
Age I

The Players




Chris Geggus Helicarnassos A 6
Bill Scharf Giza A 3
Christopher Hunt Alexandria A 4
Dave Hooton Ephesus B 6
Martin Burgdorf Rhodes A 3

Clockwise passing will go down this list, while counterlockwise passing will go up.

Age I

Phase 1

Helicarnassos plays a Clay Pool, gaining 1 clay production.

Giza plays a Stone Pit, gaining 1 stone production.

Alexandria plays a Stone Pit, gaining 1 stone production.

Ephesus plays the Forest Cave, spending 1 gold, and gaining production of wood or ore.

Rhodes plays the Marketplace, gaining a discount on manufactured resources from both neighbors.

Phase 2

Helicarnassos plays a Guard Tower, paying 1 brick and gaining 1 shield.

Giza plays a Timber Yard, paying 1 gold, and gaining production of stone or wood.

Alexandria plays an Ore Vein, gaining 1 ore production.

Ephesus plays a Barracks, paying 1 ore and gaining 1 shield.

Rhodes plays the Clay Pool, gaining 1 clay production.

Phase 3

Helicarnassos plays an Excavation, paying 1 gold and gaining production of 1 stone or 1 brick.

Giza plays the Clay Pit, paying 1 gold and gaining production of 1 brick or 1 ore.

Alexandria plays a Workshop, using inherent glass production.

Ephesus plays a Tavern, gaining 5 gold.

Rhodes plays a West Trading Post, allowing the purchase of raw materials from Ephesus for 1 gold each.

Phase 4

Helicarnassos plays an Ore Vein, gaining production of one ore.

Giza plays an Altar, gaining 2 victory points.

Alexandria plays and East Trading Post, allowing the purchase of raw materials from Ephesus for 1 gold each.

Ephesus pays 2 gold to Alexandria for stone and plays the Baths, gaining 3 victory points.

Rhodes plays a Lumber Yard, gaining 1 lumber production.

Phase 5

Helicarnassos plays a Tavern, gaining 5 gold.

Giza spends 2 stone to build the first stage of his wonder.

Alexandria spends 1 ore to play a Barracks, gaining one shield.

Ephesus plays the Altar, gaining 2 victory points.

Rhodes plays the Theater, gaining 2 victory points.

Phase 6

Helicarnassos uses 2 brick to build the first stage of his wonder.

Giza discards a card for 3 gold.

Alexandria spends 1 lumber to build a Stockade.

Ephesus plays a Loom, gaining 1 cloth production.

Rhodes plays a Press, gaining 1 paper production.


Helicarnassos has 1 shield versus 0 shields for Giza and 0 shields for Rhodes, winning both conflicts.

Giza has 0 shields, versus 1 for Helicarnassos and 2 for Alexandria, losing both conflicts.

Alexandria has 2 shields, versus 0 for Giza and 1 for Ephesus, winning both conflicts.

Ephesus has 1 shield, versus 2 for Alexandria and 0 for Rhodes, losing versus Alexandria and winning versus Rhodes.

Rhodes has 0 shields, versus 1 for Ephesus and 1 for Helicarnassos, losing both conflicts.

Age II

Phase 1

Helicarnassos spends 2 bricks to play the Forum.

Giza spends 1 gold to play the Sawmill, gaining 2 wood production

Alexandria spends 2 ore and 1 glass (paying Ephesus 1 gold for 1 ore) to play the Dispensary

Ephesus plays an Aqueduct, which is free because of the Baths

Rhodes plays the Caravanserai, which is gree because of the Marketplace, gaining the production of one raw commodity per turn.

Phase 2

Helicarnassos spends 1 gold to build the Foundry, gaining 2 ore production.

Giza spends 3 stone to build Walls, gaining 2 shields.

Alexandria plays the Archery Range, which is free because of the Workshop, gaining 2 shields.

Ephesus spends 2 wood to build the Caravanserai, spending 2 gold to buy 1 wood from Rhodes, gaining the production of one raw commodity per turn.

Rhodes spends 2 wood to build the first stage of his wonder.


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Broholmer, Issue 229