Arms):  Wow that was quick.   Congrats.   Thaks to Chris for running the game.

The Players

Player Name

Player Faction/Color

Minion Locations



Cards in Hand


Christopher Hunt
The Blue Meanies/Blue
Nap Hill, 2 The Scours, Dimwell, Dragon's Landing, Unreal Estate, Seven Sleepers

Andy York
Dragon's Landing, The Scours, Dimwell, The Hippo, Nap Hill, Small Gods, Isle of Gods
The Hippo, Small Gods

Bill Scharf

Angry Cabbages ("We're red for a reason!")/Red

The Scours, The Shades, 2 Unreal Estate, Dimwell, Dolly Sisters
Dolly Sisters

Kevin Wilson
The Scours, 3 Nap Hill, 2 Dimwell, 2 Longwall, The Shades


TTG is the Texas Tenement Guild.  PIKES is P-Math Institute of Klatch, Ee Section. 

Board Position

Dolly Sisters: Red minion, Red building

Unreal Estate: 2 Red and Blue minions

Dragon's Landing: Blue and Yellow minions, Trouble

Small Gods: Yellow minion, Yellow building

The Scours: 2 Blue, Yellow, 2 Red, and Green minions, Trouble

The Hippo: Yellow minion, Yellow building

The Shades:  Green minion

Dimwell: 2 Green, Yellow, Blue, and Red minions, Green building

Longwall: 2 Green minions

Isle of Gods: Yellow minion

Seven Sleepers: Blue minions

Nap Hill: Yellow, Blue, and 3 Green minions, Trouble
