
Epoch II Empire Selection

Epoch II Assyria, Chou Dynasty, Vedic City States, Greek City States due 8/17, Tuesday

Epoch II

Royal Manticoran Historical Society (Wilson) gives to the Arachnids

Marching Through the Ages (Lewis) keeps

Time Traveler (Anderson) gives to RMHS

The Questioner (Partridge) keeps

Arachnids (Bolduc) gives to Time Traveler

Great Explorers Grabbing Samples (Geggus) keeps


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 4 9
Andy Lewis Marching Through the Ages (red) 4 6
Dave Anderson Time Traveler (orange) 4 5
Dave Partridge The Questioner (green) 4 4
Paul Bolduc Arachnids (blue) 5 13
Chris Geggus Great Explorers Grabbing Samples (yellow) 5 6


SUMERIANS: Capital and three armies Lower Tigris.

Arachnids: EGYPT: Army, Capital, and Monument Nile Delta, Nubia, Libya.

Time Traeler: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. MINOANS: Army, Capital, and fort Crete, army Western Anatolia.

Marching Through the Ages: INDUS VALLEY: Army and Capital Lower Indus, army Persian Salt Desert, Western Deccan, Western Ghats.

Royal Manticoran Historical Society: BABYLONIANS: Army, Capital, and Monument Middle Tigris, army, city, and Monument Eastern Anatolia, armies Zagros, Levant.

The Questioner: SHANG DYNASTY: Army and Capital Yellow River, armies Great Plain of China, Chekiang, Si-Kyang.

Great Explorers Grabbing Samples: ARYANS: Army and Monument Tarim Basin, armies Turanian Plain, Persian Plateau, Hindu Kush, Upper Indus, Ganges Plain, Eastern Deccan.

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