
Turn 7 Nexus to Bidding

Turn 7 Bidding and Movement due 5/7, Tuesday


Emperor Kevin Wilson Fremen Martin Burgdorf
Guild Bob Robles Harkonnens Bill Scharf
Game Master Chris Hassler

Turn 7


The second second OH Gap worm goes to Cielago South (2 Guild tokens to the tanks).  The Fremen token in Funeral Plain rides the worm to Minor Erg (7).  The Emperor and Guild reaffirm their alliance.

Spice Blow

8 spice Habbanya Erg
10 spice Great Flat

Bidding Round

CHOAM Charity recipients:  None.
Three cards are up for bid.  Eligible bidders:  Emperor (3 cards), Guild (0 cards), Harkonnens (4 cards).


Emperor: 1 token (Elite Sadaukar) Arrakeen, 14 tokens  (4 Elite Sadaukar) and Burseg in the tanks, 5 tokens off-planet

3 cards


5 tokens Sietch Tabr, 1 token The Minor Erg (7), 1 token (Fedaykin) Broken Land (12), 9 tokens (1 Fedaykin) Southern Hemisphere, 4 tokens (1 Fedaykin) and Chani in the tanks

4 cards

Guild: 11 tokens Tuek’s Sietch, 9 tokens, Guild Representative, and Staban Tuek in the tanks

0 cards


2 tokens Carthag, 6 tokens Habbanya Ridge Sietch, 2 tokens off-planet, 10 tokens in the tanks

4 cards

Affenpinscher Map

Affenpinscher, Issue 240


S.O.B. 241 Home


Affenpinscher, Issue 242