
Race for the Galaxy with The Gathering Storm Expansion

Round 1

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Consume (Trade).

UICW selects Explore (+1, +1).
CJVH selects Settle.
SNAFU selects Explore (+5).
Benevolent Overlords selects Explore (+1, +1).


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draw 5 cards and keep 2.
CJVH draw 2 cards and keep 1.
SNAFU draws 7 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draws 4 cards and keeps 2.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians pass.

UICW conquers Rebel Sympathizers, gaining a novelty windfall good.
CJVH conquers New Survivialists, drawing a card.
SNAFU discards 3 cards to settle Alien Toy Shop, gaining an alient windfall good.
Benevolent Overlords discards Doomed World from its tableau for Merchant World.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians trade 1 biological good from Ancient Race to draw 4 cards.

UICW pass.
CJVH pass.
SNAFU consumes the alien good from Alien Toy Shop on Epsilon Eridani to gain 1VP and a card.
Benevolent Overlords pass.

Round 2

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Develop.

UICW selects Explore (+1, +1).
CJVH selects Explore (+1, +1).
SNAFU selects Produce.
Benevolent Overlords selects Explore (+5).


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draw 5 cards and keep 2.
CJVH draw 3 cards and keep 2.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draws 7 cards and keeps 1.


GCD discards 2 cards to play Interstellar Bank.

The New Phoenicians discard 5 cards to develop the Galactic Genome Project, co-earning the First 6-point Development goal.

UICW passes.
CJVH discards 6 cards to develop Galactic Federation, co-earning the First 6-point Development goal.
SNAFU passes.
Benevolent Overlords discards a card to play Public Works.


GCD does not produce.

The New Phoenicians does not produce.

UICW does not produce.
CJVH produces a novelty good on New Survivalists.
SNAFU produces an alien good on Alien Toy Shop.
Benevolent Overlords does not produce.

Round 3

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Develop.

UICW selects Settle.
CJVH selects Produce.
SNAFU selects Consume (Trade).
Benevolent Overlords selects Develop.


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draw 4 cards and keep 1.
CJVH draw 2 cards and keep 1.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draws 2 cards and keeps 1.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians discard a card to play a Colony Shp.

UICW passes.
CJVH passes.
SNAFU passes.
Benevolent Overlords play Export Duties, drawing a card.


GCD discards 2 cards to settle Alpha Centauri, gaining a rare windfall good.

The New Phoenicians discard the Colony Ship from their tableau to settle Plague World.

UICW discards 2 cards to play New Vineland.
CJVH passes.
SNAFU discards 3 cards to settle Prosperous World.
Benevolent Overlords pass.


GCD consumes a rare good from Alpha Centauri on Old Earth, gaining 1VP.

The New Phoenicians pass.

UICW consumes a novelty good from Rebel Sympathizers on New Vineland for 2 cards.
CJVH pass.
SNAFU trades an alien good from Alien Toy Shop for 5 cards.
Benevolent Overlords pass.


GCD does not produce.

The New Phoenicians produce a biological good on Plague World.

UICW produces a novelty good on New Vineland.
CJVH does not produce.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World.
Benevolent Overlords does not produce.

Round 4

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Consume (Trade).

UICW selects Exploer (+1, +1).
CJVH selects Develop.
SNAFU selects Produce.
Benevolent Overlords selects Explore (+1, +1).


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draw 5 cards and keep 2.
CJVH draw 2 cards and keep 1.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draws 3 cards and keeps 2.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians discard a card to play Export Duties.

UICW discards 2 cards to play Space Marines.
CJVH plays Investment Credits.
SNAFU discards 4 cards to play Replicant Robots.
Benevolent Overlords discard a card to play Investment Credits, drawing a card.


GCD has nothing to consume.

The New Phoenicians trade a biological good from Plague World for 5 cards.

UICW consumes a novelty good from Rebel Sympathizers on New Vineland for 2 cards.
CJVH has nothing to consume.
SNAFU consumes a novelty good from Prosperous World on Epsilon Eridani, gaining 1 card and 1VP.
Benevolent Overlords has nothing to consume.


