
Epoch I Egypt, Minoans, and Indus Valley

Babylonians, Shang Dynasty, and Aryans due 3/21, Tuesday

Epoch I

NICE (Burgdorf) EGYPT: Plays Engineering. Army and Capital Nile Delta, armies Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, fleet Eastern Mediterranean, army Western Anatolia, forts Nile Delta, Palestine. Points: Presence in North Africa (1), Middle East (2), 1 Capital (2), and 1 Sea (1) for 6 points.

Romulus and Remus (Anderson) MINOANS: Army and Capital Crete, fleet Eastern Mediterranean (vs. NICE; RR: 5, 3; NICE: 4; wins), army Western Anatolia (vs. Egypt; M: 6, 3; E: 3, 2; wins), fort Crete. Points: Presence in Middle East (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1) for 4 points.

Red Devils (Martin) Plays Hittites. Army and Capital Eastern Anatolia, Western Anatolia (vs. Minoans; H: 5, 4; M: 4; wins), fort Eastern Anatolia. INDUS VALLEY: Army and Capital Lower Indus, army Persian Salt Desert, Zagros (vs. Sumerians; I: 5, 4; S: 2; wins), Hindu Kush. Points: Dominance in Middle East (4), Presence in India (1), 2 Capitals (4) for 9 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 0 0
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 4 6
Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 0 0
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 0 0
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 4 4
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 5 6
Brad Martin Red Devils (red) 4 9


Brad Martin has taken over Red.


On the Planet of the Guardian: The Romulan Commander looked around. Impressive technology on just a very simple world.

His mission was simple. Have the Orange sub-sect humanoids dominate the Earth. The World history would be changed. He would lead it. No more Federation. He conferred with his officers. “Sub-Commander Tal, have you put the tectonic plate changes around the world??” “Yes Commander.” “Sub-Commander, are the Reman troops in suspended animation as requested that way I can send them forth at a moments notice?” “Yes Commander.” “Guardian,” he said, “take me to Crete--Ancient period.. I will start the change there. I will fortify their island and not make it as inviting to invasion as before.” He stepped into the Guardian and was gone....


RMHS: SUMERIANS: Army, Capital, and Monument Lower Tigris, armies Zagros, Upper Tigris, Levant.

NICE: EGYPT: Army, Capital, and Fort Nile Delta, army and Fort Palestine, army Arabian Peninsula.

Romulus and Remus: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. MINOANS: Army, Capital, and Fort Crete.

Red Devils: HITTITES: Army, Capital, and Fort Eastern Anatolia, army Western Anatolia. INDUS VALLEY: Army and Capital Lower Indus, armies Persian Salt Desert, Zagros, Hindu Kush.

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