
The Players





Terraform Rating

Andy York
Kevin Wilson
Dave Hooton
Chris Geggus
Christopher Hunt Valley Trust
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Andy York
Kevin Wilson 8
Dave Hooton 10
Chris Geggus 17
Christopher Hunt 0

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker

(1 steel production)
(1 steel production) (1 steel production) 3 (3 steel)


(1 animal)

(1 animal)

(1 animal)

6 (3 animals)


Valley Trust


(2M€ production)

4 (7M€)


Valley Trust

(1 ocean)

(1 ocean)

5 (1 plant production)

Aridor (3 floaters) 4 (2 floaters)


(3 microbes)

(3 microbes)

(3 microbes)

2 (1 microbe)

(1 heat production)
(1 heat production) (1 heat production) 2 (3 heat)
5 (3 titanium)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Terraforming Committee

Leader Delegates
Mars First
1 (Viron)
3 (1 Aridor, 2 neutral)
4 (2 neutral, 2 Polyphemos)
2 (1 Viron, 1 neutral)
4 (1 Valley Trust, 1 neutral, 2 Phoblog)
Chair is Aridor. Ruling Party: Kelvinists

Global Events

Coming Current
Viral Modifications Approved/Pandemic
Science Summit/Sponsored Projects Jovian Colony Boom/Jovian Tax Rights

Generation 3

Action Phase

Phoblog spends 9M€ to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium, then spends 4 titanium and 3M€ for Titan Shuttles.

Aridor spends 18M€ for Titan Floating Launch-Pad, gaining 1M€ production and 2 floaters on the card, then spends 1 floater from there to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€. Valley Trust gains 2M€.

Valley Trust spends 12M€ for Arctic Algae, gaining 1 plant.

Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens. Greens become the dominant party.

Polyphemos spends 5 titanium for a Comet, increasing the temperature to -28C and placing an ocean at C7, gaining 2 titanium and increasing his TR to 22 and removing 3 plants from Valley Trust, then spends 10M€ for Nuclear Zone at B6, gaining 1 titanium and 2M€ and increasing the temperature to -24C, gaining 1 heat production and increasing his TR to 24.

Phoblog spends 17M€ to place a colony on Titan, gaining 3 floaters on Titan Shuttles.

Aridor spends 17M€ for an Electro-Catapult, gaining 1M€ production and losing 1 energy production, then spends 1 steel to use the Electro-Catapult, gaining 7M€.

Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.

Viron spends 2 microbes from Regolith Eaters to increase the oxygen level to 4% and his TR to 20.

Polyphemos spends 7M€ for a PR Office, increasing his TR to 25 and gaining 3M€, then spends 4 steel and 1M€ for Mining Rights in D8, gaining 1 steel, 1 steel production, and 2M€.

Phoblog moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First. Mars First becomes the dominant party.

Aridor spends 9M€ for a Soil Factory, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1 plant production, then adds a resource to Dirigibles.

Valley Trust spends 4M€ for Tardigrades.

Viron uses its corporate ability to spend 2 microbes from Regolith Eaters to increase the oxygen level to 5% and his TR to 21.

Polyphemos spends 4M€ for a Luna Governor, gaining 2M€ production and adds a resource to Extremophiles.

Phoblog adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.

Aridor moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Greens. The Greens become the dominant party.

Valley Trust spends 4M€ on Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy production and reduced Viron's plant production by 1.

Viron spends 18M€ for Venus Soils, increasing Venus to 2%, his TR to22, his plant production by 1 and adding 2 resources to Regolith Eaters.

Polyphemos spends 3 titanium for Miranda Resort, gaining 5M€ production, then spends 1M€ production to gain a resource on Refugee Camps.

Phoblog passes.

Aridor passes.

Valley Trust passes.

Viron passes.

Polyphemos moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.

Polyphemos passes.

Production Phase

Phoblog gains 32M€, 1 titanium, and 1 heat.

Aridor moves 3 energy to heat then gains 35M€, 1 plant, and 1 energy.

Valley Trust moves 2 energy to heat and gains 19M€, 3 plants, 4 energy, and 2 heat.

Viron moves 1 energy to heat then gains 23M€, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 1 energy.

Polyphemos moves 1 energy to heat then gains 35M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Venus Infrastructure. Phoblog has 0 Venus tags and 0 influence. Aridor has 2 Venus tags and 1 influence and gains 6M€. Valley Trust has 1 Venus tag and 0 influence and gains 2M€. Viron has 1 Venus tag and 2 influence and gains 6M€. Polyphemos has 1 Venus tag and 2 influence and gains 6M€.

