Initial Setup
Turns 1.1 to 2.1 due 3/12, Tuesday
1st: | Andy Lewis (Niks/?) Has $135 on hand and is flying a Scout. Die rolls: 1: 2, 3, 5 2: 1, 1, 5 |
2nd: | Chris Geggus (Dell/?) Has $139 on hand and is flying a Scout. Die rolls: 1, 2, 6 |
3rd: | Debbie Anderson (Eeepeeep/?) Has $140 on hand and is flying a Scout. Die rolls: 1, 1, 6 |
4th: | Bob Robles (Human/?) Has $140 on hand and is flying a Scout. Die rolls: 1, 3, 6 |
5th: | Andy York (Whynom/?) Has $120 on hand and is flying a Needle. Die rolls: 1, 2 (times 3) |
6th: | Ron Fisher (Qossuth/?) Has $140 on hand and is flying a Scout. Die rolls: 3, 6, 6 |
The first 20 draws from the cup are as follows:
1a (Nillis): Nothing
1b (Volois): 2 Voll Silk
2 (Graw): Space Sice, Fare to 10 ($120)
3 (Niks): Mulch Wine
4a (Dell): Finest Dust, Demand for Mulch Wine (+$60)
4b (Humans): 2 Rock Videos, Demand for Space Spice (+$40)
4c (Wraiths): Visible Holes, Demand for Voll Silk (+$60)
5 (Shenna): Nothing
6 (Yxklyx): 2 Demand for Melf Pelts (+$50)
7a (Zum): Chicle Liquor
7b (Eeepeeep): Servo-Mechanism, 2 Demand for Immortal Grease (+$50)
8 (Whynoms): Nothing
9a (Chola): Nothing
9b (Wollow): Megalith Paperweight
10 (Qossuth): Psychotic Sculpture
Base: Relic Jump Start, Relic Switch Switch
Upon discovery of each new culture, four more chits will be drawn from the cup, until it is its normal size after all cultures have been discovered. The use of the Combat rules was voted down 4 no votes and 2 abstentions. Please submit your trader names along with your orders. Finally, Debbie Anderson did not submit orders, so will Dave Partridge please submit standby orders for the Eeepeeep!
Well, that about covers it. Happy trading!