
Ages II and III

The Players




Chris Geggus Helicarnassos A 13
Bill Scharf Giza A 16
Christopher Hunt Alexandria A 15
Dave Hooton Ephesus B 7
Martin Burgdorf Rhodes A 22

Clockwise passing will go down this list, while counterlockwise passing will go up.

Age II

Phase 3

Helicarnassos plays a loom, gaining 1 cloth production.

Giza plays the Vinyard, gaining 10 gold.

Alexandria plays Glassworks, gaining 1 glass production.

Ephesus spends 2 stone (paying 2 gold to Alexandria for one of them) and builds the first stage of his wonder, gaining 4 gold.

Rhodes plays the Statue, which is free because of the Theater.

Phase 4

Helicarnassos spends 1 brick, 1 ore, and 1 wood (pays 2 gold to Rhodes) and plays the Stables, gaining 2 shields.

Giza spends 3 wood to build the second stage of his wonder.

Alexandria spends 2 stone (buys 1 stone from Giza for 2 gold) and builds the first stage of his wonder.

Ephesus plays the Temple, which is free because of the Altar.

Rhodes spends 1 gold to play a Brickyard, gaining 2 brick production.

Phase 5

Helicarnassos spends 2 brick and one paper to build a Laboratory

Giza spends 1 gold to build a Brickyard

Alexandria spends 2 ore (buying 1 from Alexandria for 1 gold) to build the second stage of his wonder.

Ephesus spends 2 wood to build the second stage of his wonder, gaining 4 gold.

Rhodes spends 3 brick to build the second stage of his wonder.

Phase 6

Helicarnassos spends 3 ore to build the second stage of his wonder. Builds a Scriptorum out of the discard pile.

Giza spends 2 stone and 1 cloth (2 gold paid to Helicarnassos) to build a Library

Alexandria spends 2 glass to build the third stage of his wonder.

Ephesus spends 1 cloth, 1 paper, and 1 glass (2 gold to Alexandria) to build the third stage of his wonder, and gains 4 gold.

Rhodes spends 2 brick and 1 cloth (1 gold to Ephesus) to build a Courthouse.


Helicarnassos has 3 shields versus 2 for Giza and 2 for Rhodes, winning both conflicts.

Giza has 2 shields versus 3 for Helicarnassos and 4 for Alexandria, losing both conflicts.

Alexandria has 4 shields versus 2 for Giza and 1 for Ephesos, winning both conflicts.

Ephesus has 1 shield versus 4 for Alexandria and 2 for Rhodes, losing both conflicts.

Rhodes has 2 shields versus 1 for Ephesus and 3 for Helicarnassos, winning against Ephesus and losing against Helicarnassos.


Phase 1

Helicarnassos spends 1 wood (2 gold to Rhodes), 1 paper, and 1 cloth for a Study.

Giza spends 3 stone and 1 ore for a Circus.

Alexandria plays a Lodge (free because of the the Dispensary).

Ephesus spends 2 brick (2 gold to Rhodes) and 1 wood for the Gardens.

Rhodes plays a Lighthouse, which is free because of the Caravanserai, and gains 4 gold.

Phase 2

Helicarnassos spends 2 stone (2 gold to Giza), 1 ore, and 1 glass for a Townhall.

Giza spends 2 wood, 1 stone, and 1 ore for a Senate.

Alexandria plays an Arena (free because of the Dispensary) and gains 9 gold.

Ephesus spends 1 glass (2 gold to Alexandria), 1 cloth, and 1 paper to build the Traders' Guild.

Rhodes spends 3 brick and 1 wood for a Siege Workshop.

Phase 3

Helicarnassos builds an Observatory (free because of the Laboratory).

Giza spends 2 stone, 2 brick, and a glass (2 gold to Alexandria) for the Builders' Guild.

Alexandria spends 3 ore (1 gold to Ephesus) and 1 stone for Fortifications.

Ephesus spends 2 stone, 1 ore, and 1 glass (4 gold to Alexandria) for a Townhall.