New Government

The Green become the ruling party. Aridor gains 1M€. Valley Trust gains 2M€. Viron gains 4M€. Polyphemos gains 1M€. Viron delegate becomes Chairmain, Viron TR increases to 22. Mars First party becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Experimental Lifeforms/Eco Sabotage becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Red party. Mohole Lake/Snow Cover becomes the coming event. Jovian Colony Boom/Jovian Tax Rights becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Scientists.

Generation 4

Research Phase

Aridor buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Valley Trust buys 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Viron buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Polyphemos buys 2 cards, spending 10M€.

Phoblog buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

Aridor spends 18M€ for a Trading Colony on Triton, gaining 3 titanium, then spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Ceres, gaining 8 steel.

Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.

Viron spends 13M€ for a Lava Tube Settlement in B2, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2M€ production and 2 plants. Aridor gains a resource on Pets. Viron then spends 8M€ to claim the Diversivier milestone.

Polyphemos spends 9M€ for Advanced Alloys, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Unity party.

Phoblog spends 9M€ to trade with Titan, gaining 4 floaters on Titan Shuttles, then spends 8M€ to claim the Hoverlord milestone.

Aridor uses the Electro-Catapult to convert 1 steel into 7M€.

Valley Trust spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€. Aridor gains 2M€. Valley Trust then spends 17M€ to place a colony on Europa, placing an ocean tile at A1, gaining 4 plants and increasing his TR to 19.

Viron spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in C3, gaining 1 steel, 4M€, increasing the oxygen level to 6% and his TR to 23, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.

Polyphemos spends 15M€ for a Plantation, placing a greenery tile at D4, gaining 4M€, 2 steel, increasing the oxygen level to 7% and his TR to 25, then adds a resource to Extremophiles.

Phoblog spends 10M€ for Nuclear Power, losing 2M€ production and gaining 3 energy production.

Aridor spends 7 steel and 9M€ for a Protected Valley in F5, gaining 3M€ production, 1 card, and 4M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 8%, which increases the temperature to -22C and his TR to 20. Then spends 14M€ for an Asteroid, increasing the temperature to -20C and his TR to 21 and gaining 1 heat production.

Valley Trust passes.

Viron spends 2 microbes from Regolith Eaters to raise the oxygen level to 9% and his TR to 24 then uses its corporate ability to add a resource to Regolith Eaters.

Polyphemos spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area to draw a card, then spends 1M€ production to add a resrouce to Refugee Camps.

Phoblog adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.

Aridor spends 1 floater from Dirigibles and 2 titanium for Venus Waystation, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.

Viron spends 2 titanium and 20M€ for Methane From Titan, gaining 2 plant production and 2 heat production, then spends 1 steel and 3M€ for SF Memorial, gaining 1 card.

Polyphemos spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium, then spends 7M€ to use Space Mirrors to gain 1 energy production.

Phoblog moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.

Aridor uses Dirigibles to add a resource to Titan Floating Launch-Pad.

Viron passes.

Polyphemos passes.

Phoblog passes.

Aridor spends 5M€ to move a delegate from the Reserve to the Kelvinists.

Aridor passes.

Production Phase

Aridor moves 1 energy to heat then gains 40M€, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 1 heat.

Valley Trust moves 1 energy to heat and gains 19M€, 3 plants, 4 energy, and 2 heat.

Viron moves 1 energy to heat then gains 27M€, 1 titanium, 4 plants, and 2 heat.

Polyphemos moves 1 energy to heat then gains 34M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Phoblog gains 29M€, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Eco Sabotage. Aridor has 2 plants, so loses nothing. Valley Trust has 14 plants and 1 influence, so loses 10 plants. Viron has 4 plants and 1 influence, so loses nothing. Polyphemos has 4 plants and 0 influence, so loses 1 plant. Phoblog has 0 plants.

New Government

Mars First becomes the ruling party. Aridor gains 3M€. Valley Trust gains 1M€. Viron gains 4M€. Polyphemos gains 1M€. Phoblog gains 4M€. Phoblog delegate becomes Chairmain, Phoblog TR increases to 19. Kelvinists become the dominant party.

Changing Times

Mohole Lake/Snow Cover becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Kelvinists. Jovian Colony Boom/Jovian Tax Rights becomes the coming event. Science Summit/Sponsored Projects becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.

Generation 5

Research Phase

Valley Trust buys 1 card, spending 3M€.

