Epoch III Celts, Macedonia, Maurya, and Han Dynasty
Epoch III Romans and Sassanids due 3/8, Tuesday
Epoch III
Great Explorers Grabbing Samples (Geggus) plays Barbarians from the Plateau of Tibet. Hindu Kush (vs. Persia; B: 6, 4; P: 5; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. Scytheans; B: 6, 1; S: 2; wins), Upper Indus (vs. Persia; B: 2, 2; P: 1; wins), Szechuan (vs. Chou Dynasty; B: 4, 2; C: 3; wins), Irrawaddy (vs. Chou Dynasty; B: 5, 3; C: 1+1; wins), Ganges Delta (vs. Chou Dynasty; B: 5, 2; C: 6; loses). CELTS: Army Central Europe (Greek army retreats to Baltic Seaboard), Dniepr, Caucuses (vs. Scytheans; C: 4, 1; S: 2; wins), Eastern Anatolia (vs. Assyria; C: 6, 5; A: 5, 4; wins), Zagros (vs. Persia; C: 2, 1; P: 4; loses), Zagros (vs. Perisa; C: 4, 2; P: 1; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Persia; C: 4, 4; P: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Scytheans; C: 6, 4; S: 5; wins). Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), Southern Europe (6), Northern Europe (2), Presence in India (3), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 2 Seas (2), and 2 Monuments (2) for 24 points.
Time Traveler (Anderson) MACEDONIA: Plays Weaponry. Army and Capital Pindus (Greek army retreats to Morea, GEGS fleet Western Mediterranean unsupported), army Morea (vs. Greeks; M: 6+1, 1+1; G: 3; M: 3+1, 1+1; G: 5; loses), Morea (vs. Greeks; M: 6+1; 4+1; G: 4; wins, Capital reduced to city), fleet Eastern Mediterranean (vs. The Questioner; TT: 6+1, 2+1; Q: 2; wins), army Eastern Anatolia (vs. Celts; M: 6+1, 4+1; C: 5, 3; wins), Zagros (vs. Celts; M: 3+1, 2+1; C: 6; loses), Zagros (vs. Celts; M: 5+1, 1+1; C: 3; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Celts; M: 2+1, 2+1; C: 4; loses), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Celts; M: 5+1, 5+1; C: 6; M: 3+1, 3+1; C: 4; M: 5+1, 5+1; C: 1; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Indus Valley; M: 5+1, 2+1; I: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Western Deccan (vs. Persia; M: 6+1, 1+1; P: 4, 1; wins), Western Ghats (vs. Indus Valley; M: 6+1, 3+1; I: 2; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Celts; M: 6+1, 5+1; C: 6; wins, city eliminated), Middle Tigris (vs. Persia; M: 5+1, 4+1; P: 1; wins, city eliminated), Lower Tigris (vs. Sumerians; M: 5+1, 3+1; S: 6; M: 4+1, 1+1; S: 2; M: 5+1, 1+1; S: 3; M: 6+1, 5+1; S: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city). Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), India (6), Southern Europe (6), Presence in China (3), 2 Capitals (4), 4 cities (4), 1 Sea (1), and 3 Monuments (3) for 33 points.
Arachnids (Bolduc) plays Civil War in Pindus (vs. Macedonians; C: 6, 4; M: 5; wins, Capital reduced to city) and Morea (vs. Macedonians; C: 6, 6; M: 6; C: 4, 1; M: 1; wins, city eliminated). MAURYA: Army and Capital Ganges Delta (Chou army eliminated), army Malayan Peninsula, Ganges Valley (vs. Aryans; M: 3, 2; A: 2; wins), Upper Indus, Hindu Kush, Persian Plateau (vs. Macedonia; Mau: 6, 4; Mac: 3; wins), Mekong, Szechuan, Sumatra, Eastern Deccan (vs. Aryans; M: 5, 2; A: 5, 1; M: 6, 4; A: 4, 4; wins). Builds Monument Ganges Delta. Points: Dominance in India (6) and Southeast Asia (2), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (3), China (3), Southern Europe (3), 1 Capital (2), 2 cities (2), and 3 Monuments (3) for 26 points.
The Questioner (Partridge) HAN DYNASTY: Army and Capital Great Plain of China (Shang army retreats to Chekiang), army Yellow River (vs. Chou Dynasty; plays Treachery; wins, city eliminated), Chekiang (vs. Shang Dynasty; automatic victory), Wei River (vs. Chou Dynasty; H: 6, 5; C: 3; wins, Capital reduced to city), Tarim Basin, Yangtse Kian (vs. Chou Dynasty; H: 6, 1; C: 4; wins), Szechuan (vs. Maurya; H: 6, 3; M: 4; wins), Si-Kyang (vs. Shang Dynasty; automatic victory), Irrawaddy, fleet South China Sea, army Ganges Delta (vs. Maurya; H: 5, 3; M: 2, 1; wins, Capaital reduced to city), Ganges Valley (vs. Maurya; H: 5, 1; M: 1; wins). Builds Monument Great Plain of China. Points: Control of China (9), Presence in Middle East (3), India (3), and Southeast Asia (1), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), 1 Sea (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 27 points.
HSUING-NU is absent.
Player Name |
Player Faction Name/Color |
Empire Strength Points |
Victory Points |
Kevin Wilson | Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) | 12 | 27 |
Andy Lewis | Marching Through the Ages (red) | 12 | 20 |
Chris Geggus | Great Explorers Grabbing Samples (yellow) | 22 | 55 |
Paul Bolduc | Arachnids (blue) | 22 | 52 |
Dave Anderson | Time Traveler (orange) | 25 | 52 |
Dave Partridge | The Questioner (green) | 31 | 52 |
Arachnids: NILE KINGDOM: Army, city, and fort Upper Nile. SCYTHEANS: Armies Western Steppe, Turanian Plain. CIVIL WAR: Army and city Pindus, army and Monument Morea. MAURYA: Army and Monument Persian Plateau, armies Hindu Kush, Upper Indus, Eastern Deccan, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, Mekong.
Time Traeler: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. MINOANS: Army, Capital, and fort Crete. MACEDONIANS: Army and city Lower Tigris, Lower Indus, army and Monument Middle Tigris, armies Eastern Anatoia, Zagros, Persian Salt Desert, Western Deccan, Western Ghats.
Marching Through the Ages: ASSYRIA: Armies Western Anatolia, Palestine.
Royal Manticoran Historical Society: Fleet Red Sea. CARTHAGINIA: Army, Capital, and Monument Shatts Plateau, army and Monument Nile Delta, armies Libya, Nubia, Southern Iberia.
The Questioner: Fleet South China Sea. PERSIA: Army, city, and Monument Upper Tigris, army and city Levant, army Eastern Ghats. HAN DYNASTY: Army, Capital, and Monument Great Plain of China, army, city, and Monument Ganges Delta, army and city Wei River, army and Monument Tarim Basin, armies Yellow River, Yangtse Kian, Chekiang, Si-Kyang, Szechuan, Irrawaddy, Ganges Valley.
Great Explorers Grabbing Samples: Fleet Black Sea. GREEK CITY STATES: Two armies Baltic Seaboard, armies Balkans, Danubia. CELTS: Armies Central Europe, Dneipr, Caucuses.
Dogbreath, Issue 169 |