
Seafarers of Catan

Turns 13.4 through End of Game Statements

Turn 13

Ron rolls an 8. Martin gains 1 brick, Ron and Dave each gain 2 brick. Trades 3 brick to Chris for 1 grain. Builds a road from G15 to F15 and upgrades the settlement at E10 to a city.

Chris rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 5 Hills area and steals brick from Dave. Passes.

Andy rolls a 4. Ron gains 2 ore, Andy gains 3 ore, Martin gains 1 ore, and Dave gains 1 grain. Upgrades settlement at F14 to a city.

Dave rolls an 8. Ron gains 2 brick and 1 ore, Chris and Andy each gain 1 ore, Dave gains 2 brick, and Martin gains 1 brick. Trades 3 grain for 1 wool and builds a ship from E8 to F8 (discovers Pasture 9, gains wool) and builds another ship from F8 to F9.

Martin plays a Knight card and moves the Robber to the 6 Forest space and steals a brick from Dave. Rolls a 9. Chris gains 1 grain, Andy gains 2 grain and 2 brick, Dave gains 2 grain, and Martin gains 1 brick. Trades a brick to Chris for 1 grain, trades 4 brick for 1 wool and buys a development card.

Turn 14

Ron rolls a 4. Ron gains 2 ore, Andy gains 4 ore, Dave gains 1 grain, and Martin gains 1 ore. Trades 2 ore to Dave for 1 grain, trades 4 brick for 1 grain and upgrades the settlement at G13 to a city.

Chris rolls an 11. Chris gains 1 lumber, Andy gains 2 lumber, and Dave gains 1 brick. Trades 4 brick for 1 wool and builds a settlement at H20.

Andy rolls a 6. Chris gains 1 wool. Trades 4 ore for 1 wool and builds a ship fro G11 to G10 (discovers ocean), builds a road from D14 to C14, and upgrades the settlement at G11 to a city.

Dave rolls a 3. Ron gains 4 wool, Dave gains 1 wool and 1 lumber, and Chris and Martin each gain 1 lumber. Trades 3 brick for 1 ore and upgrades the settlement at B11 to a city.

End of Game Statements

Ron: Well played Dave, the plan to build often seems to work if you can get the rolls and your placement was spot on. This was my first game of Sea-farers and a lot of fun. Thanks to all for a real enjoyable time and many thanks to Chris H for a well run and fun game.

Chris: Thanks Chris. I just couldn't get going in this one and the die rolling really battered me. Well done Dave, until the next one.

Andy: Congrats to Dave on a solid victory - well deserved. And the usual "Great Job" to Chris for running herd on this game!

Dave: The placement phase positioned me for lots of Brick and Wood. That gave me the road building, and I was lucky in an early robber allowing me to steal a Wool and build a quick 3rd settlement. After that I was gaining resources on almost any roll, and being able to easily build roads made getting additional settlements easier so the lead started to steamroll. The only problem was my lack of Ore, which I had to grab through robbers and 3-1 ports. The map was pretty crowded, and I think my position in the corner where I could freely build helped as well. No great strategy after that or anything, just build as many settlements/cities as possible and use the 3-1 ports.

Thanks all for an enjoyable game, and to Chris as always for his usual superb GMing job.









Development Cards


Ron Fisher Red 4 1 7
Chris Geggus Yellow 1 2 1 Parliament, Market 5
Andy York Blue 2 6
Dave Partridge Green 1 1 12*
Martin Burgdorf Brown 1 2 1 Knight, 1 Unplayed Knight 2

* Includes longest trade route.

Akita, Issue 194


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