GCD does not produce.

The New Phoenicians produce a biological good on Plague World.

UICW produces a novelty good on New Vineland.
CJVH produces a novelty good on New Survivalists.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World and an alien good on Alien Toy Shop.
Benevolent Overlords does not produce.

Round 5

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Consume (Trade).

UICW selects Consume (Trade).
CJVH selects Explore (+1, +1).
SNAFU selects Consume (Trade).
Benevolent Overlords selects Settle.


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 4 cards and keeps 1.
CJVH draws 3 cards and keeps 2.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 1.


GCD discards 1 card to settle Expanding Colony.

The New Phoenicians discard 1 card to settle Empath world, gaining a windfall biological good.

UICW conquers Clandestine Uplift Lab.
CJVH passes.
SNAFU discards 4 cards to settle Deserted Alien Library, gaining an alien windfall good.
Benevolent Overlords discard 2 cards to settle Gem World.


GCD has nothing to consume.

The New Phoenicians trade a biological good from Plague World for 5 cards and consume a biological good from Empath World on Plague World for 1 card and 1VP, then discard 3 cards, gaining the first player to discard goal.

UICW trades a novelty good from Rebel Sympathizers for 2 cards, and discards a card, gaining the first player to discard goal.
CJVH consumes a novelty good from New Survivalists on itself for 1 card.
SNAFU trades an alien good from Desderted Alien Library for 5 cards, consumes an alien good from Alien Toy Shop on itself for 2VP, consumes a novelty good from Prosperous World on Epsilon Eridani, gaining 1 card and 1VP, gaining the 5VP goal.
Benevolent Overlords has nothing to consume.

Round 6

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Develop.

UICW selects Produce.
CJVH selects Develop.
SNAFU selects Produce.
Benevolent Overlords selects Produce.


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
CJVH draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 1.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians discard 5 cards to develop Pan-Galactic League.

UICW discards 6 cards to play Galactic  Imperium.
CJVH develops Terraforming Robots.
SNAFU discards 1 card to develop Contact Specialist.
Benevolent Overlords pass.


GCD does not produce.

The New Phoenicians produce a biological good on Plague World, gaining a card.

UICW proeduces novelty goods on Rebel Sympathizers and New Vineland.
CJVH produce a novelty good on New Survivalists.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World and an alien good on Alien Toy Shop.
Benevolent Overlords produce a novelty good on Gem World.

Round 7

Phase Selection

GCD selects Settle.

The New Phoenicians select Produce.

UICW selects Explore (+1, +1).
CJVH selects Explore (+1, +1).
SNAFU selects Consume (Trade).
Benevolent Overlords selects Settle.


GCD draws 2 cards and keeps 1.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 6 cards and keeps 2.
CJVH draws 3 cards and keeps 2.
SNAFU draws 2 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 1.


GCD discards a card to settle Secluded World, and draws a card.

The New Phoenicians settle Refugee World, gaining a novelty windfall good.

UICW conquers Rebel Outpost.
CJVH conquers Alien Uplift Race, gaining a biological good.
SNAFU discards 1 card to settle Malevolent Lifeforms.
Benevolent Overlords discard 5 cards to settle Lost Species Ark World.


GCD has nothing to consume.

The New Phoenicians consume a biological good from Plague World on Plague World for 1 card and 1VP.

UICW trades a novelty good from Rebel Sympathizers on New Vineland for 2 cards, and a novelty good from New Vineland on Clandestine Uplift Lab for 1VP and 1 card.
CJVH consumes a novelty good from New Survivalists on itself for 1 card.
SNAFU trades a novelty good from Prosperous World for 2 cards and consumes an alien good from Alien Toy Shop on itself for 2VP.
Benevolent Overlords consumes a novelty good from Gem World on Public Works, gaining 1VP.


GCD produces a novelty good on Secluded World.

The New Phoenicians produce a biological good on Plague World and Empath World and gain 3 cards.

UICW proeduces a novelty good on New Vineland.
CJVH produce a novelty good on New Survivalists.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World, a biological good on Malevolent Lifeforms, and an alien good on Alien Toy Shop.
Benevolent Overlords produce a novelty good on Gem World, gaining 1 card, and a biological good on Lost Species Ark World, gaining 2 cards.