Rhodes spends 4 ore (1 gold to Ephesus and 2 gold to Helicarnassos) to build the third stage of his wonder.

Phase 4

Helicarnassos spends 2 wood (2 gold each to Rhodes and Giza), 1 ore, and 1 cloth for an Arsenal

Giza spends 3 wood, 1 stone, and 1 cloth (2 gold to Helicarnassos) to build a Magistrates' Guild.

Alexandria spends 2 wood (1 gold to Ephesus and 2 gold to Giza), 1 stone, and 1 ore to build a Senate.

Ephesus spends 3 wood (2 gold to Rhodes), 1 glass (2 gold to Alexandria), and 1 paper to build a Shipowners' Guild.

Rhodes spends 2 ore (1 gold to Ephesus) 1 cloth (1 gold to Helicarnassos) and 1 stone for a Strategists' Guild.

Phase 5

Helicarnassos spends 2 cloth to build the third stage of his wonder.

Giza spends 2 wood, 1 ore, and 1 cloth (2 gold to Helicarnassos) to build an Arsenal.

Alexandria spends 2 wood (1 gold to Ephesus and 2 gold to Giza), 1 paper (2 gold to Ephesus), and 1 glass to build a University.

Ephesus plays the Pantheon (free because of the Temple).

Rhodes spends 2 brick and 1 wood for the Gardens

Phase 6

Helicarnassos plays a Haven (free because of the Forum), gaining 4 gold.

Giza spends 4 stone (2 gold to Helicarnassos) to build the third stage of his wonder.

Alexandria spends 2 brick (4 gold to Giza) and 1 papyrus (2 gold to Ephesus) and builds a Chamber of Commerce, gaining 2 gold.

Ephesus spends 2 ore (2 gold to Alexandria), 1 brick (2 gold to Rhodes), 1 stone (2 gold to Alexandria), and 1 wood for a Workers' Guild.

Rhodes spends 2 stone (2 gold to Helicarnassos) and 1 ore for an Arena, gaining 9 gold.


Helicarnassos has 6 shields versus 8 for Giza and 5 for Rhodes, winning versus Rhodes and losing versus Giza.

Giza has 8 shields versus 6 shields for Helicarnassos and 7 for Alexandria, winning both conflicts.

Alexandria has 7 shields versus 8 shields for Giza and 1 for Ephesos, winning versus Ephesos and losing versus Giza.

Ephesus has 1 shield versus 7 for Alexandria and 5 for Rhodes, losing both conflicts.

Rhodes has 5 shields versus 1 for Ephesus and 6 for Helicarnassos, winning against Ephesus and losing against Helicarnassos.

Victory Points






Military 12 6 12 -4 4
Gold 4 5 5 2 7
Wonder 10 15 10 10 10
Civics Buildings 6 8 6 31 15
Commercial Buildings 4 0 5 0 8
Guilds 0 11 0 18 6
Science Symbols 10 1 13 0 0
Total 46 46 51 57 50

Congratulatins to Dave Hooton on his victory in a close game.

End of Game Statements

Christopher Hunt (Alexandria): A close game. Firstly thanks to Chris for his excellent umpiring and overlooking my mistakes. Congratulations to Dave for his win. Well played. I had good cards but poor judgement.

Chris Geggus (Helicarnassos): Thanks for running the game. Enjoyed it as ever and will come back stronger next time.

Dave Hooton (Ephesus): It's been awhile since I've played non-expanded 7 Wonders. My group usually does a 7+ player "140 Wonders", which contains every print-and-play expansion which has been blessed by the author, including ruins (like leaders but with mandatory penalties instead of special abilities), and the orange maritime cards (which allow limited trade and conflict with non-neighbors). In our game, I was despairing at the end of the first round of ever getting a stage built, since the stone resource cards were taken by my non-neighbors. Fortunately, I got a Caravasery during the second round and my stages funded my collection of blue cards.

Broholmer, Issue 228


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