
End of Game Statements

Bill Scharf (Smash the Destroyer) Main reason I won this game was no one was near me when I was negotiating flag three, that was in a particularly difficult to reach and exit location, with a few too many bottomless pits nearby. Thanks to Chris for running it. And by the way I didn’t notice that Chris Geggus had shut down that last round...I was expecting pressor beam problems....again....

I have to admit having a good weapon installed does add to the fun and mayhem....not so much if you’re the opponent....that doesn’t have one.

Brendan Whyte (Robot Nick) I claim 3rd place! Always a fun game. However I think the race should have included a return to the start, and the flags to be tagged, not in numerical order, but in any order. Alternatively, a ‘long’ board like this can be made better by wraparound: north and south edges adjoin, as do east and west (making a torus in effect). That would help cancel out the relatively ‘thick’ spread of board elements: there are a lot of walls, lasers etc, which tend to slow the game down when bots start taking damage. The north end of the board, with all its conveyors, and the 2 flags placed inside these conveyor rings, were particularly hard to reach. Thankfully Chris didn’t put a flag on G7 (only accessible with a M2 from the west)! I think I spent more time fighting the board than other players (though they seemed to spend quite a whiles fighting me!). But perhaps I should have concentrated on hitting Bill instead of reaching flag 3… decisions, decisions. Next game, no more Mr Nice Bot! Thanks for running Chris!

Dave Hooton (meRobot) Congratulations to Bill for winning and thanks to Chris H. for running it. I was not in a position to mess with SmaD this turn, so I just cemented 2nd place.

Chris Geggus (GEGS) As chaotic and fun as ever. Well done Bill and a thank you to Chris.

Chris Hassler (GM) In retrospect, I think I may have made the board a little too hard. This is the first time I've had players eliminated in a game of Robo Rally that I've run, plus the fact that it ran 31 turns – more than 50% longer than the previous longest running game. I also think that for the next one, I will take Brendan's suggestions of so specific order for tagging flags, a return to start, and a torroidal board.

Spaniel, Issue 257

Kai Ken

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