Round 8

Phase Selection

GCD selects Develop.

The New Phoenicians select Consume (x2VP).

UICW selects Consume (x2VP).
CJVH selects Develop.
SNAFU selects Consume (Trade).
Benevolent Overlords selects Consume (Trade).


GCD discards 2 cards to develop Improved Logistics, drawing a card.

The New Phoenicians discard 6 cards to develop Terraforming Guild.

UICW discards 4 cards to develop Drop Ships, claiming the Highest Military goal (for now).
CJVH develops Mining Conglomerate.
SNAFU discards 6 cards to develop Galactic Survey: SETI.
Benevolent Overlords discards 3 cards to develop Research Labs, gaining 1 card.


GCD consumes a novelty good from Secluded World on Expanding Colony, gaining 1VP.

The New Phoenicians consume biological goods from Plague World and Empath World on Galactic Genome Project for 6VP.

UICW consumes a novelty good from New Vineland on Clandestine Uplift Lab, gaining 2VP and 1 card.
CJVH consumes a novelty good from New Survivialists on itself, gaining 1 card.
SNAFU trades a biological good from Malevolent Lifeforms for 4 cards and consumes a novelty good from Prosperous World on Epsilon Eridanit for 1 card and 1VP.
Benevolent Overlords trade 1 biological good from Lost Species Ark World for 7 cards and consume a novelty good from Gem World on Public Works for 1VP.

Round 9

Phase Selection

GCD selects Settle.

The New Phoenicians select Produce.

UICW selects Exploer (+1, +1).
CJVH selects Explore (+1, +1).
SNAFU selects Produce.
Benevolent Overlords selects Develop.


GCD draws 2 cards and keeps 1.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 6 cards and keeps 2.
CJVH draws 3 cards and keeps 2.
SNAFU draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 2.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians pass.

UICW passes.
CJVH develops Expedition Force.
SNAFU discards 6 cards to develop the Alien Tech Institute, gaining the goal to be the first to have 3 alient cards in his tableau.
Benevolent Overlords discards 1 card to develop Mining Robots and draws a card.


GCD discards a card to settle Gambling World and discards 2 cards to settle Earth's Lost Colony, and draws a card.

The New Phoenicians discards 2 cards to settle Asteroid Belt, gaining a rare windfall good and drawing a card.

UICW conquers Pirate World, gaining a novelty windfall good.
CJVH conquers Rebel Miners.
SNAFU settles Galactic Engineers.
Benevolent Overlords discard 4 cards to settle New Earth.


GCD produces novelty goods on Secluded World and Earth's Lost Colony.

The New Phoenicians produce biological goods on Ancient Race, Plague World, and Empath World and gain 3 cards.

UICW proeduces a novelty good on New Vineland.
CJVH produce a novelty good on New Survivalists and a rare good on Rebel Miners.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World, a biological good on Malevolent Lifeforms, and alien goods on Alien Toy Shop and Deserted Alien Library.
Benevolent Overlords produce a novelty good on Gem World, gaining 1 card, a biological good on Lost Species Ark World, gaining 2 cards, and a rare good on New Earth.

Round 10

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Consume (x2VP).

UICW selects Consume (Trade).
CJVH selects Develop.
SNAFU selects Consume (Trade).
Benevolent Overlords selects Consume (x2VP).


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
CJVH draws 3 cards and keeps 1.
SNAFU draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 2.


GCD discards 2 cards to develop Genetics Lab.

The New Phoenicians discard 4 cards to develop Diversified Economy.

UICW passes.
CJVH discards 2 cards to develop New Galactic Order.
SNAFU passes.
Benevolent Overlords discards 4 cards to develop Consumer Markets.


GCD consumes a novelty good from Secluded World on Expanding Colony, gaining 1VP and a novelty good from Earth's Lost Colony on Secluded World gaining 1 card.

The New Phoenicians consume biological goods from Plague World and Ancient Race on Galactic Genome Project for 6VP and a biological good from Empath World, a novelty good from Refugee World, and a rare good from Asteroid Belt on Diversified Economy, gaining 6VP.