Viron buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Polyphemos buys 2 cards, spending 10M€.

Phoblog buys 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Aridor buys 1 card, spending 3M€.

Action Phase

Valley Trust spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€. Aridor gains 2M€. Valley Trust then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -18C and its TR to 19.

Viron spends 7M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding 1 card and drawing 3. All other players draw 1 card. Viron then spends 1M€ for Mercurian Alloys.

Polyphemos spends 5 steel and 3M€ for Tectonic Stress Power, gaining 3 energy production, then spends 8M€ to claim the Tactician Milestone.

Phoblog spends 8M€ for Public Celebrations, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership.

Aridor spends 1 titanium and 24M€ on a Space Port Colony on Triton, gaining 1 trade fleet and 3 titanium, then spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Triton, gaining 5 titanium. Phoblog gains 1 titanium.

Valley Trust spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C and its TR to 20.

Viron adds a resource to Regolith Easers, then uses its corporate ability to spend 2 resources from Regolith Eaters to increase the oxygen level to 10% and its TR to 24.

Polyphemos adds a resource to Extremophiles, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Unity party, assuming party leadership.

Phoblog converts 11 floaters on Titan Shuttles to titanium.

Aridor spends 5 titanium and 8M€ for an Ice Moon colony on Titan, gaining 3 resources on Dirigibles, and places an ocean at A2, gaining 2 plants, 1 steel, and 2M€ and increasing its TR to 21, then spends 3 titanium to trade with Io, gaining 13 heat.

Valley Trust spends 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel, then spends 26M€ for an Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid, gaining 2 resources on Tardigrades, 3 heat production, and 1 plant production.

Viron moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, assuming party leadership, then spends 1 titanium for Rotator Impacts.

Polyphemos spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area to draw a card, then spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.

Phoblog spends 3 titanium for a Stanford Torus. Aridor gains a resource on Pets.

Airdor spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -14C and its TR to 22, then spends 8 more heat to raise the temperature to -12C and its TR to 23.

Valley Trust spends 4M€ and 3 steel for Rego Plastics.

Viron spends 6M€ to place a resource on Rotator Impacts.

Polyphemos plays Project Inspection, allowing it to use Restricted Area again, paying 2M€ to draw 1 card.

Phoblog spends 4 titanium for a Convoy from Europa, gaining 1 card and placing an ocean at G4, gaining 1 plant and increasing its TR to 20.

Aridor spends 1 plant to gain 7M€ with the Electro-Catapult, then spends 13M€ for a Lunar Beam, losing 2M€ production and gaining 2 energy and 2 heat production.

Valley Trust passes.

Viron spends 8M€ to fund the Contractor award.

Polyphemos spends 3 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 4 microbes on Extremophiles, then spends 1 titanium and 1M€ for Optimal Aerobraking.

Phoblog spends 12M€ on a Water Splitting Plant, then spends 3 energy to use that plant to increase the oxygen level to 11% and its TR to 21.

Airdor spends 5M€ on a Power Supply Consortium, gaining 1 energy production and reducing Polyphemos' energy production by 1.

Viron passes.

Polyphemos passes.

Phoblog passes.

Aridor moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership, then uses Dirigibles to add a floater to Titan Floating Launch-Pad.

Aridor passes.

Production Phase

Valley Trust moves 1 energy to heat and gains 20M€, 4 plants, 4 energy, and 5 heat.

Viron gains 28M€, 1 titanium, 4 plants, and 2 heat.

Polyphemos gains 32M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, 5 energy, and 1 heat.

Phoblog gains 31M€, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Aridor moves 1 energy to heat then gains 40M€, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 3 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Snow Cover. Temperature reduced to -16C. Valley Trust has 1 influence, so gains 1 card. Phoblog has 1 influence, so gains 1 card. Aridor has 2 influence, so gains 2 cards.

New Government

The Kelvinists becomes the ruling party. Valley Trust gains 5M€. Viron gains 2M€. Polyphemos gains 1M€. Phoblog gains 1M€. Aridor gains 3M€. Aridor delegate becomes Chairmain, Aridor TR increases to 23. Reds become the dominant party.

Changing Times

Jovian Colony Boom/Jovian Tax Rights becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Unity party. Science Summit/Sponsored Projects becomes the coming event. Viral Modifications Approved/Pandemic becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Greens.


Global Events

Terraforming Committee

<Trade Fleets CeresMirandaLunaEuropaTitanEnceladusIo






Valley Trust

Tornjak, Issue 253

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