UICW trades a novelty good from Pirate World, gaining 5 cards, consumes a novelty good from New Vineland on Clandestine Uplift Lab, gaining 1VP and 1 card, then discards 2 cards.
CJVH consumes a novelty good from New Survivialists on itself, gaining 1 card, and a rare good from Rebel Miners on Terraforming Robots, gaining 1VP and 1 card.
SNAFU trades the alien good from Deserted Alien Library for 6 cards, consumes the alien good from Alien Toy Shop on itself, gaining 2VP, the novelty good from Prosperous World on itself for 1VP, and the biological good from Malevolent Lifeforms on Epsilon Eridani, gaining 1VP and 1 card.
Benevolent Overlords consume from Lost Species Ark World on Research Labs for 2VP, the rare good from New Earth on itself for 2VP and 1 card, and consume a novelty good from Gem World on Public Works for 2VP.

Round 11

Phase Selection

GCD selects Explore (+1, +1).

The New Phoenicians select Produce.

UICW selects Develop.
CJVH selects Explore (+1, +1).
SNAFU selects Settle.
Benevolent Overlords selects Settle.


GCD draws 3 cards and keeps 2.

The New Phoenicians draw 2 cards and keep 1.

UICW draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
CJVH draws 4 cards and keeps 2.
SNAFU draws 5 cards and keeps 1.
Benevolent Overlords draw 2 cards and keep 2.


GCD passes.

The New Phoenicians discard 1 card to develop Contact Specialist.

UICW disards 5 cards to develop Merchant Guild.
CJVH discards 1 card to develop Diversifed Economy.
SNAFU discards 4 cards to develop Drop Ships.
Benevolent Overlords discards 5 cards to develop Mining Leage, gaining a card.


GCD settles Pilgimage World and discards 5 cards to settle Galactic Trendsetters.

The New Phoenicians pass.

UICW conquers the Lost Alien Battle Fleet.
CJVH conquers the Rebel Warrior Race, gaining a biological windfall good.
SNAFU discard 4 cards to settle Rebel Homeworld, drawing a card.
Benevolent Overlords discard 2 cards to settle Bio Hazard Mining World, drawing a card.


GCD produces novelty goods on Secluded World and Earth's Lost Colony.

The New Phoenicians produce biological goods on Ancient Race, Plague World, and Empath World and gain 4 cards.

UICW proeduces a novelty good on New Vineland, and alien good on Lost Alien Battle Fleet, and draws 2 cards.
CJVH produce a novelty good on New Survivalists and a rare good on Rebel Miners, and gain 2 cards.
SNAFU produces a novelty good on Prosperous World and a biological good on Malevolent Lifeforms.
Benevolent Overlords produce a novelty good on Gem World, gaining 1 card, a biological good on Lost Species Ark World, gaining 2 cards, and rare goods on New Earth and Bio Hazard Mining World.

End of Game

CJVH, SNAFU, and Benevolent Overlords now have 12 cards in their tableaux, ending the game.

Victory Points

6 Cost Developments

GCD have no 6 cost developments.
The New Phoenicians have Galactic Genome Project, providing 6VP for 3 biological worlds, Pan Galactic League, providing 9VP for 3 biological worlds and Contact Specialist, and Terraforming Guild, providing 10VP for 4 windfall worlds and 1 terraforming card.
UICW have Galactic Imperium, providing 7VP for 2 rebel and 3 military worlds and Merchant World, providing 4VP for 2 production worlds.
CJVH have Galactic Federation, providing 9VP for 2 6 cost developments and 5 other developments, and New Galactic Order, providing 6VP for a total military of 6.
SNAFU has Galactic Survey: SETI, providing 9VP for 1 development with an Explore property, 1 world with an Explore property, and 6 other worlds, and Alien Tech Institute, providing 6VP for 2 alien windfall worlds, and 1 alien development.
Benevolent Overlords have Mining League, providing 6VP for 2 rare production worlds and Mining Robots.

Most Goals

Most Rare and Novelty Production and Windfall Worlds:  GCD has 4, UICW and Benevolent Overlords each have 3, The New Phoenicians and CJVH each have 2, and SNAFU has 1.  GCD gains 5VP.

Highest Military:  UICW has 10, CJVH has 6, SNAFU has 3, GCD and Benevolent Overlords each have 0, and The New Phoenicians have -4.  UICW gains 5VP.

Victory Point Totals

Galactic Construction and Demolition
The New Phoenicians
United Independent Colonial Worlds
Christian Jihad Von his Holiness
Benevolent Overlords
6-Cost Developments
Congratulations to Kieth Marple on his hard fought victory!

End of Game Statements

Kevin Wilson (UICW):  Well, I was hoping for 1 more turn to get a few more VP from my to 6-cost development cards but it wouldn’t change things so here we are. Congrats to Keith on a nice, narrow win. Thanks to the rest for the play and to Chris for running the game.

I still struggle with the iconography, having to look some up often. It was better this time but still slowed me at times. But, once things settle into a path it got a little bit easier. I needed to have looked for more production and a little less military but my homeworld and initial cards pushed that way so I went with it. Still getting the feel for the game with the small number of plays now but better. I bought the iPad version so maybe I’ll run through a few there for a bit more familiarity with at least the iconography.

Bill Scharf (Benevolent Overlords):  Congratulations to kieth on his win, and thanks to Chris for running it. I’ve won this game going two routes, the military one, and the planets/goods/cards/consume route. By unfortunate draws I didn’t get my first planet out until round 5…. waaayyy to late to make a difference, as others on that arc were already far ahead of me. Oh well, next game, the cards will be different!

Chris Hibbert (SNAFU):  Well played, Keith! That's quite an amazing tableau: Galactic Genome Project and Pan Galactic League with three genes worlds. Add a few double VPs, and you're ahead of the pack.

I followed my usual strategy of high-value production worlds and trade, and came pretty close. Having Contact Specialist and Replicant Robots made placing both Military and non-military worlds cheap, but it was hard to find enough valuable worlds at the end. My 6-point developments only worked medium-well with my tableau.

Thanks for running the game, Chris H.

Christopher Hunt (CJVH):  Followed a similar strategy big development cards and in my case settle military worlds.  Had few militaary cards.  Congrats to Keith for his fine game,and to Chris for keeping track go my cards.

Kieth Marple (The New Phoenecians):  Thank you all and especially Chris Hassler for organizing, this was my first S.O.B. game and I really enjoy the format.  This was a great game and definitely the most fun I've ever had playing Race.  Really thought SNAFU had it for much of the game.

I leaned into synergy with my homeworld early, and made intentional out-of-strategy moves to grab goals where possible, and then began attempting to fulfill the goals of my 6-point developments, with the 4vp-for-1 card Contact Specialist as the coup de grace. 

The Players

Player Name

Player Faction

Claimed Goals
Bob Robles
Galactic Construction and Demolition (GCD)

Kieth Marple
The New Phoenicians
First 6-point Development, First to be forced to discard due to hand size
Kevin Wilson United Independent Colonial Worlds (UICW)
First to be forced to discard due to hand size, Highest Military
Christopher Hunt
Christian Jihad Von his Holiness (CJVH)
First 6-point Development
Chris Hibbert SNAFU
First to gain 5VP chips, First to have 3 Alien cards in the tableau
Bill Scharf Benevolent Overlords

VP Pool:  27

Available Goals


Most Goals: Highest Military (at least 6), and most novelty and rare production or windfall worlds (at least 3).

First Goals:  First player to have a have 3 Alient cards in his tableau, first player to play a 6-cost development, first player to be forced to discard a card due to hand limits, first player to gain 5VP counters.

Galactic Construction and Demolition


The New Phoenicians


The New Phoenicians Goals

Note:  The first goal here is a stand-in for the First 6-point Development goal.

United Independent Colonial Worlds


UICW Goals

Note:  First goal here represents the first to discard due to hand size goal.

Christian Jihad Von his Holiness

CJVH Goals




Benevolent Overlords

Benevelent Overlords